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Download the “patch” here: 7zip version that is hopefully more compatible with different operating systems: If you don’t have anything that can open 7zip files, here’s a regular zip: If the Japanese files in /Translation Files/Scripts/ have gibberish file names, the translation is not going to work. Either use the 7zip file, extract the zip with a different program, use applocale, or just set your computer to Japanese locale. Instructions: Note: This patch is technically compatible with versions 2.00-2.02 of Paradox and potentially with future versions as well. For best results and greater chances of future compatibility, I recommend using 2.02. However, if you only have 2.00 or 2.01 and don’t want to download another 2.31GB, you should be fine with the older versions for now. There are a few bugs that 2.02 fixes, namely the one where you can’t advance if you skip fighting Queen Alraune and continue the story elsewhere instead.

Aoe Hack Full RarAoe Hack Full Rar

If that happens to you, download 2.02 and copy your save over and you’ll be fine. Unzip all the files in the zip into a directory.

An empty directory is a good idea. The game directory works too if you don’t mind clutter. Just don’t run the Japanese Game.exe afterwards and complain that the patch didn’t work.

Double-click on RUNME.bat. The GameSelector program will prompt you to type/paste the path to your game directory. If you chose to copy the files into the game directory in step 1, you can just click OK here. This will take a while. You’ll probably have to press a key to close the GameSelector and Translator programs when they finish so the batch file can resume.

The translated version of the game can be found in the /out/ directory. The batch file creates a shortcut to the English Game.exe for you, though. Any saves you had should be copied over. In order to view any of the scenes, requests, or battle fuckers from the first part of the game, you need to copy over all the files from the /Graphics/Pictures/ directory of part 1 to the /Graphics/Pictures/ directory of part 2.

Overwrite the few files with the same name. Congratulations, that’s all you had to do to “merge” the two parts into one game. If you’ve already done this, you don’t have to do it again after running the translation programs. Currently translated in this initial partial patch: • Almost all items (missing new accessories and some new armor) • Enemy and character names (although anyone you’ve recruited will still be in Japanese for now) • Interface for menus and battles • All the skills, abilities, job/race info, etc. Some new ones. A few descriptions may be outdated. • the title screen. Flow Net Drawing Software.

Hey, it’s something. NOT translated yet: The actual text of the game Still working on getting the part 1 translations into the new files. Hopefully that will be done in a matter of days. I’ve learned way more than I’ll ever need to know about file encodings, line endings, byte order marks, recursive merge strategies, and all the ways things can fuck up when attempting to merge over a half million lines of text. We’re already going through the new maps to get the story translated ASAP.

New content from part 2 as well as older content that was never translated in part 1 are being worked on simultaneously. Everything will eventually be translated. Sorry if you wanted to start over or do a new game+ in part 2 already — I’d suggest keeping part 1 around and playing with it for now. I’m crossing my fingers that this method of patching results in fewer issues. The good news is that it’s compatible with different versions of the game, even future versions (depending on what changes), and it’s a whole lot easier to apply future translation patches after getting everything set up the first time.

It should also be more idiot-proof than the picky patch.exe from before. Once Torotoro has stopped official updates for part 2, I’ll consider releasing patches in the old format as well as the new. Or if this method goes horribly If you didn’t already know, then for future reference, translation files can be found at: The repository will be a bit of a mess until the maps and events are ready and everything is merged together. At any rate, you can place new files in the /Script/ directory and run Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe to build a new version of the game.

(I have tried avoiding spoilers, and tried not to describe their appearances too much) Hey, I tried reading some of the Japanese names, and I would like to make a few suggestions about them: メイ/Mei: I think “May” might sound better. I believe it bears considering that she’s from Succubus Village and that “Mei” sounds a bit oriental.

アンフィル/Amphil: Considering what she looks like, would you think that “Unfill” is more fitting? When you look at her, you can that there’s nothing inside her; it’s like she’s a husk or the outer shell. Besides, don’t you think Amphil sounds a little amphibian? I suspect very few would agree that she’s a frog. リボ・リボ/Libo-Libo: I googled her name, and found things like Ribonucleic acid (RNA), Ribonuclease (RNase), Ribose, Ribozyme, etc. I find it very likely that her name’s related to RNA and DNA.

If you look at her H-scene, you can see how she entwines closely with Luka, almost like a DNA strand. ジェライラ/Jerraira: The “Raira” part of her name could be “Lyra”. I believe the lyra part makes very much sense if you consider her outer appearance. My suggestion would be Jelyra. Right, one, two things after I looked at the files (I’ll not cover everything here, maybe go back to look at it later) >Shouldn’t “Elyciel” be actually “Elysiel” after the Elysium flower? Then again, “ciel” is french for “sky”, so it’s not like it isn’t off at all. >Same goes for “Heliel”, since she consists mainly out of hair, I guess it’s “Heriel” (which is also her image’s name, but those are sometimes wrong as well) Alciel & Uranus are fine though.

>For the Frog Girls, their names are listed as two despite being actually three (it includes the purple one not being found in the wild). >Bloom is also somewhat strange considering it’s the name of the Bromine Girl, and Bromine smells pretty awful (I’m aware it has another meaning, but it simply looks strange). >The Chimeras well.

I’m not happy with Q-5, but you did a good job for the rest. I need to look it up myself. The rest is pretty much decent. There are some strange differences regarding the Original VN vs. Paradox (like Kyoryuu Giant Dragon or Lencubus Rencubus), but it’s not that of an issue, I guess.

Yes, I can read instructions perfectly well. I am saying that for me the zip file gave syntax errors and the game.exe in the out folder, which is also the shortcut, ONLY has the game window’s label translated. I can tell I clicked the right game.exe (or the shortcut) because the original game.exe still has an untranslated label on the window. And before remarking “but you need applocale”, yeah, I play Japanese games on my system just fine, I’ve got that covered. In fact, I’ve already beaten Paradox Part 2, Ilias route at least.

It’s just a LOT more convenient to not have to scroll through skills 1 at a time and wait for the translator when using more obscure skills. Can I delete the normal version of the game? I say it because I see that in the folder “Out” is already the game with the patch, completely independent of the original [Or so I think].

I say it because, now the folder weighs 9GB and if it is not already necessary the original folder of the game, then I delete it. And another question, – sorry for my curiosity – through this new patch method, it is no longer necessary to have to reinstall the game in order to install the next update that you do or will still be necessary? But I’m retiring for now. Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could give me a hand, im a little confused with the versions ——————- “Note: This patch is technically compatible with versions 2.00-2.02 of Paradox and potentially with future versions as well.

For best results and greater chances of future compatibility, I recommend using 2.02. However, if you only have 2.00 or 2.01 “” ——————- Ok so im guessing i had an out of date chapter 2 (v2.01.00) from looking at this post, so i logged into DLsite and clicked download,,, but the game comes up “v2.02.01” is this the most up to date version of chapter 2 (Downloaded ). I don’t know what I did wrong but it’s still Japanese. I followed the instructions to the letter. Didn’t shut off any of the programs until they told me. Everything ran smoothly. I used version 2.01.

Can’t get my hands on 2.02 sadly. And it’s still in Moonrunes. I tried the English shortcut. Tried running it from the out folder. With an without save. Just a bunch of chex mix.

CORRECTION: It seems the town names in the teleport list are translated. But nothing else. So it did work.

Just not completely. Guess I’ll just wait for the next patch. Game ain’t gonna go anywhere. Alright, I figured it out. Thanks to Skuya who pointed me to a dude on Monster Girl Games General #134. For some reason when you unpack the files(at least with WinRAR) the Japanese text in the Scripts folder turns to gibberish.

This happens quite a bit to me with various games. I can never figure out why. Photo Booth App Free Download Mac here. Sometimes not even changing my locale fixes it.

The dude Skuya pointed to posted a Mega link to a repacked zip file of the patch that didn’t have this issue. When I used that to patch the game it worked perfectly. At least for now. Might still be some issues. But at least the title screen, skills and so on are all translated now. Hope this helps other wayward souls such as myself.

I find it helpful when I accidentally skip over dialogue by clicking twice or something. And honestly, I only need it in h-scenes. At least when it comes to visual novels.

I usually skip to the good part in those anyway. Who cares about the story of ninja chicks or magical girls fighting demons? I can watch a dozen anime that tell that better. Just let me get to the tentacles, dammit. XD Though I also had no idea this was a feature in Paradox. Among other things.

I was complaining to a friend a while back about there not being an auto-scroll button. But recently I found out there is one. Now if only the text was faster. Nothing’s ever perfect. Ok i am still at the beginning area or should i say where should i go after i am done beating the gyrados at the marine HQ?

There is a small town on the north of the marine HQ and what should i do? That paste bin Walkthrough are shits, he did miss most of the content in the game What i learn from this chapter 2: Illias route and alice route (so does the monster u can be recruited from both routes are different). For example alice route can recruit pirate mermaid girl, In illias route sea horse girl and marine fish general girl (you cant recruit pirate mermaid girl in illias route).

Dargoth, I don’t understand your choice of translation for a few of the Job names. You translated 神銃士 and 魔弾の射手 as God’s Eye and Devil’s Eye respectively, but that doesn’t make sense? Something like Divine Gunner and Magic Marksman would be closer to the originally meaning. I’m not sure how you got “eye” in either of their names. Also, you translated マスターソーサラー as Master Swordcerer?

I can understand you changing some names like Item Master and Library Lord, but shouldn’t this remain as just Master Sorcerer? I need some help with the Minotaur Sidequest. The walkthrough isn’t of much use – it says I need to talk to Cerberus (I recruited her, so I guess I did that), then talk to the guy in the PUB. I didn#t find any PUB in Grand Noah only that resaurant with Liru, a Slime Girl and some others. Talked to everyone there, then went to the Minotaur Blacksmith.

She didn’t give me the letter, so I thought I already got it and went to the Minotaur Guard in the castle. She wouldn’t let me in. Two choices, and neither one lets me enter. I’m sort of lost. Does anyone know what I did wrong?

Been seeing some theories on the Internet about the relationship between Black Alice and Heinrich, starting from the first Paradox PV, and now with Heinrich and Witch Alice. There is a very interesting script where if you recruit Witch Alice and try to face Black Alice in the Monster Lord Castle while she is in your party, Witch Alice will teleport away, which may be that she is the actual Black Alice in reality. When you recruit Heinrich and face Black Alice while he is in our party, Black Alice will be away and only her teddy bear is there. I wonder if anyone knows what exactly each of the two say when you try enter the throne room? If this confirms the theories, it would be absolutely delicious.

Have you talked to Amira yet? Rumour speaks of a house where a mysterious woman has been sighted. If you want a job change item, you should go there. Well, I’m telling that, but I’m pretty certain you went there straight after beating the game.

That’s the only one I can think of. As for recruitable monster girls, I’m struggling with two monster girls currently: Manta Ray Girl and an angel called “Ashiel” or something. Manta Ray Girl is a rare encounter on the open sea, but the angel I’m not sure about.

I have to keep looking. Just now I ran into Manta Ray Girl and caught her on the first shot. My strategy for recruitment is having Luka and Stella (The homeless battle fucker from the slums in part 1) as my talkers to up affinity to 100.

Alice is there to use Weakening Dance/Time Warp Dance/Sparkle, in order to keep the opponent from getting too aggresive, while Shinifa is used for Song of Defense/Song of Energy to avoid running out of SP. (Due to Stella having issues with running out of SP for Ally Invitation at the worst moment) Basically I work them up to 100 affinity, and when that happens I have Luka prepare the finishing blow, Stella throw in the Ally Invitation for the x3 recruit rate. I also swap out Alice for Lazarus, as I think (not sure) that the Godfather Job gave him Recruit +100%, but I put him on the active party in case that is needed in order for the ability to work. With that I try to maximise my recruit chances, making them extremely high. The amount of failed recruits that I have had under this strategy can be counted on my two hands still. That being said, given what people have been saying, I am surprised Manta Girl came quietly for me. If you are talking about the Hyperion, it is in an abandoned area with poison swamps and grave markers and a huge lone building.

It is in the desert to the west of the Succubus Village and east of the third accessible Tartarus. However you have to go in there prepared to fight or with an ability to minimise encounters since its crawling with chimeras from part 3 of the VN. They are at the level of the archangels from alternate illiasville and can do some damage if you are not prepared.

They are also extremely sturdy with over 120k hp each. They are recruitable though. Now for my own Question. Is Godfather Lazarus different from the Lazarus we know or are they one and the same? Paradox 1 and 2 translations will be merged together. Does that mean I have to buy Paradox 2 in order to get translations for Paradox 1? I bought the first one, because of the femdom and monster girls, because that combination is hard to find.

Everything else in the game is a nice bonus, but not the main focus. Since the story of part 2 is a priority here, I don’t feel like buying the second one. @Dargoth Is there anyway I can help proofread some of the translations, while avoiding major spoilers? Descriptions of a town Luka is in or something. Anything that doesn’t include major plot points or H-scenes. Even if I can only help a little, it still helps.

I’m looking forward to Delphinus’ Angel Abominations instead. There’s nothing wrong with infinite imagination, if you ask me. Alciel left me more impressed than shocked (so much I immediately added her to my main team), Heriel not so much, sadly (mass of hair, basically – reminds me a bit of Endiel with her nightmare tent tbh), plus they both share the same races. Uranus is a probably a bit weird (especially her scene) and Elysiel is well, basically another Berryelle, at least more or less. Nevertheless I like all of them.

Probably better than the 5th generic succubus. That said, what I’m not that happy with is the Xelvy Angels – Gnosis is sort of okayish (full machinery is always fine for me), and from the rest i only like Raphaela & to a lesser extent Gabriela, the rest is just not my taste. Metatrone & Sandalphone almost look identical, except for their weapons.

Lucretia / Queen Harpy: The Bewitching Queen of Harpies Can always use “Dancing” and “Wing” skills.¨ Increased power for “Dancing” and “Wing” skills. SP cost for “Dancing” and “Wing” skills halved. Bonnie: The Petite Pirate Queen Can always use “Sword” and “Pirate” skills. Greatly increased power for “Pirate” skills. “Pirate” skills cost 1/3 more SP. [Yes, more, not less] Ashel: The Multi-Talented Executive Officer Can always use “Thievery”, “Cooking”, “Medicine” and “Service” skills.

Increased power for “Cooking”, “Medicine” and “Service” skills. The power of “Medicine” and “Service” skills depend on ATT [instead of DEX] At the start of combat, there is a chance for pirate skill “Cannonfire Support” to activate. Sara (Awakened): The Fallen Princess Increased power of pleasure-attribute attacks. Can always use “Ruling” and “Sexcraft” skills. Increased power for “Ruling” and “Sexcraft” skills. Morrigan: Aura Succubus Can always equip swords, knight swords and magic swords.

Can always use “Sword”, “Spellsword” and “Sexcraft” skills. Greatly increased power for “Sword” and “Sexcraft” skills.

“Sword” and “Sexcraft” skills cost 1/3 more SP. Alciel: Rumble Angel Normal attacks execute three times. “Holy” skills execute twice. Sephyra / Dagon Drifting Dagon [It says “fuwafura” but I wonder if that’s “fuwafuwa” mispelled?] Increased power for “Tentacle” skills. Evasion & Magic Evasion greatly increased. Vivi / Guivre Half Light, Half Darkness Can always use “Holy” and “Dark” skills.

Increased power for “Holy” and “Dark” skills. You’re great, Desert Eagle, thanks a lot for that. I noticed Alciel doing Double Grand Cross when using her in LoC and was pretty surprised by that, but in addition normal attacks x3 is pretty insane, I fully agree with Dj Quinn on that (doesn’t stop me from using her in my main team though). Guess the other two will do fine as well. Seraphy is somewhat disappoinging since I haven’t found a good use for Tentacle Skills (and Scyllas aren’t the best stat wise) and I’m still not sure if I should replace Regina for Vivi or not.

Thanks again! Well, first you try to recruit Vampire Queen.

Her condition for joining you is that you help her with world conquest – in the economic sense, by setting up the very first Vampire Pub. Vanilla and Vampire Queen discuss about this. First, you need a location for Vampire Pub. They want to set it up in Sabasa, and Vanilla suggests the house that Salaan is in currently.

Go negotiate with her about obtaining the building she’s residing in. Next, the high-class pub you’re building needs a grand, red carpet. You’ll have to go acquire one from the sheep girls on an island west of Marine Headquarters. If you can get there, getting the carpet should be easy.

And of course, the pub has to have wine to sell – high quality, of course. The criminal underworld has dealings with wine producers – go negotiate with Don Father, that is, Larzarus about it. He should either be in Gold Port or in your Pocket Castle. That’s all the steps you need to complete the sidequest. If nothing happens when you talk to Salaan, I can only guess that 1.

You haven’t started the sidequest, or 2. Vanilla isn’t in your group. I’m not sure Vanilla is required to be in your group though. Anyone able to give some ideas on how to machine translate this game on Windows 10? It’s difficult enough finding a text hooker but the best one I’ve found (ITH) doesn’t work on 10, not even the 64 bit one that is supposed to. I have the W10 Anniversary update, before I had that ITH started but crashed when you tried to hook the game now it doesn’t start full stop. The 64 bit one starts but the game doesn’t appear where you’re supposed to select the process to hook Any tips on resolving this, or perhaps an alternative?

Some classes and abilities which aren’t translated yet have weapon specialisation. This greatly strengthens your attack if that weapon type is equipped, the trade off is you can not use a second weapon regardless of whether or not you’re using the Genji gloves or even if the class e.g (battle master) can equip two weapons. I think I read in the next update they were doing something to both multi-weapon and weapon specialisation, but the google translate is so bad I couldn’t get an exact read.

Some of the 10 cost Special skills which aren’t translated are such weapon specialisations, and the only class I personally know of which has weapon specialisation built in is Holy Lancer which is Spear. There are other’s with weapon spec built in, but I don’t know them off the top. (Master Swordcerer might be one.).

Well, of course, if you get hit by any physical skill as a Mage, your’e like totally screwed, which is why physical evasion in particular is good. If you use Heavy Magic, it’s most likely the Magic will exceed the Willpower by a bit, but Magic damage/Pleasure damage isn’t much of an issue if you have ~2k-3k Willpower as well (but only 100 Defense). Not to mention Magic can be dodged and reflected.

Actually what you should have mentioned is that you always crit. Supernova/Akashic Records crits at 3,500 Mag for about 200-300k, but I guess I’ll look it up in LoC later. That’s quite the monotype run. Shesta’s Insect, Aranje’s Insect, Lippy’s Insect. Not that I’m any better. (Luka), Alciel, Eater, Luxuru, Maiden, Riot, Regina/Vivi, Lucretia, Seraphy, Shesta, Ragora/Dolie, Levi Yeah, half of my team is Apoptosis (excluding Maiden if you want to).

Some other notes: – Regina/Vivi (Guivre): It’s probably either one or the other since they’re both single-race Yoma. I’d love to use both, actually since I love both of their designs but they could make use of another race (Succubus for Regina and Angel for Vivi). – Luxuru/Maiden: Same problem as above – they both do the same since Doll = Apoptosis now. Luxuru has mor use in the long run because of Double Attack and Bind Strike 30, while Maiden’s Passive sadly is not of much use because Nightmare Embrace is too weak to be of use compared to other damaging skills.

– Lucretia (Queen Harpy): Only there for stealing things. One Skill – Chaotic Theft – no idea if stage 3 Thief gets it, but that’s the only reason I use her.

Another boon is definitely the Evasion-boosting song, but since we got Mandragora Scream, Sparrow Dance and Seaweed Dance in LoC1, I doubt it will be exclusive to Harpies in the long run. – Ragora/Dolie (Blue Dryad): Ragora is, like Seraphy, part of a way of dealing with the first opponent that joined me (without being forced to, like Lime or Bonnie) – those will always have a special spot in my party. I’m thinking of removing her for Dolie (which I like as well), but that’d be very painful for me. It doesn’t help that they both are single race plant, so on paper even Elysiel (the voracious angel) would be better. Ragora has a small niche in Sparkling though because of her passive. – Seraphy (Dagon)/Levi (Leviathan): The latter is just plain awesome – Setouchi did a great job in desinging Levi, however, there’s some conflict between her and Seraphy (which is the first monster that joined me in part 2). Seraphy is Scylla/Sea Dweller (at least 2 races, even though I thought she’d be Mermaid if you look back at the VN) while Levi is Sea-Dweller/Dragon and Scylla is not good in particular.

– Alciel (yeah, that Eldritch Abomination): Had her in the party before I realized she’s insanely powerful with Normal Attack x3 and Holy x2. I had the choice between her and Heriel as it turned out they got the same race combination, unfortunately – and while in theory Alciel could probably be Lamia as well (look how she moves), I have absolutely no idea for Heriel. Plus, Heriel is arguably the more boring choice. – Melissa (Maccubus): The 13th inofficial member, because Levi isn’t leveled yet. While being the only succubus (apart from Alma Elma) I’ve ever liked apperance-wise (red hair = good), I can’t even hide how disappointed I am with what TrTr (and the artist who drew her) did so far.

No new scenes, fine. I can live with that – then being a one-time-only enemy with a different look which goes back to her old look when she joins you (plus, single-succubus race – not even human). No, thank you. This is so stupid, nothing I do will make the princess appear so I can get the red orb. I’m literally tearing my hair out in frustration! I’ve beaten all 4 of the queens and spoken to the respective kings of the castles. Went and got the other 3 orbs, then went to the queen elf and spoke to her.

Went to Yamatai and spoke to the village chief with Dullahan or w/e in my party and went to the snake shrine. Defeated Shirobi or w/e and returned and spoke to the elf queen. Went to the cave just outside yamatai and saved the stupid bear, returned her to the shrines.

Now no matter what I do the princess will not show up! I’m basically locked out of any further progression. If anyone has help it’d be much appreciated because this is ridiculous.

I’ve followed so many guides and absolutley nothing is working. Did you do the cat shrine and cheer up Tamamo?

For the cat shrine, you need to talk to the priestess in the place with all those Nekomata and then talk to a certain Nekomata (Sonya will pipe up when you find it) then talk to the priestess again. For Tamamo, you just need to talk to her in the house in the Kitsune shrine (if you progress the story too much, this may get done for you, in which case you may need to talk to someone there to raise the flag (I’ve never missed it, so I don’t know).

After that, talk to the village chief afterwards and he should give you an item that gives you access to certain special classes like taoist and ninja. You *should* be able to meet the Princess Elf now. .rar I only have the direct link, I don’t know which forum post did it come from. There are 2 downloadable offline translators that VNR can use I’m fairly sure those can be used without Internet connection, I can’t provide any help to those because I set those up more than 2 years ago and have no idea how to do it anymore. If you have internet access tho I recommend using the Google translate option as a 3rd, since in my experience on an average that service gave the most accurate translations. And if something was gibberish you could almost always put together some meaning from the other 2 translations.

Also something to keep in mind, there is an option in VNR that hooks into RPG maker and directly exchanges the text in the dialog window. I found this to be very unstable and buggy, crashes 95% of the time for me, so I would not recommend using it. I think it’s called embedding in the options. Another thing is to set a hotkey up that pauses translation, because it can be slow or may crash if you’re skipping text with space while it’s trying to translate. Please keep in mind that these are machine translations so don’t expect much, but sometimes it’s just enough to understand the meaning, for example: Hope it works for you!

Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could give me a hand, (Cheers). I’ve just finished Paradox chapter 1 (still using the first chapter game so it doesn’t automatically carry over onto chapter 2,, ill most likely hold off doing chapter 2 till its give or take 75% complete. Anyways Just finished chapter 1,,, i was wondering how do i star LoC now? And also how do i start new game+? (that way i can recruit both lily and lucia) ((the information on lily’ lucia and the related side quest as been changed but last time i checked i could have swearn it said something about being able to recruit both,,,)) thats why i want with lily first, as im using ilias in this playthought im following the “sort of a power-abuse route” ((ilias spends most of the game telling me to wipe out the monsters, and lily wants to make the strong submit,,, so it seems good enough to class it as the power-abuse route for me at least lol)) Cheers for the heads up 🙂.

Custom maid 3d is a 3d hentai game from KISS company.You will train your own made maid through specific activities (mostly H). Depending on what you decide to do with her, her stats will change and she also gain experience and levels both overall and in that specific activity. Higher girl’s levels raise stats (e.g. Endurance during H) and unlock clothes, while higher specific skill levels unlock more skills and activities (e.g.

High levels of SM skills add SM activities to many other basic skills). My sex slave is a classmate(18+)​ The Kirishima family holds the long standing tradition that the head of the company must train and maintain a sex slave as an obedient partner. Young Masato must find and train a female slave to take over his father's position as CEO of the group.

Masato's father has left his slave (secretary) to help young Masato to find a suitable candidate. Masato turns to his classmates in hopes of finding a suitable female sex slave. Three girls rise to the occasion. He must put those girls through intense training so he can choose the best one. Your choices help Masato to find the best female sex slave.