Civilization 5 Iso Full Bleed
Civilization IV plus WARLORDS and BEYOND THE SWORD expansion packs. All Civ IV versions have been merged into this one. When submitting test results please add if it's Steam or Retail CD install. Also specify which expansion pack you are using.
Instructions - Install the newest patches using the links on the left side (if retail version / non-GOTY edition) - Steam version comes fully up to date. Current Versions Civilization IV - v1.74 Warlords - v2.13 Beyond The Sword - v3.19 Graphic Card Drivers Also be sure to install up to date drivers for your graphic card.
The first thing to know is that the A9 is real small. At roughly 4 inches by 5 inches by 2.5 inches and just 1.5 pounds, the A9 is only slightly bulkier than Sony’s.

Vote - Register and Vote for this application to increase chances to improve support. You can give it up to 3 votes! Version: wine1.4.1 wintricks: d3dx9*, msxml3, msxml4, vcrun2003, quartz, devenum. Corefonts, lucida, tahoma. *d3dx9_26.dll, d3dx9_31.dll, d3dx9_32.dll, d3dx9_33.dll winecfg: 'gameux' disabled 'msxml3r' native. This is more recent that I expected!
So I feel I am not wasting my time:) I have exactly the same issue. I have the game running in single player mode fine (actually I didn't need almost any of the listed dlls).
I really want to be able to play this multiplayer LAN or DIRECT IP, but neither works. And I have installed ALL the DLLs and DirectPlay trying to get it to work. The LAN option just hangs. The music still plays, but nothing else happens. The Direct IP option is a little more interesting. I get 3 error messages one on top of next. 3- The network socket could not be created.
2- The network socket encountered an error and was closed. 1- Failed to join game at [IP] It does this almost instantly and irrespective of the IP or if the game is waiting on the host at that IP. So I am fairly sure its my configuration, even if message 3 hadn't shown up! Though I am not familiar with wine, I am fairly competent with Linux, so I am quite happy to investigate this if someone can give me some direction. I am using Ubuntu 15.10 with Wine 1.6.2. I had to install wine with 'abi_x86_32 -abi_x86_64' USE flags to get a clean Civilization installation without any errors on my 64bit Gentoo Linux.
Aoe Hack Full Rar. After that, I installed several libraries which are mentioned in the other comments via winetricks. Unfortunately, Civilization showed only a blue screen when started in the terminal. After hitting Enter, it exited with some error messages. One of them had something to do with my intel graphics card i965. This brought me to a hint on another page on the internet to create the registry key 'OffscreenRenderingMode' via 'wine regedit' in HKEY_CURRENT_USER (see here: for further information!) I had to set the key value to 'backbuffer'.
With all this, the intro movie shows up and the game starts as it should. Starting BTS via the desktop shortcut, vanilla BTS runs fine under Ubuntu 13.04 with Wine 1.7.14 but the Caveman2Cosmos v34 mod fails to load with the 'No shader libraries' error, except after a clean install of Wine, BTS and the mod.
The Wine config has gameux disabled and msxml3 as native. I have been able to load the mod a second time by starting the exe directly, but again, only once. When loaded, the mod appears to run fine.
Reinstalling just the mod, clearing the cache and removing the '~/My Games/Beyond the Sword' directory makes no difference. On another system, with Wine 1.4 under Mint 14, the mod loads and runs fine every time. This suggests the problem is due to a change in Wine after 1.4, and/or some difference between Mint 14 and Ubuntu 13.04. Suggestions on how to get the mod to load every time appreciated.
Some excerpts from the Wine output are: err:menubuilder:wWinMain failed to build menu item for L'C: Program Files Firaxis Games Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword CivilizationIV.ini.lnk' fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f08c 1 C) semi-stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x2013e 0x00000000 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File ', line 2, in? IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C: users ndyer My Documents My Games Beyond the Sword Logs PythonErr2.log' fixme:d3d:wined3d_check_device_format_conversion wined3d 0xd05ea3d8, adapter_idx 0, device_type WINED3D_DEVICE_TYPE_HAL, src_format WINED3DFMT_B5G6R5_UNORM, dst_format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM stub! Fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f398,0x00000000), stub! Fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
I installed Civilization BTS - international and Russian versions - in a new wineprefix using PlayOnLinux and wine 1.7.9. After installing msxml3 game was running perfectly - even great desktop (XFCE) integration (Alt+tab and global shortcuts work flawlessly even when game is active in full-screen). I was not using any PlayOnLinux scripts, but manual installation, so most probably similar flawless installation can be achieved with pure wine installation + msxml3 from winetricks. I have only tried single player mode. I'm posting this comment, because while with earlier wine versions some tricks (even using original Windows dll's) were required, now installing msxml3 is enough. Thanks for your prompt reply. I would like to work in conjunction with you (or anyone able to help).
I am by profession a software tester, so am very logical, however, I have never actually got anything to work successfully on wine, despite concerted attempts a few years ago. I am willing to submit full and explicit console outputs and go through step-by-step instructions, so please don't write off me as a Troll. It is not exactly clear how to start a new wineprefix. Nor is it obvious how to purge wine. Using Lubuntu 12.04, I tried the following: WINEPREFIX='/home/simon/prefix32' WINEARCH='win32' wine 'wineboot' wine: created the configuration directory '/home/simon/prefix32' WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-MIXp7S/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. Err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. Fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x123e8d0, overlapped 0x123e8dc): stub wine: configuration in '/home/simon/prefix32' has been updated.
The directory has now been created, but in 'winetricks' there doesn't seem to be any way to direct to anything other than the 'default' configuration, which is to use '.wine' Sorry if this sounds all too Noob. I've been using Ubuntu since 8.04 as my only OS on 4 different machines, and have rebuilt partition tables, but I'm confused by wine.
Just in case anyone google's this in the future. Using primus/optirun the game wouldn't load due to some config setting through the game itself. When I deleted $HOME/My Games/CivilizationIV it started working again. 2 notes at the moment though (for 1.5.20) - msxml3, d3dx9_26 to d3dx9_33 need to be installed (not sure which ones can be avoided, but all of them mean the game works). With optimus, any form of anti-aliasing reduces the FPS to some like 5. So make sure thats turned off, everything else can be set high in high res (1600x900 for me) with game working fine. Hey guys, first I have to say, this is the first time I am using Wine (1.4.1).
I have a Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3 and a MacBookPro (Graphic:NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, CPU:2,53Ghz Intel Core2Duo, RAM:4GB 1067Mhz DDR3). I installed Wine and the setup from Civ4 DVD was fine. I didn't update Civ4 because I got the complete edition (you cannot update with the BTS Patch, it says sth. Like no BTS found). Then I downloaded and replaced the single DLL's as written above in windows/system32. Every time I try to start Civ4 it doesn't even launch, there comes directly that dialogue: ____________________________ Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x6bb0087d in 32-bit code (0x0092bb5c). Got your msg!
Right, from looks of it, the game runs flawlessly out the box on 1.5.16. I know you're on 1.4 so are you able to upgrade? Of course, I have the steam version, but it's the same game. I installed it and ran it without touching winecfg. So I suggest that you try and get 1.5.16 or more recent.
Start a new prefix and install the game (I doubt there is a patch required on the copmlete edition) and then just try and run the game without any overrides. I will update any notes at some point when I have a spare few minutes.
I was having difficulty getting the Next War playing, I could get it to load but as soon as I pressed single player, it crashed and froze. Playing an ordinary game or a custom game was flawless (I installed it through PlayOnLinux, although I wouldn't say that matters) I couldn't install the patch because it was adamant that I hadn't Civ4 installed. The first thing I did was change it so that it filled the screen, annoying when it changes the resolution. I went >drive_c >program files >2k games >Firaxis >~Civ4 I found the _Civ4Config.lnk which is basically a link to the.ini file I opened it through wine. I found something that said to fix the audio change: EnableVoice = 1 to EnableVoice = 0 Then for the screen resolution: ScreenHeight = 0 ScreenWidth = 0 ScreenHeight = 768 ScreenWidth = 1366 Okay, so the Mod fix: I navigated back to civ4 folder inside folder and went to Beyond the Sword >Mods >Next War and opened the NextWar.ini file in notepad. I changed: ModularLoading = 0 to ModularLoading = 1 And I changed: SinglePlayerOnly = 0 to SinglePlayerOnly = 1 after i saved it, i managed to get passed the Single player menu I haven't played it yet though, I'm simply assuming that it solved it. Hi all, I followed the instructions and installed Civ 4.
However, when I run it, i get the following error: Initialize Renderer failed. Check DirectX Installation, Latest Graphics Drivers and Graphic Settings Parameters: -width =1024 -height =768 -flags = 0xc -hwnd = 0x100a6 -adaptrid =0 -deviceid =3 Error: Creation failed: Could not initialize DirectX. I definitely installed DirectX, all listed dlls are in system32. Could it be because of 64-bit system? Could it be because of the graphic card? (PlayonLinux suspects, i do not have 3D support, but description of the current driver says, 3D is supported.) System: Linux Mint 12 (64) Intel® Core™ i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz × 8 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M. This problem also occurred on my laptop.
My system: Debian x64: 3.2.0-3-rt-amd64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz GeForce 8600M GT NVIDIA Driver Version: 304.48 wine-1.5.12 diff: -hwnd = 0x200fe (i think this difference is irrelevant) in console i have: err:menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error 0x80004005 initializing encoder err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly (using GL renderer 'GeForce 8600M GT/PCIe/SSE2', version '1.4 (2.1.2 NVIDIA 304.48)'). [.] err:d3d:WineD3D_CreateFakeGLContext Failed to find a suitable pixel format. Err:d3d:InitAdapters Failed to get a gl context for default adapter Direct3D9 is not available without OpenGL. May be is because nvidia driver? I've spent several hours working on getting this to run on Fedora 16 64 bit and every piece of advice I get brings me back to this error: warn:ntdll:FILE_CreateFile L'?? C: windows system32 drivers SECDRV.SYS' not found (c0000034) warn:file:CreateFileW Unable to create file L'C: windows system32 drivers SECDRV.SYS' (status c0000034) fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L'SecDrv' failed to start: 2 I've disabled SE Linux stuff all together to see if it would help but i've no idea where to go from this point, any help?
Installed from my original CD version; 2. Patched to 1,61; 3. Patched to 1.74; 4. Trying start was giving a wine error dialog I believe; 5.
Found and copied native from windows d3dx9_32.dll and d3dx9_36.dll to Civ4 install directory from where I start the game. I also copied msxml3.dll and msxml3r.dll into windows system32; 6. I restarted Civ4 then getting error about loading shader libraries; 7. I installed d3dx9_36.dll with winetricks and copied d3dx9_32.dll to windows/system32 folder; 8. It is now working and it seems perfect. This version of wine radically alters the sound in ALSA.
IF you lose sound when upgrading, you'll find its asking for WWMAX5.1 or something similar. I finally figured out, it just wants your ole internal sound card from the motherboard (me) to be set to 5.1 regardless of ability to produce said sounds. Configure sound, set hardware to 5.1 output.
(don't worry if you can't do it,(what the petulant 2yr old computer quasi toddler wants, it gets) and Viola, sound again from the game. I can only produce stereo from an Analogue input, ie speakers, headphones, etc. Now it wants to produce 5.1, well, if I can only produce stereo, but it thinks its 5.1 why argue. We'll see if I get the sudden sound crashes still?? Hi all, TheMeInTeam here (from civfanatics/youtube) Wine 1.3 off my package manager (I NEEDED to update it from 1.2, very important!). Recently swapped to linux (mint 11 katya) over from windows.
It's been a learning experience. I had some help forum side and while I had a hell of a time getting this sucker to work with civ IV, once I did so the game works flawlessly in everything I've attempted. Let's put this simply though.installing from multiple CDs can be a little wonky. First of all, the CD versions of the game don't have copy protection, only the EXE file post-installation (except using noCD or with 3.19 expansion patch). Copy them onto hard drive (I actually put all 3 cds into 1 directory for civ IV gold, and did a 2nd one for the two bts CDs).
Used playonlinux to install it from HD which went without a hitch. No need to patch anything up with this method, just install gold then BTS (or vanilla to bts whatever). I did this without the built-in civ IV in PoL because I had a different version; still installed fine. Once installed up to 3.19 (the exe installer will work in PoL for the patch!), you need the dlls. WineHQ here lists them, the d3dx9 stuff.
I ran into an XML parser issue after this, apparently if you run it built-in the game will crash at 'setup map' but if I ran it native I got the error message. My msxml3 was a stub ----->make sure ALL of your dll files are set properly in wine.
Using PoL you can do this by going into 'unsupported software installation' ----->'manual installation' ----->'edit existing application' ----->civilization4 ----->'configure wine'. Using this method you can use a graphical interface to add the needed DLLs.
If the game doesn't work, check their sizes/not stub in the system32 folder under the appropriate wine prefix. Finally, a piece of advice: trying to run the game from terminal, you can stare at the terminal and see the EXACT moment of crash. This is how I realized I still had wine 1.2 despite what PoL said I was running, AND how I realized my ms3xml was a stub. I do not have any of the issues with sound/crashes/etc that I've seen here on wineHQ. This is definitely a gold-rated game wineHQ terms ---->i've gone through several games now without issue.the only issue is the installation which I must say was quite interesting for a total linux rookie! Winever: 1.3.21 Civilization IV 1.61 I thought I had setup correctly, (but I didn't pay close enough attention to detail).
I was having problems with the game going black at times (usually upon discovery of something important). The game would keep playing, I just could only see some parts of the game and I'd have to start a new game.
I was able to fix mine by: 1. Set msxml3.dll to 'native' in winecfg. Remove the dll's from the CivilizationIV install folder. Make sure the real msxml3.dll and msxml3r.dll are in your windows/system32 folder. After that, I was able to play full games with no issues.
Hope that saves someone some grief. Civilization 4 and Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword Using PlayOnLinux A general tutorial I have tested this on my own system. I offer no guarantees that it will work. This process is what worked for me.
First install the latest version of Wine and PlayOnLinux on your system. There are many guides on how to do this all over so I will not cover it here. Next, use the add program feature to install and update civ 4 to v1.74 Go to Under the wine section download PlayOnLinux-wine-1.3.3.pol Open playonlinux on your system.
Click the install button On the bottom of the selection window there is a link called Install a.pol package or an unsupported application. Click this link, select install a.pol package Point this at PlayOnLinux-wine-1.3.3.pol This will complete with no feedback Next click the install button from the main PlayOnLinux window again. Again select Install a.pol package or an unsupported application. Select manual installation select forward select edit an existing prefix select your civilization 4 install prefix select the box “Assign a wine version to a program” In the drop down select 1.3.3 Point the program at the setup.exe file located at the root of the install media.
If you are using a cd this should be easily located in your places list. If you mounted the iso point to the directory in which you mounted it and again to the setup.exe file. Allow the game to run and install normally I will stop here as the rest should be self explanatory. If you have issues. Play around until you figure it out. The important things here are to use playonlinux to install civ4 and patch civ4, then to make sure you use the 1.3.3.pol package as the assigned wine version.
Also if you patch BTS also install it manually with the 1.3.3.pol package. I hope this helps others as it took me a LONG time to hunt all of this down and put it together. Running Ubuntu 11.04 with GNOME and wine 1.2.2.
I installed civ4 until BTS, and everything worked fine. But when I want to play on internet, it ask me to patch to the 3.19. I tried it but got the same error than Michel Belleville (see 'Error trying to install BtS 3.19 patch' here under).
The solution given is to first patch to 3.17 then to 3.19. I downloaded it, but when I lauch it, it says no BTS app can be found. I tried previous patches (3.02, 3.03 and 3.13), all of them have the same issue. The only thing I get when I lauch it on a terminal: fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
Have no idea how to fix it. When I load (some) of the mods, the game crashes because of unhandled page fault in msvcr71. Not sure how much of the backtrace should I post, so that's just partial: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x1a968000 at address 0x7c3428fa (thread 0009), starting debugger.
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x1a968000 in 32-bit code (0x7c3428fa). Hi, I had this earlier with the latest Road to War mod, if I loaded mod first the game would crash on any menu option I selected. However, if you start the mod you want through new scenario in the main screen with the vanilla game, it will play the game after loading the mod up. I couldn't fix that either but my workaround does the job quite nicely, if you quit back to the main menu after starting the mod, the options suddenly start working again:S. Very confusing, but I hope this helps even though im over a month late:) Cheers, Maq. Continued- 2) start game or load a saved game, yes I've had it running.
Every time well 19/20 it starts to initialize map, it crashes, now this is due to the audio, as it cuts out, kill error message, starts again and closes installation. I've re-installed pulse Audio, care of this thread Excellent How to on Pulse audio problems and soundcard recognition. Didn't do the trick. I've noticed that BTS, won't recognise my audio driver.
Ah ha.Hmmm so how do I fix this. Note, Frustratingly I've gotten the mode to work 5 times out of 30 or more tries. Its definitely Audio problem. It works with NO AUDIO ENABLED. But what's the point of playing with no sounds, come on.NO NO NO, NOT AN OPTION.
I've changed the audio options from system config, stereo (worked once) Mono (worked, but terrible cracks) [worked twice in a row with these options??] Problem definition, Get BTS TO recognise audio drivers. Civilization 4 and BTS Guide to Playing on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 1st, Installation.
To Install Civilization 4, and the Add on packs, you'll need some emulation software, [url=www. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Savegame Pcsx2 Download here.]Wine, [/url] is What I'll refer to here. Don't use Version 1.2.2, though it a stable version, it has some problems with installing Civ 4. Use the latest Beta Version, though they are Beta, they are based on Stable previous versions, just additional bits that should work, but sometimes don't. Download and install this software, its so easy on Ubuntu, just use Ubuntu software centre (Applications/Ubuntu software centre).
I've also installed Microsoft XML Parser and MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser, I did this to speed up installation of Civilization 4, it may install quickly without, now, but I have them anyway. I wish to Emulate a XP windows environment under wine, (Personal choice) Use wine to install these, down load the files from Ubuntu Software Centre and install under wine. Now your ready to Install Civilization 4. Install and patch it to Version 1.74, for Civilization 4 (Vanilla) Now install the addon packs as you have them. 1)Warlords and path to latest version (I don't have) 2)Beyond the Sword and patch to Version 3.19 (I do have) This should install with no delays or problems.
Now you have a shiny new installation of BTS. Please to note, you'll have under wine, an original dvd Version, a patched version of 1.74, a patched version of warlords (if you have) and a patched or original dvd version and patched version of Beyond the Sword. THIS IS NORMAL. WineHQ - Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete is the Wine HQ Dedicated page to this game.
The Civilization Community has developed many mods (Modifications) to this game, to improve the game play, scenario's, Lets sample some I use. No 1 The Bug Mod, This stands for Beyond the sword Unaltered Game play. An Excellent mod, excellent support and dedicated team. Its installation is simple, down load the Self installing file, Right click on the Exe file to install, and select Wine windows program loader.
This will now install the program, just follow the Instructions. No 2 The BAT mod, Beyond the sword Artistic Tweaks. This adds a lot of eye candy to your game.
Same procedure, download the exe file, install under wine. No 3 Bull Version 1.3.
Now this is a bit different to install. 1St, you must install it in the mods folder yourself. Location of this folder is; (root) home (user name) (Control H to revel hidden folders).wine Drive_c Program Files Firaxis Games Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword Mods Phew, what a directory tree. Once that task is achieved. You now need to Install the CvGameCoreDLL.dll file into the Assets directory of Beyond the Sword. Or just one branch up, then over to assets.
Please note, you are advised to rename the Original file of that name,just add a.Original to the end of the name. To check that you have loaded these mods correctly, just start a new game. Place your cursor over the flag of your Civilization and it will come up on print on the left. Bug Ver, Bull Ver Civ name, traits etc. You've seen it before. Bat is loaded as a separate mod and will appear on the game selection screen when you 1st log in.
My current mod of flavour is Rise of Mankind Ver 2.92. Note Continuation of Mod is AND (A New Dawn) 1.75c currently.
Install this mod, by downloading the Zip file, all 482 Meg's, EXTRACT that file to the mods folder as mentioned above home (user name).wine Drive_c Program Files Firaxis Games Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword Mods. Now comes the fun part, took me 5 days' to get this right, all it takes you is 5 minutes of reading.
Thanks to Emperor Fool (Thank you again) and Zappara, and ME!!!!! You need to alter the file included with the Mod.
This file is located in the Rise of Mankind Mod folder you've just extracted. Open this file with a text Editor. As I've Emulated Windows XP: Change the line to read (Forward slashes and all); Window XP: “C:/home/(user name)/My Games/Beyond the Sword” Step 2, Save file, close, Right click upon same said file, copy. Now you need to go to the Assets Python folder of the Mod directory your currently in, paste into the Python folder the copy of the file, overwrite the existing copy. Now you can play rise of Mankind. Hmm just use the file, follow the same procedures I guess.
Notes:, this works for Windows XP Emulation, others don't Know, similar directory structure. I want to use an Earlier/Later Version, or another Version of Linux. Just use wine, same procedures, I use 10.04.1 LTS Edition is all. (Currently) Q. Hey, I've got a Mac, “What about me, it isn't fair, I've had enough, I want my share”. “Can't you see, its in the file, just change the lines to follow the correct path” Q.
Hey, I've got linux, not windows, what's this C:/, or Ha Ha, Its and NOT / A. Its EMULATING (Pretending) Windows XP DIRECTORY, under a linux structure, hence C:/home/(user name)/My Games/Beyond the Sword Q.
What happened to home. You say one thing, then type C:/. Its the way the games designed, or windows handles it. I don't know, I'm not a programmer. How do I play/ Start the game.
It should have installed an icon on the desktop, if not, find the executable file, copy it to desk top, right click, make it executable, and locate icon the same way. Hey, the mods don't work, are faulty, Buggy, etc A. Place your grievance with the various Mod forums. I haven't got (user name), where and what is it.
Its your Desktop name, usually your name. Do I have to go from Root every time. No, I'm just showing the full Directory structure, start with home or (User name) Q. I want to use the command line, how do I do that. My heads spinning already, I can't help you there. Aren't I just adding another layer to the game, won't it just suck more resources, etc.
I've found, my own personal data, that it plays better, uses less resources. Linux does it better. How do you know this works? I've tested this, over 5 day's, various other changes, combinations, satanic chants, and Voodo. This loads 100%, is faster, and plays great.
(Rise of Mankind Mod) Note: I'm currently having random sound crashes, this I attribute to a failing in wine, sound has regressed since Version 1.2. (Rise of Mankind mod only) Q. Mod x forums, not me.
Hey, what a lot of work install this, down load that, windows is so much simpler. How many service packs did you install, drivers, virus checkers, ram upgrades, video upgrades.? Mine works without the changes you've suggested, what gives.
Lucky you, mine worked as well, without the changes 1 out of 14 times, 1st time not a problem, it would load fully couple in a row, then crash anther 14 times. (Rise of Mankind mod) Q. How do I know I can trust you. How do I know I can trust YOU!!!! Copied from Civ fanatics forum posting by myself. Small alteration to my mods installation method.
Specifically Rise of Mankind, and RoM A New Dawn. CvAltRoot file included with these mods needs to be edited.
I've done so for XP emulation. (Personal choice) Windows XP = 'C:/home/(user name)/My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword' Now copy from the opening ' and paste over the PINK TEXT at the very base of the file. This will Eliminate the Python error, Bug (version, usually 4.3) can't find the Civ4.ini file Oh Bull only goes to 1.2 currently not 1.3, so don't go looking for it. Copy and paste this file to /Assets/Python, just overwrite if previously installed. Still seems to work fine without this alteration, but best to amend, never know what else is going wrong. Yesterday, I was playing when experiencing a new blocking bug in Civ 4 so I started a fresh new wine prefix (wine 1.3.13) to see if there were conflicts.
I was able to start and have Civ 4 running 'full screen' in 1680x1050 graphics high, sound OK, with ONLY 2 dll updated. I configured no dll override but instead replaced the default d3dx9_31.dll and d3dx9_32.dll with the ones from directx (I got directx on an older prefix with winetricks). But my problem was not solved: at the end of a specific turn, the civ4 'hourglass' icon appears an keep rotating indefinitely (the civ4 hourglass icon is a kind of wheel with 2 rotating wings). All animations are stoped, and when I try to close the wine desktop window, wine says the app is hanged. When this occurs, Civ4 use 100% CPU fixed on one core instead of 100% CPU shared and switching on 2 cores.
I'll crawl forums and bugzilla but if you're experiencing the same and have a solution. I have the Civ 4 Complete installed on the wine 1.3.9 on my dell laptop. When I run the original Civ4 1.74 everything works fine except one damn thing!
When my Wonder is done everything except the HUD goes black and the game becomes unplayable(loading don't work). So I have to play without Wonders. Terminal says nothing. In winecfg msxml3 is set as 'builtin' otherwise I get an error 'Caught unhandled exception creating XML parser object' when the game is lunching. Turning the wonder movies off don't helps. I haven't experience the same problem as the whole map going bad, but I've encountered similar issues where the color palette gets shifted and certain classes of display objects become invisible.
A work-around if you're running in a window instead of full-screen, is to go to Options/Graphics and change the display resolution when this happens. This seems to reset a lot of video information. You don't even have to keep the new resolution, just so No when it asks and it returns to the original resolution but with all the video artifacts cleaned up. The original Civ 4 goes well on my PC. The BTS crashes at the loading screen at 'Setup Map'.
Console says. Fixme:msxml:domdoc_putref_schemas (0x270f18a8): semi-stub fixme:msxml:domdoc_putref_schemas (0x270f18a8): semi-stub fixme:msxml:domdoc_putref_schemas (0x27b91cb0): semi-stub fixme:msxml:domdoc_get_readyState stub!
(0x27b91cb0)->(0x33e970) fixme:msxml:domdoc_putref_schemas (0x27b91cb0): semi-stub fixme:msxml:domdoc_get_readyState stub! (0x27b91cb0)->(0x33ea8c) fixme:msxml:domdoc_putref_schemas (0x27b91cb0): semi-stub fixme:msxml:domdoc_get_readyState stub! (0x27b91cb0)->(0x33ea8c) wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x34623139 at address 0x429ef6 (thread 0032), starting debugger. ^Cfixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 56 on event 0 fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_DestroyNotify window 0x30014e/7e00001 destroyed from the outside Ctrl-C: stopping debuggee fixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 5f on event 0 [qwe]$ Any ideas? Does anybody know how to get 1920x1080 window resolution in-game? I don't mean fullscreen or virtual desktop size but the resolutions shown in graphic options for windowed mode in-game.
It lists some resolutions including 1920x1200 but 16:9 resolutions are missing. If I run BTS on Windows 7 I get those options, so I assume there's something in either the registry or wine itself that prevents those resolutions to be listed. Is there any way 1920x1080 could be forced?
I'm using a 1920x1200 native desktop resolution but since I get 1080 offered in Windows I don't think it's something with the game itself. Would be nice to see the taskbar *and* the game without being overlapped/hidden while still filling the screen with Civ.:). After upgrading Wine to 1.3.0, my working installation of Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword 3.19 (no mods), refuses to start. In the console, all I see is this: # ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Firaxis Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 4/Beyond the Sword>wine Civ4BeyondSword.exe fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 55 (SPI_SETMOUSEKEYS) fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS) fixme:cursor:CURSORICON_CreateIconFromANI Loading all frames for.ani cursors not implemented. Fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess stub fixme:gameux:DllCanUnloadNow stub Then, it returns me to the prompt, no further messages.
Hi, I own Civ IV Complete- mine comes on a single dvd. The directions seem a bit ambiguous- do I still copy those directx dlls first? Do I need to install it through wine, or can I install it directly (running autorun.exe)?
Honestly, if anyone has successfully got everything to work, particularly with the new version of wine (1.2 at the time of this message) I'd really appreciate it. The problems I have- either the video is choppy, or the program doesn't take the whole screen (thus the navigation bar that says what programs are on blocks the exit link and whatever else was there to see), and the world video that shows what the planet looks like, depending on your settings (fractal, continents, etc.) doesn't show up, and the larger pictures of the leaders' faces doesn't show either. I'm trying to follow the directions, but between the directions below, and the directions above, it seem a bit complicated.
Any help would be appreciated. The directions are Succinct and straight forward. Install the msxml3's and 4's through wine first, set as a default override, or just install them AFTER installing Civ 4 through wine.
The Setup.exe is ran through wine. Start wine, install new program and locate Setup.exe and run it. Right click and use Wine to install. Instructions are install Civilization 4 Vanilla pack, patch to 1.74 Install Warlords (if have) patch to latest version. Install Beyond the Sword (if have) patch to latest version.
To run Mods etc with their own Civilization 4.ini files, you need to copy these (version) and rename the original just in case of problems. Mos without Civilization 4.ini files, just install as per normal. I've ran Civ 4 1.74, Beyond the Sword 3.19 Huge maps, WITH the BAT.mod (most excellent, ty Lemon Merchant) I've ran mods BUG 4.4, BULL 1.2 (this has own Civ 4.ini file) I haven't ran rise of mankind, or other mods, but would assume all work fine.
Problems as of Ver 1.2 Growth bars in cities don't work in outer shot, but in city screen they do??? Missing a dll I assume.
Sound works, but will cut out 1st time another civ imposes itself upon you, I'm still fiddling on a work around if available. Ignore the earlier notes about sound fixing, for ver 1.1.44 this works, but not later versions. My computer is 7 yr's old, it runs fine, later computers will run better.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Here's what I did, in case I misunderstood your directions and there is another way to do what you said that I didn't realize.
I went into the 'Applications' menu, opened 'Wine'->'Configure Wine'. From there I clicked on the Libraries tab, and added 'msxml3 (native, builtin)' and 'msxml4 (native, builtin)' under the heading 'Existing overrides:' under 'DLL overrides,' under the Libraries tab. Then I closed the Configure Wine window, opened up a terminal window, cd to CDROM, executed the command 'wine setup.exe.'
After this is finished- my version comes with 1.74- I run Civ iv from the desktop. Now the graphics hang AND the menu bars from ubuntu appear, and everything else that didn't works still doesn't work (ie the animations of the planets as you choose fractal and stuff, probably also the leaders, though I didn't check that).
How am I misinterpreting your directions? Thanks, Sean. Every where i've look i've seen setup guides for a 2 cd version, i've recently purchased this game and it came with 3 install cd's and a bonus dvd. Now i can easly install the first 2 cd's with instructions ive found on the 2 cd version but then i get stuck on the 3rd cd, it can't locate it, i've copied the files off the cd onto a folder and redirected the installer to this location and when pressing ok the installer goes back to normal directing me to the disc. I've tried Wine 1.2, playonlinux with wine 1.1.43 and crossover 9. I get stuck on the 3rd disk. Would anyone know a solution to this?
After solving the Audio Issues for myself, and hopefully others. I'm now here with a problem of taking screen shots. Civ 4 won't release the window to the screen shot window. I Alt tab to bring up the screen shot icon, a box but no vision of screen shot.
I hit return and it saves to my folder, but when I look at the screen shot, it has bleeding of some of the background into the screen shot viewing. Version is 10.04 for Ubuntu, wine version 1.20 rc and using F spot Photo Manager by default. I'm at a loss why some of the background is bleeding into the screen shot, in line or bands across the screen shot.
I have Vertical shader support by hardware, and have updated my video card drivers to latest version, with allow pixel shader. Various overrides for d3dx9's, msmxl3 and 4. I've solved the screen shot issue sort of. Take the screen shot, then Alt-tab till the music stops, and screen shot is in window your tabbing to, if sound stops and screen seems frozen just hit enter.
Alt-tab again, and only the Current game window should be available, you've now taken your screen shot. Example take screen shot, Alt-tab and snap shot window appears in back ground, and all sound seems to stop. Hit enter, sound resumes as does game play. Now check your Picture in /home/*user name*/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Pictures it should be there, now just rename it. No more banding, no smug's Game should be run in full Screen mode, don't try emulated desktop, it'll seize up (at least mine did once, and once was enough).
Here's a possible solution to the Choppy audio issue, or the one where it seems to run fine, then will suddenly cut out. Usually in Diplomacy or entering a screen. 2 fold solution; 1- Use System configuration for Audio under Civ 4 options for Audio, no other option is to be used, even if you have that option. Note only tested for Headphones and Speaker system. This should be about the 4th option down on the list. 2- Emulation must be enabled under the wine Audio configuration tab, this will solve most audio problems alone, but will eventually fail on its own.
This has been tested on a huge map, for 12 hr's of straight game playing. Audio runs fine, sound effects are enabled. All audio options were set to highest setting. Tested with Ubuntu 10.04 and wine version 1.34. Install game as noted previously, enable emulation under wine, then set System configuration under Civ 4 audio options. I've a potential solution to the Choppy Audio Issues, or if you sound seem to run fine initially, then will suddenly drop out all together.
1st, you MUST use System Configuration for your sound card, under the Audio options in Civilization 4. DON'T use any other option, even if you have them. Note, only tested for Headphones and Speaker systems. 2nd your Audio options under wine, should be use Emulation. It won't work with any other options enabled. Again tested only under the conditions of a Built in Audio System to Mother board. Doing this will enable clear, consistent sounds.
No more choppy audio, no more sound suddenly cutting out. Follow all other recommendations for installation of Civ 4, it works better under Wine and Ubuntu 10.04 then windows. Though will still have memory leak from emulation windows.what else. To fix the Sound dropping out when interacting with another Civ, ie the Diplomacy screen; I've found the following works (tested for 7 hr's play) Ubuntu 10.04 Wine Version 1.2 Enable under Wine's Audio tab, EsounD Device driver (the last Option)it doesn't matter if you have Emulation or Full hardware Acceleration. Also it won't matter under the Audio Option for Civ what you select either. When In the Diplomacy screen, the Audio will still jump a bit, but this is the only problem.
Oh the Voice capture will say not enabled, but who uses that anyway??? It's more insidious than that, at least in the wine-1.3.15 installed on my Ubuntu 11.04 system. Civilization IV will *run* without msxml3 installed, but will be unable to read some save game files, and will instead hang upon trying to load. Fortunately it was writing those files correctly enough; after the msxml3/msxml4/gameui hacks I was able to continue a game with no troubles. I still get occasional graphical glitches (circular 'this land is being worked' markers missing or distorted in city view) still, but I suspect that may be my ATI chipset's fault; until a recent Catalyst driver update, Civ4 was unplayable under wine without an ugly LD_PRELOAD hack. Hey all, So my game startup is freezing at this stage (it says 'Init XML uncached)' on the progress bar).
I am using Wine 1.1.40, Ubuntu 9.10. The regular game works fine, it's just Beyond the Sword that does not. It does not work with this update or the original game. I don't get a crash message, just one of those 'doesn't work in wine, check the DB' messages.
I have tried several things I found on these pages. Installed dotnet20, msxml3, vcrun2003, and corefonts via winetricks, and set msxml3 to override in winecfg (I also did msxml3r, but that had no effect).
I've tried removing the msxml3.dll from the BTW folder with no luck either. Any suggestions? I had some old.iso from my late window partition, and decided to try and install civ 4. The installation went smooth. I followed the instructions, patchd after each updated, and soon i had Civ 4 BtS 3.03 installed just as if i was in windows. Then i updated to 3.19 and everything worked perfectly.
Just for the record: ubuntu 9.04, wine 1.1.37 with the following winetricks packages installed: d3dx9 (directx 9); msxml3 (XML 3); msxml4 (XML 4) and dotnet20 (.NET 2.0). The 3.19 patch didnt need an NO-CD crack.
BUT (major but here) if i load a mod, any mod, the 'Play Now' option will be grayed out and unselecteable. No idea why this happens. So, I've played vanilla Civ4 many times now on my ubuntu box, with only minor grafic glitches (not game breaking), but i'm unable to play a mod. Enabling hardware vertex shaders causes a gpu lockup in 2.6.32-rc7 and 2.6.33-rc3 and mesa-7.8 (git). The game works great without vertex shaders if you use wine-1.1.2x, but if you switch to wine-1.1.3x you need to turn on the vertex shader stuff, which effectively means rating changes to garbage. It's particularly difficult to revert between those versions.
At the moment I'm stuck running wine via winedbg to test as running Steam with wine and launching games is garbage. Tried to just use the old version of wine and ran into the same issue plus dll issues.
There's very little instructions on reverting back to an old wine version successfully without re-installing everything, which quite frankly is very depressing. Hi, I tested more of the game and checked it against the results of other Civ4 Versions.
So here is more of what is working and what isn't (I don't know how to update my test result): - The Leaderheads are faulty. (Eyes missing, black cloth, etc.) - The resolution does not switch back when I exit the Program from full screen. - The sound jitters (I didn't tried the pulse version from ppa) - No progress bar at the cities - Faulty life bars of units - If compiz is running, the gnome-panel is visible in full screen mode I think the game should be also installable from CDs if you choose setup.exe and not autorun.exe, I can't test this, because I have all my games on my external HDD and no CDs here. But the game is still more than playable and very addictive. Thanks wine team. I don't think you have to make MSVP71.dll native.
Just make sure it is in the /windows/system32/ folder. The ONLY thing i think needs to be made native is mxml3.dll. And that must be set in winecfg to 'native,builtin.' Also make sure the files msxml3.dll, msxml3r.dll, and d3dx9_36.dll are all in the /Firaxis/Civilization 4/ folder and in the /windows/system32/ folder. Also I should note, you should have a pretty good graphics card to run it properly.
It didn't work for me until I got an Nvidia. So good luck.
And don't ditch ubuntu if it doesn't work. Windows sucks. I am following the installation instructions posted above from I am running into a problem installing civ 4 I have not gotten to either of the expansions yet. When I click next after selecting the destination folder a window pops up that says 'There is not enough space to install these option(s). Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.' I am trying to install to a partition with 10GB free I have also tried to install to a drive with nearly 800GB free. My root filesystem however only has 1.1GB free which is not enough.
Is there any way to bypass this error message? Clearly I have enough space in the destination folder civ is just not checking that. I played this game a lot in the last weeks. I completed whole long session games.
The game itself seem to be even faster than on Vista (same pc), most of all in loading and scrolling. I also played quite a few mods. I think we are basically platinum with this. This are a few minor issues left: - some time when you launch it you just get a black screen without loading the starting videos. I have to retry a few times, then it just works perfectly and never crashed on me.
- to load the mod using a link i should have to add -mod='Rise of Mankind' for instance. But there's some bug in there. It does not work. I have to use -mod=' Rise of Mankind' with a whitespace to workaround it. - As someone said you have to use the wintricks script to install xml support, directX stuff and i would also add allcodecs for the video. Nothing else was necessary to make this work. One other thing if you are stucked.
I don't know if it is important. But at the beginning i could not make it work. I destroyed directory and recreated it as new an reinstalled it from scratch. Then it worked. This page has been great, so have all the others I needed (I'm completely new to Linux). I've just got a couple of problems left.
Everything's been mounted, installed, and patched correctly, the dll files are in and set to native for each exe, etc. And I know the cracks were put in place properly, since I can run vanilla Civ. But if I try to run the BTS expansion, I get a splash screen saying that I need to insert the correct CD, and if I try to run Warlords, I get Caught unhandled exception creating XML parser object - Current XML file is - as an error. And thanks for the help.
'Nevertheless, keep in mind that Microsoft has released different d3dx9_32.dll for the 32 bit windows and the 64 bit Windows. Therefore, when runing with Linux x64, the dll to add should be that of 64 bits.' Isn't wine _always_ running with 32bit libs on 64bit linux systems?
Im asking, but if there wasn't this message at the top i would be entierly shure. For example, on my system (archlinux) i need the bin32-nvidia-utils package to runs 3d stuff in wine, so graphics libraries don't seem to be an exception. Not that such an exception would make any sense. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, with Wine 1.1.21, and all I did to get Civ4 working was: Install and patch Civ4 to version 1.74. Copy d3dx9_31.dll and d3dx9_32.dll to the Civ4 dir. Run with the DLL override command to have Wine use those DLLs you copied over instead of Wine's DLLs with the command: WINEDLLOVERRIDES='msxml3=n;' wine Civilization4.exe You may need to run that command from the Civ4 dir, I did but I don't know if that's needed.
Haven't seen any glitches in Civ4 at all after doing this. Hi, I'm using wine 1.1.16 under Ubuntu 8.10 and could not install Civi IV. Terminal: fixme:storage:StgCreateDocfile Storage share mode not implemented. Fixme:reg:GetNativeSystemInfo (0x330db0) using GetSystemInfo() err:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow 844 bytes in thread 002f eip 7bc653ed esp 00240fe4 stack 0x240000-0x241000-0x340000 Installation works fine with 1.1.12 (no other versions testet - I installed a random old version I got) I think a bisect is needed but I really don't understand how to do that:-/ Greets from Germany, Eike.
Hi, i've been trying to make this game work for a long time. Then i came in here, and noticed how easy it was (with the msxml thing) Now the only problem iḿ still experimenting is with the bars beneath the cities, the ones that shows you when your city will be growing and when the production is finished.
I don't get the bars neither the number, so i have to go city by city hovering my mouse to see. The other problem i'm facing is when you zoom out to world view. Some parts of the terrain are not rendered and just show black, but others do. Is there any workaround for any of these? Regards and thanks for saving me from those tedious reboots to windoze.
Hi, I installed civ4 with patch ver 1.6 and cracked executable on Ubuntu 8.10. It loads up and gets to the main menu but then the mouse stops functioning properly, the cursor looks like the proper civ4 cursor but does not click properly and reverts back to the ubuntu cursor when scrolled over the top and bottom borders, and then back to the civ4 cursor when leaving the border. I find the only way to get around click the buttons is to use the tab and spacebar method, alot of fixme errors flood the terminal when loading begins so I wont post the entire thing unless you really want it but the lines I believe to be most relivent could be: fixme:cursor:CURSORICON_CreateIconFromANI Loading all frames for.ani cursors not implemented.
There are alot of those but I could be wrong. Also I am on a laptop using a Syn/PS2 Synaptics touchpad, I also tried a microsoft usb infrared mouse but with the same results.
Then, it is necessary to add following libraries to windows/system32: (download it from web) d3dx9_26.dll d3dx9_31.dll d3dx9_32.dll d3dx9_33.dll d3dx9_34.dll msxml3.dll msxml3r.dll Then make overrides (native) for: msxml3.dll msxml3r.dll And remove these libraries from al game folders. Ok i know how to download all thise dlls and put them But what does the 'Then make overrides (native) for: msxml3.dll msxml3r.dll And remove these libraries from al game folders' means. I really cant get it.
I have a quad core phenom 9550, civilization is allways using one 100% and nothing else, on windows it never tops a single one out and generally uses 3 simultameously, it occasionally switches, i guess wine has too many thread locks and hasnt been optimized in that arena. Also i cant get sound to work at all, anything i should do in the audio tab? Im using pulseaudio as my main output but alsa and oss seem to work, i have 2 sound cards but only 1 wokrs i guess i should turn the integrated one off in my bios.
Possible Quick-fix for 'No support for.ani cursors' No more lagging or stuttering sounds as I move the cursor around. The wine error message still appears though. Possible Quick-fix for 'No support for.ani cursors' No more lagging or stuttering sounds as I move the cursor around. The wine error message still appears though. This work for me with Wine1.1.2 on ArchLinux 64bit: 0) install native directX9 + native msxml3 with wine-tricks 1) install Civ4 and Civ4-Warlords + lastest patch (+crack) 2) install CiV4-BtS with: 'WINEDLLOVERRIDES='msxml3=n' wine setup.exe' (WindowsVersion: Win98) 3) rename the 'msxml3.dll' in the installation-dir to a *.bak-file 4) patch and crack the game 5) start the game in the console: 'WINEDLLOVERRIDES='msxml3=n' wine 'C: Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword Civ4BeyondSword.exe' hope this work for others. I am working on getting this to run on my wine 1.1.2 on OpenSUSE 11.0.
I obtained wine from the OpenSUSE community build repository. This is my first use of wine. My machine is a dual-Opteron system with an AGP X800 Radeon, 4 Gb RAM.
Initially I installed Civ 4 (base). I need to cancel the DirectX install that comes up prior to the Civ 4 install or the DirectX install fails and hangs at exit. So I get Civ4 installed. I did NOT apply the Civ4 patch. I then tried installing BtS. I received messages saying BtS installer was looking for DirectX, then installing Civ4 patch then started installing BtS. However, the BtS installer vehemently refused to see the second DVD after it asked for it.
I was able to copy cab3 from the DVD to my hard drive so I do not think this is the issue. I have repeated this behavior twice. After my initial attempt to install BtS I tried again using several of the suggestions given here, however, I think that there was a partial install that interfered with a new install since the installer would just exit after informing me it was checking for DirectX. I obtained my dll files from and the msxml.dll file was different than the one already in system32 - should I overwrite this? Also, I was unable to find a msxml3r.dll file from that site and do not currently have a WinXP machine available (hardware issues).
If I want to start with a fresh wine, can I just I don't need to uninstall / reinstall the wine package, do I? I've got this problem. I normally start my game, and it runs. But sometime (between 150 - 250 turn) it suddenly crash to desktop (and asks for Dump generation). When I load this game from autosave it crash at the same point (in opponents(CPU) turn). It seems like AI is tring to do something but it generates error.
(I dont tried to load from initial autosave and try is error appears in same turn. Nor I dont tried to load BtS without mod, but this error is in 3 mods I played - Fall from Heaven, Fall Furher and Road to War) Using Ubuntu, Wine 1.1.1, Civ4BtS 3.17, nocd crack from battery. From WineReview: About DirectX Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms. Originally, the names of these APIs all began with Direct, such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound, and so forth. DirectX, then, was the generic term for all of these Direct-something APIs, and that term became the name of the collection. Over the intervening years, some of these APIs have been deprecated and replaced, so that this naming convention is no longer absolute.
In fact, the X has caught on to the point that it has replaced Direct as the common part in the names of new DirectX technologies, including XAct, XInput, and so forth. Direct3D (the 3D graphics API within DirectX) is widely used in the development of computer games for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Xbox, and Microsoft Xbox 360. Direct3D is also used by other software applications for visualization and graphics tasks, most notably among the engineering sector for CAD/CAM, because of its ability to quickly render high-quality 3D graphics using DirectX-compatible graphics hardware.
As Direct3D is the most widely recognized API in DirectX, it is not uncommon to see the name DirectX used in place of Direct3D. Wine configuration This is with a clean configuration directory and running in a 1024x768 virtual desktop.
$ winecfg Once directory is built the configuration tool will start and you can set a virtual desktop in the graphics tab if you wish. This is a good time to also set your Audio driver in the Audio tab. Next up is to install a native mscoree.dll and streamci.dll into /system32 from a windows install and set then to native Windows. Go to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and rename d3d8, d3d9, ddraw, dsound, dsound.vxd, quartz dlls to *.bak You will need to set a large number of dlls to native for the install to work properly. Here is the full list of dlls that need to be set. 'd3d8'='native' 'd3d9'='native' 'd3dim'='native' 'd3drm'='native' 'd3dx8'='native' 'd3dxof'='native' 'dciman32'='native' 'ddrawex'='native' 'devenum'='native' 'dinput'='native' 'dinput8'='native' 'dmband'='native' 'dmcompos'='native' 'dmime'='native' 'dmloader'='native' 'dmscript'='native' 'dmstyle'='native' 'dmsynth'='native' 'dmusic'='native' 'dplay'='native' 'dplayx'='native' 'dpnaddr'='native' 'dpnet'='native' 'dpnhpast'='native' 'dswave'='native' 'dxdiagn'='native' 'mscoree'='native' 'quartz'='native' 'streamci'='native' Installing Directx Download DirectX 9.0c November release from here.
The directx_nov2007_redist.exe executable will extract the installer files to a directory of your choice. ~ $ wine directx_nov2007_redist.exe fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA 'z: home tom directx-9 ' 00000000 fixme:midi:OSS_MidiInit Synthesizer supports MIDI in. Not yet supported. ~ $ Now cd to the directory where you choose to extract the DirectX installer and run DXSETUP.EXE.
~ $ cd /home/tom/directx-9 ~/directx-9 $ wine DXSETUP.EXE fixme:midi:OSS_MidiInit Synthesizer supports MIDI in. Not yet supported. Run winecfg again and set d3d8, d3d9, ddrawex, dinut, dinput8 to builtin wine. Now lets run dxdiag.exe ~/directx-9 $ cd /home/tom/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 $ wine dxdiag.exe fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity ((nil),-1,(nil),(nil),1,3,(nil),0,(nil)) - stub!
Now we need to install gm.dls to test Direct Music, this driver file goes into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/drivers You will notice in system32 d3dx9_24.dll up to d3dx9_36.dll is now installed, this really helps when you run into a game that needs these additional DirectX dlls. Now you have the option to run most DirectX dlls in native or builtin mode, for example if you have a game that's crashing on the builtin Wine quartz.dll you can test the game with the native Windows dll to see if this will improve the situation.
Keep in mind d3d8, d3d9, ddraw will only work as builtin, and in most cases you should try to use builtin dsound and dinput. I have had limited success with (dsound and dinput) in native Windows mode btw. The reason why these dlls have to be used in builtin mode is there need for direct access to your hardware. Direct music and direct play can be used in native windows mode in most circumstances. From a windows machine copy d3dx9_26.dll, d3dx9_31.dll, d3dx9_32.dll, d3dx9_33.dll over to the wine (drive_c/windows) system32 folder.
Also copy msxml3.dll and msxml3r.dll and set native override for msxml3 from wineconfig. In order for the game to install also copy mscoree.dll Set mode to windows 98 and install Civ 4, then Civ 4 1.74 patch. Note you must give it default express install and install it somewhere, otherwise it seems to fail for some reason. I tried installing on another partition of my hard drive and it did not work.
After installing civ 4 and patch 1.74 install BtS. Directx would give some mscoree error, but ignore that and the program would install. Then install BtS patch 3.13.
Set windows mode back to winXP and play the game. This worked on Kubuntu 8.04 i386, wine rc5. I've got some result tough imperfect, very slow to charge 3d perso, and no sound.
(I installed the ati driver for linux.) On a fresh install, do: -install directx 9c, with a site i found very instructive: then i install InstMSiA: found there very important for me to get the install properly the i set the dll you asked as native (i've got them already) then i install civ4 and warlord and nocd crack. Warlord dont run. Civ IV run with difficulties. OSS sound drivers don't work fine. ALSA work fine.
But when i need to choose a ruler, the 3d of them take a very long time. And when i launch the game it took very long to work. Here are some of the logs: fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on MPU-401 UART, disabling mixer fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 55 (SPI_SETMOUSEKEYS) fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS) fixme:cursor:CURSORICON_LoadFromFile No support for.ani cursors. Err:ole:CoCreateInstance apartment not initialised. Fixme:winhttp:WinHttpCheckPlatform stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x70026 0x00000000 fixme:cursor:CURSORICON_LoadFromFile No support for.ani cursors. Fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33efb0,0x00000000), stub! Fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_CheckDeviceMultiSampleType Quality levels unsupported at present err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_A8.
Fixme:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ValidateDevice (0x1b8c88): stub. Fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_LoadTexture (0x18a04400) Operation not supported for scratch textures fixme:d3d_surface:fb_copy_to_texture_direct >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glCopyTexSubImage2D @ surface.c / 2676 fixme:d3d:state_lastpixel Last Pixel Drawing Disabled, not handled yet fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log Error received from GLSL shader #536870913: 'WARNING: 0:1: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported n'. Well, the forum just ate 90% of my previous post, so I guess I can't post full details here, sorry everyone.
Summary: Everything works perfectly patched to the latest releases (2.13 for Warlords and 3.13 for Beyond the Sword). Catches: *) I needed to manually add uninstall information to the registry for the two enhancements before the update patches would run. *) I needed to run wineprefixcreate before wine would use the native msxml3.dll even though winecfg said that it should. *) I set EnableVoice = 0 in all the relevant CivilizationIV.ini files. Hope this helps someone. Hi, Had this running pretty sweet with Gutsy and 5.9, but without really mulling over the consequences I upgraded to Hardy and managed to break it!
Re-installing Wine 5.9 from the hardy repository didn't work, so I'm hoping that when 6.0 for Hardy-64 is available that might get it working again, but if there was anything that could fix it in the mean time? It gets to about the end of the loading screen and then freezes, I think the message may be 'engine failed init' or something similar, but it's hard to see as it flashes very quickly. Also, it may just be due to my computer speed, but the audio starts to bog down and 'skip' once I get into the game a bit.
Are their recommended wine config settings for audio in this game? I too have had issues with the upgrade but that does not appear to be a hardy issue, more like some regressions with wine. When I upgraded to Hardy (with wine 0.9.60), I noticed some slowness with the graphics, but this has been reported generally by some Hardy users in the ubuntu forums. C4C/BTS worked fine apart from that. The problems started when upgrading wine to 1.0.0 rc1.
All of a sudden, when I go to load a game, at the load screen, clicking the mouse on the file to be loaded does nothing. Trying to type the filename does nothing either. No matter what I do, the keyboard and mouse do nothing (except move the cursor around) and there is no way that I can escape from that screen except to hard-reboot the computer. On downgrading to 0.9.61 I have exactly the same problem. On downgrading to 0.9.59, I had a different issue - at the end of the launch screen (the one with all the little messages) I get a black screen and a small message-window telling me that it was unable to load the pixel-shaders; on clicking the okay, civ quits.
Regardless of my graphics settings, I still get the same message. So I have upgraded to 0.9.60 and locked at that version because it actually works for me.
A note about the sound; in looking into the message logs, I found one pointing out that it couldn't load at 44100 Hz and it automatically reset to 48000 Hz. So I have set my wine-cfg to ALSA driver, full hw acceleration, 48000 Hz @16 bit. I hope this helps anyone with similar regression issues. I'm on Fedora Core 7 x86_64, using Wine 0.9.55 and when launching the game, it freezes when the loading bar gets to 'Init Audio'.
Among the plethora of messages I get to the terminal from Wine, one seems relevant to this problem: 'err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for drive_c Program Files Firaxis Games Sid Meier's Civilization 4 CivilizationIV.ini.lnk' I set 'AudioEnable' to 0 in the CivilizationIV.ini file, along with 'EnableVoice' as the How-to said, so it shouldn't even try to 'init audio' anyway. It seems that wine isn't able to follow the.lnk windows short-cut to the config file so the game can't read it. Anyone else have this problem? Should I file a bug report? There are a few tricks for getting civ4 working (well) under wine. Some of them are scattered around in different posts on this forum. I have an Athlon64 3200+ w/1.5GB RAM, and an AGP 7600GT vid card.
Debian w/ wine 0.9.53. 1: the DLLs it needs: get the following DLLs (e.g. From a real winXP install), and put them in wine's c: windows system32 d3dx9_31.dll d3dx9_32.dll msxml3.dll msxml3r.dll Some people say you need more libraries than that, but these ones are necessary and sufficient for civ4 1.74, for me.
In your wine config, tell it to use the native version of msxml3. (see other posts for how to do this.) 2: I copied my civ4 install directory from a winxp machine. If you have problems with the installer, look at other posts. You need a nocd cracked version of the executable, of course. 3: edit some CivilizationIV.ini settings. Some of the changes I made seemed to help it run more smoothly, others maybe didn't make a diff: # lowers CPU usage when nothing's happening.
Definitely a useful setting, esp. With a slower single-core CPU.
SetMaxFrameRate = 8 MemSaver = 1 # didn't seem to help with wonder movies stuttering HideMovieBackground = 1 # I've already seen it a few times. NoIntroMovie = 1 4: registry tweaks. Another user suggests tweaking some reg settings, which I think I did. I found the globe view had black textures unless I set the in-game graphics options to medium or low detail globe view. 5: wine + civ4 seems to run the graphics in one thread, and the music in another, or something.
Without the frame-rate limit, the music always stutters. I guess it doesn't get enough CPU time. To avoid having the music stutter even when looking at a busy screen that's slower than 8fps, renice the process after it starts. Here's how I run civ4: ==================== #!/bin/bash set -m # enable job control cd ~/.wine/drive_c # I set my ondemand cpufreq governor to ignore niced processes, so: echo 'don't forget to set cpufreq to full speed, since we're going to run wine niced' # or we could run wineserver at below 0 prio, and cpufreq wouldn't need tweaking sudo cpufreq-set -g performance wine Program Files/Firaxis Games/Sid Meier 's Civilization 4/Civilization4.exe & # maybe nice only helps if you nice the civ4 process relative to # wineserver.exe.
This avoids audio skips. Sleep 4 && renice 3 $(pgrep Civilization) fg ================================== I can't seem to pass command line args to civ4 properly. Or it doesn't interpret them correctly. E.g.exe 'mod=Mods Desert War' doesn't work. Neither does.exe 'mod='Mods Desert War ' ps when civ4 restarts itself shows something like.exe multiple 'mod=Mods Desert War' I have no idea what a literal double quote is doing on the command line. BTW, if you haven't played the WWII Desert War mod (as the British), do so now!
I think I'm winning, but war weariness is building up horribly. Ok i used my english verry rarely the last 2 or 3 years so sorry for my mistakes;) i copied all the dlls (shown above) to my system32 folder i still have trouble with patching my civ4 cause i get a warning which tells me that no valid civ4 installation is found? I've got complete of course and i downloaded all the no-cd patches. Are there maybe different no-cd patches for different civ versions?
Is the language important as well? I use the two dlls native as described above also. May it be helpfull if i post a log or something? Hi there, i use a COD4-Patched wine Version for installing this game.
But every time the installation breaks.:/ Could you please try to start the Installation with wine 0.9.51? You just could rename the ~/.wine directory and test, starting an installation? Information: 64Bit gentoo-Installation. Discription: 1.Fresh Wine ~/.wine Directory 2.winecfg # Set Winversion: WinXP /mnt/cdrom/ && wine./setup.exe 4.Choose Language, Set default Inst-Mode: Start Installation. Break Message: 'ErrorCode: 0x80040707' 'DLL-Funktion breaks: ISRT.EnableHourGlass' Another-Method: 1.
Fresh Wine ~/.wine Directory 2. Download InstMsia.exe 3. Winecfg # Set Winversion: Win98 4.
Wine./InstMsia.exe 5. Cd /mnt/cdrom && wine./setup.exe 6 Break with the same error. Whats this i can swear before on this setting there was a ErrorCode 50110.? Third try: 1. Fresh Wine ~/.wine Directory 2.
Winecfg # Set Wineversion Win98 3. Cd /mnt/cdrom && wine./setup.exe 4. Beraks before Installer with: 'err:olemarshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface.' 'err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory.' 'err:ole:StdMarshalIPl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub.' 'err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface.'
I am pleased to report this method does indeed work very well for CIV IV Complete, I had been using Cedega for the original for ages, but it wouldn't install Civ 4 Complete so I tried wine, I don't think I will be using cedega again to be honest. I did noticed one minor issue however, the City bar food and production indicators do not display correctly on my set-up, they remain empty all the time, I have to hover over them to see the progress with production. Any ideas why? Additionally, I use nVidia Twinview for my dual head set-up and when the game closes and I return to KDE I am left with only one monitor active. I use xrandr to reset this, but I think this may be a small bug with wine. I have also failed to install Civ 4 Complete with Cedega. The flawlessness of install in wine suprised me and pleased me very much:-) Where exactly do you mean?
In 'world view' or in the City view? In the City view bars are correct in my setup. In fact, I met a minor bud too: I cannot declare war with Alt + Click on an enemy. The only way I can declare war is to cancel Open borders agreement and then move some unit into enemy's territory:-) I have no experience with dual-head so far, so I cannot help with this. I just got the newest version of 'Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword', which is patch level 3.13, to work on Wine 0.9.47, and this is how I did it: 1. I installed Civilization 4 on Windows XP and patched it to the newest version (v1.74). I installed the 'Warlords' expansion on Windows XP, and patched it to the newest version (v2.13).
I installed the 'Beyond the Sword' expansion on Windows XP and patched it to the newest version (v3.13). I replaced the executables for all three with no-cd cracks found on the web corresponding to the patch level versions. After rebooting into Linux, I started of with no ~/.wine and ran winecfg to set the sound driver to ALSA. Otherwise I left things unmodified; the Windows version was set to Windows 2000. Next I copied over the 'Firaxis Games' folder from Windows XP to ~ /.wine/drive_c/Program Files/. Now I downloaded the MSXML3 installer from Microsoft, which is an msi file. To install MSXML3 correctly, I had to set the Windows version in winecfg to Windows 98 temporarily[1].
I installed it using msiexec /i. After installing MSXML3, I again went into winecfg and set the windows version back to Windows 2000. I also added an 'msxml3' DLL override on the Libraries tab, of type 'native, builtin'. Now I copied over the following files from my Win XP installation's system32 folder to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32: d3dx9_31.dll, d3dx9_32.dll and d3dx9_33.dll. At this stage, Civ4: Warlords and Civ4: Beyond the Sword work (as far as I can tell after superficial playtesting) perfectly and with solid performance.
Mods work, too. To get the original Civ4 to work, I copied over msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll from the Warlords/ sub-folder of the Civ4 folder to the top-level Civ4 folder, i.e. Where Civilization4.exe itself resides.
Now all three games/executabls (Civ4, Warlords and BtS) work. This is a copy of my post on the ubuntuforums. Help im close. I followed the instructions from the link in post 64 [this link refers to the instructions in this wine thread above] with only three differences that I do not think matter.
->civ was installed in vista not xp ->used version 1.74 of civ IV (not 1.61) and 2.13 of warlords not (2.08) ->have the civ file on a different install path It takes an extremely long time for either of the three to open. Like in the range of 5 to 10 minutes. Once in a can navigate the menus but before i start a game the colors get distorted and I am logged off of ubuntu. Is the terminal output saved anywhere so that I can see what happened? Any other ideas?
This is a thinkpad x61 with intel x3100 graphics running 64 but gutsy and wine 0.9.47 ->let me know if anything else is helpful thanks. So BTS is no longer taking between 3 and 30 minutes to get beyond the opening loading bar into full screen. I don't know what did this if it was a program running in the background or what. What happens to me now: The game opens fine showing all the beginning movies. At some point when navigating the menus the colors will distort (many bright florescent colors possibly and 256 color scheme?) and the game will freeze for a second. Then I will be logged out of ubuntu.
How can I make or find a log of what is going on in the terminal here? Or is there anything else I can try? I'm trying to run Civ IV 1.61 with Wine 0.9.45. I can start the game, but in a matter of seconds it crashes with this output to the terminal: ^[fixme:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface Surfaces has no allocated memory, but should be an in memory only surface wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x7dba9640 (thread 0009), starting debugger. Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x7dba9640). I've tried everything mentioned in here, with dlls copied to windows/system32, but nothing works.
Civ 1.52 started with this config. I'm running Ubuntu 7.04. I have the 2-CD original 1.0 version of the game. I installed 0.9.39 (or.40, I dont' quite remember) on my laptop and Civ4 installed just fine, and it's still working fine even though i've upgraded ot at least 0.9.42, Now I try it on my desktop (0.9.43) and it fails at the end of the install, pausing on the.msi file at the end of the install and then throwing a C++ file copy error box onto the screen. This is the exact same thing that happens on real windows if you have 'Unapproved' cd burning software, which I think is related to the copy protection.
The workaround on real hardware is to boot into safe mode and do the install from there. Has something changed recently in Wine that would trigger this installation regression? And suggestion on how to make this work?
I was able to get the game installed and running perfectly on Ubuntu 7.04 and WINE 0.9.41. The first thing I had to do was use the native version of msxml3 as mentioned above. After installing the game, I made some changes to the registry, adding the keys for Direct3D->UseGLSL and Direct3D->VideoMemorySize. See the bottom of this post for a link describing those two keys. Setting UseGLSL to 'enabled' got the leaderheads to show up for me, and setting the VideoMemorySize to the actual size I have got rid of the warning regarding my graphics card specs.
Finally, in order to get the sound correct, I had to set audio to use the ALSA driver, with hardware acceleration to full, sample rate to 44100, and bits per sample to 16. After doing all that, the game is running without a hitch! Registry stuff here. My system: * Ubuntu 7.04 * wine-0.9.40 I get the following error: fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for Z: media sda2 jocuri civ4 Saves.lnk wine: Call from 0x69ecc7 to unimplemented function kernel32.dll.RestoreLastError, aborting wine: Unimplemented function kernel32.dll.RestoreLastError called at address 0x69ecc7 (thread 0009), starting debugger. Fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for Z: media sda2 jocuri civ4 CivilizationIV.ini.lnk fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub Unhandled exception: unimplemented function kernel32.dll.RestoreLastError called in 32-bit code (0x7efa329c). Register dump.
Gentoo linux Athlon64 3800+ wine 0.9.39 Radeon X1300 with fglrx 8.35.5 ALSA NVidia CK804 The game installed without a problem (skipping the directx install). I had to copy in msxml3.dll and d3dx9_26.dll, put in the 1.61 patch and a no-cd hack. When starting up for the first time, it warned me that I don't meet the graphics requirements, and set the graphical quality to low. It's wrong, I can run just fine with the highest quality. Audio was stuttery, and even dragged the game to a crawl. Using winecfg to set Hardware Acceleration to 'emulation' and check the 'Driver Emulation' checkbox totally smoothed it out. The models of the leaders doesn't work (makes me laugh though - just eyeballs and teeth) with shaders on, but if you disable both vertex shaders and pixel shaders, everything looks correct (just less shady).
At least, I think everything looks fine. I've never played the game on windows, so I wouldn't notice if some minor details were completely missing. As I got toward the end of a match, I had an increasingly frequent crash with the error: Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x0000001b in 32-bit code (0x7dee2b69). Using pthreads (wine-pthread) cleared that up for me.
One last note - changing the resolution from the options screen crashes the game. Edit CivilizationIV.ini manually for that.
With those settings, the game plays (as far as I can tell) flawlessly. I ran the game in Konsole.
Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Complete Edition – RG Mechanics – PROPHET Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Complete Edition – RG Mechanics – PROPHET In the game the player must attempt to Civilization V is a powerful and splendid civilization of human civilization since the advent of the space age technology is founded. Players have their people thousands of years ago to the present and the future and lead to war, signing a political commitment, ordered the execution of scientific and technological research and facing the greatest leaders in history, civilization and their subordinates Civilization has become so big and powerful that date had to ask her to be seen. Interestingly, this game is for players with the monarchy and the great Iranian civilization in the Iranian Achaemenid king Darius is that its leadership.
A game of Sid Meier’s Civilization has always been one of the best strategy games of the fifth edition of the game, like the earlier versions sold very well, and the critics and players as one of the best strategy games in the world is known. In this game there are eighteen great civilization on the great leaders have had. These civilizations are civilizations follows: Persian (Achaemenid) led by Darius America led by George Washington Saudi Arabia led by Harun al-Rashid Egypt under the Pharaohs Led by Elizabeth I of England France under Napoleon Bonaparte Germany under Bismarck Greece under Alexander the Damned Gandhi led India Ottoman Empire led by Sultan Suleiman Rome led by Cesar Russia under CatherineThe game features. Sid Meier’s Civilization V: – Believable game world: the world of the game is very large, elegant and designed with great detail and the player will suck it shows that it pays to explore.
– Application interface: The new user interface in this version makes the people who have played previous versions of this game are experienced and enjoy the game and the people who started the series off with this version of the game them. – Very large and fearsome battles – On Writing: In this game you play the role of historian you! Get the eighteen different races and cultures, civilizations and choose your favorite from the Stone Age to the Space Age technology lead. – The New Diplomacy: The player can choose his friends and enemies and various contracts with other countries such as the commercial contract.