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Apex SQL Log is a reliable and useful software solution that comes in handy for database administrators who need to audit data, schema and tables, as well as rollback database changes and recover missing or damaged data. Working with multiple databases and granting read / write permissions to various users might affect your SQL data and some of the connected tables will not work properly anymore. For instance, if a user modifies the primary key of a table, the other child tables that are connected through a primary key will not work anymore. Using Apex SQL Log you are able to determine who changed data and when the change occurred. This way, you can read the transaction log for the current database and view all the information you need to establish which user created, changed or dropped a database object. Since it works smoothly with, the application requires you to specify the server that needs to connect to, then choose the authentication mode and the database you want to inspect. After that, Apex SQL Log will automatically generate a log file that contains all the details related to database actions.
Additionally, you can filter your searches by time range, by operations such as alter, create or drop, or simply by tables. The application provides you with three options in order to store the generated information. You can either open the results in a grid format, export them to a specified file format or simply create batch files. The right click menu allows you to export the checked entries to CSV, HTML, XML or SQL format, create undo or redo scripts and copy specific rows to clipboard. In closing, you can use Apex SQL Log when you need to read SQL Server database transaction logs to find out exactly who performed the actions in a specified period of time and recover lost or damaged data effortlessly.