How Long Should It Take To Download A Movie On Directv
No this is not true, I had to replace a receiver and was receiving On Demand within 12 hour period, and I have an R22 receiver. Test your internet connection by doing the following Press the menu button>Parental, Fav's & Setup>System Setup>Network Setup>Test Connection. I remember I had to to this on a previous receiver as well because I was having a smiler problem to yours and turns out the if its first time for the receiver being turned on then it doesn't automatically recognize u have an internet connection without doing the following steps above.
Nov 15, 2017. DIRECTV NOW is your NEW standalone streaming service for Live TV and On Demand entertainment. Enjoy news, sports, events, and shows as they air. Your favorite TV series and movies can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Looking for instant access to TV with no annual contract? You're one click. We don't host free ads. (All advertisements in answers, questions, profile photos, in taglines, a.
Once I tested the internet connection everything was running smoothly. Hope this helps and have a Merry Christmas. Thanks stonecold. I do not have the internet connection hooked yet and I was talking about channel 1100. There is one movie that has the green check that says I can watch now but all others have 'coming soon'.

Even the welcome box has coming soon and when I select it it will not let me watch it it gives a message like 'do you want to add this channel' or something to that effect. If I high-lite the box for the one movie that has the green check it will give me the option to watch now are download. Guess I will give it to next week and see then. The other hr24 in my living room did not take that long which is why I was questioning it.
For all things DirecTv and DirecTvNow!!! • Discuss things related to DirecTv or DirecTv Now. It doesn't matter. We welcome all discussions.
• Discuss programming. Ask questions about equipment and installations. Rant about the latest content-provider dispute. • All posts with personal information will be removed. You cannot post employee names, or ID #'s. This violates. • I can't believe I have to put this here, but DON'T BE A JERK.
Posts will get locked, and users will get the ban hammer. • Please don't come in to this sub, just to spew hatred or frustration in a derogatory manner.
Post constructive questions. We reserve the right to remove posts that violate these terms. Related subs: • • •. Just got my new Genie receiver today and decided to try some on-demand programs. An hour long show seems to download -just- barely faster than the length of the program itself. I have a bare minimum 60 Mbps speed, and right now it seems to be partial to 90 Mbps. Unless an hour of a show is more than 30 GB (no way), it's obvious there's some throttling or port problems here.
Does anyone know of some ports that can be forwarded, or any tricks to make this use my full bandwidth? Been tracking my bandwidth usage, and it looks like a single HD episode is less than 500-800 MB, far too small for it to take this long. I'm the idiot. The HR24 has a built in deca. If you connect an ethernet cable to it, it will disconnect from your whole-home-network because it sets up a IP address on your router instead of using the Ad-hoc network that the whole-home system uses. HOWEVER, both the HR34 and HR44 have a built in ability to bridge a wired ethernet connection to distribute it to other boxes on the network.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A DECA IF YOU HAVE A GENIE. It's suggested, but your system will work fine without one. My system is connected this way. This is the same thing that the HR44 does with built in wifi. If you connect your HR44 with the built in wifi, it will distribute internet to any other advanced boxes on the system while still doing whole home. It's not technically called a wired CCK. It's jut a broadband DECA, (Which is different than a receiver DECA).
A lot of people refer to it as a wired cinema connection kit to differentiate it from a wireless one. Check page 4 of this white paper.
The Boardband DECA and a Receiver DECA are the same device; just connected differently. I'm very well aware of how it all works; connected the Genie will effect the Whole Home DVR Service after a period of time. I've worked with Directv for 4 years. And daily deal with morons that connect thier genies to the router via ether net and wonder why they can't see thier play list anymore, or the other recievers are not getting internet. 90% of the technically issues agents have to deal with every day are due to User Stupidity vs actual device issue • • • • •.
Just because you have a 60-90 Mbps internet speed going from your modem/router to the outside world - doesn't mean your internal devices are connecting/operating at that speed. You ISP supplied Wireless Router usualy has a top wireless speed of 150Mpbs. Thats not per device! 4 Device active at the same time on 1 network will get about 40Mpbs. Htc Touch P3450 Elf Romana on this page. The router splits the Wireless speed of 150Mbps between the number of active devices. Get a better router.
Or call DTV and pay $49 for a tech to come install a Broadband DECA2 (Connected Home Adapter) to your router. It's not the router. I don't think I'm going to lose a huge chunk of my speed just because an extra device is connected. If I had multiple devices using the connection for something demanding, then yeah, obviously that would be a problem.
The DTV receiver is directly plugged into the router, same as my PC, which gets 90 Mbps no problem. Every other device is the same. From what I've seen, DTV apparently caps the speed. Nothing to be done about it but deal with it like everyone else, unfortunately.
You should research how the routers work. Second thing. Eax1550 Driver Windows 7.
Don't fucking connect your Receiver to the router. Those Ethernet ports are not made for customer use. They are for connected DECAs and for Technician use. DTV doesn't cap the speed. I have 3 DVRs (HR44, 2x HR24) and kids watching things through OnDemand on 1 while the wife is watching OnDemand on the other. We have no issues with buffering, slow downloads. Thats because I have a DualBand Router with Gigabit Ethernet ports, and the Genie is hardwired via a Broadband Deca to a ethernet switch that host my NASBox and Rasp PI server.
You internet network is shit; so don't try to blame it on DTV. Dry dish, I hear their OnDemand options work well • • • • •. I should have been more clear about what I meant. I do not have an Ethernet cable going from the receiver itself to the router. I'm using the device the DTV tech gave me.
It's connected to the coax cable, which is then connected to the router. I was just saying that to specify that there is a direct router connection going on. My network really is not shit, however. I've connected and used several devices on my network without issue. I wouldn't be consistently getting those high speeds on multiple devices if there was a network issue. The DTV on-demand programming is the ONLY thing affected. Honestly, at this point I have to say I just don't care that much anymore.
It downloads 'fast enough' that I can watch it as it goes without issues and still be able to fast forward through any on-demand commercials. I just wanted it to be as fast as I know should be achievable and have seen my network consistently perform. In practical use it doesn't limit me at all, I just wanted to see that progress bar go as lightning fast as it should.
It's not a big deal anymore.