Bt848 X64 Driver Download

Some old USB webcams or PCI capture cards must be of different model or have a different chipset otherwise Windows gets in trouble (this is a driver issue and NOT. Multiple capture cards with Bt848, Bt849, Bt878 or Bt879 chipset used together with the free 32 bit WDM Video Capture Driver or the free 64 bit WDM Video.

Blue Iris Help FAQ Call Us Toll Free at 1-888-445-8375 To Order PayPal/All Credit Cards Accepted. Sales & Support... Store Pages.. To Order Call Us Toll Free 1-888-445-8375 Online Live Chat Give us a try! We are ready to help!! Toll Free 1-888-445-8375 (24 hrs) Blue Iris Help FAQ A Blue Iris forum is available. May 2012 To Blue Iris Support I just spoke with Mr.

Bt848 X64 Driver Download

John Duncan regarding a situation I'm faced with. I'll recap for you here. We (the EPA) seized a computer during an environmental crime investigation that appears to have been used as a DVR running your software. I am in possession of a computer forensic hard drive image of that drive. It is suspected that the camera(s) captured evidence of the environmental crimes under investigation. I have been tasked with reviewing the captured video for evidentiary material. Hence my contact with you.

I downloaded your software, today, installed it, and tried to view the files. This was unsuccessful. I read all the FAQ material I could find on your site and Mr. Duncan's, and could not find a workaround. I did find that if the system was up and running I can export the files to a more standard format, but as mentioned earlier, I have the data, not the system. Can you provide any assistance with our viewing (not editing or otherwise converting unless necessary to view) the files we seized? If so, please contact me at the numbers listed below or via e-mail.

The files have a.bvr file extension. I downloaded and installed the Blue Iris software onto my PC. I then copied the.bvr files in question onto the PC's hard drive. When I double-click on the files, the Blue Iris application opens, but displays the error message: Unable to open file:80004005.

When I right-click on a file and choose 'Open With' and select the Blue Iris software, the application opens, but displays the same message and error code. Since I am unable to get Blue Iris to open/play the files, I am unable to get to the point in the process where I would be able to export them out to a common file format. Investigator To Investigator Do you have a short file you can send to me? It‘s possible that the file uses MJPEG compression, or if the file is very old, possibly even MP42, for which codecs are no longer included with the Blue Iris installer. I have a stand-alone MJPEG installer here: Blue Iris Support To Blue Iris Support I was able to get through it. In short, one only needs to rename the files with the mjpg extension, and then the videos can be viewed with VLC Media Player. I also used a bulk file renaming tool so that I could rename (change the extensions on) thousands of files at once.

The tool was called File Renamer Basic. Thanks again for your help.

Actually, this process is MUCH easier than the process referred to in the Blue Iris software. Converting the files as instructed, even if it works, is far more difficult than what I did with the two tools above. (However, I understand that with proprietary software, there may be a reason to keep things from being straightforward.) Investigator May 2012 To DuncansOnline, A few weeks ago, I bought a PICO card and Blue Iris software from you. I installed it on my old Dell GX280 and all worked fine, however the Dell recently died, so I bought a Zoostorm PC (8gb RAM, 750gb HDD etc!) Having installed the Pico card, I can't get the drivers to install. I've tried with Windows 2008 x64, Windows 7 x64 and Windows 7 x86 but they're all exhibiting the same symptoms - the card shows in Device Manager and when I try to install the drivers, I get an error message: This installer was not able to automatically install the driver.

This could be due to a missing DLL that is required to install automatically drivers. I've tried a manual installation, but that doesn't work either. UK Customer To UK Customer So far I have never heard of anyone being successful with Windows 7 64 bit and installing drivers to get that PICO card to work with Blue Iris. I have heard rumors that there has been success with the 32 bit version of Windows 7 and PICO card, but so far I have not been able to track those rumors down to an actual user who can share what he or she has done. So, at this moment, I have no solution for a Windows 7 installation that is the operating systemfar a PICO card and Blue Iris.

Searching Google has so far failed to turn up any solution as well.although from time to time I try to search again. If you are going to stay with that computer, then I would suggest dropping back to an XP operating system. The more advisable alternative, of course, is to pick up a second hand XP system and then be able to access your cameras from the Windows 7 32/64 computer over your local area network with Internet Explorer.that will work. Around here, where I live, a person can purchase a second hand XP system for $35.and then you would end up with a far better surveillance project, because your XP camera 'server' would be dedicated to surveillance, freeing up your high powered Windows 7 machine for personal use. DuncansOnline To DuncansOnline Thanks - I am, as I type, installing Windows XP - a shame really as I have a whole 8gb of RAM.

As for Windows in general, I'm afraid I'm not a fan of that bloated operating system - all the other machines on the LAN are Macs! I'll let you know how it goes. UK Customer To DuncansOnline Just for your information, I did manage to get BlueIris working together with Windows 7 (32 bit) and my PICO card on my old Dell Optiplex GX280 (4gb RAM and a 2Tb HDD). I used a copy of Windows 7 Professional - a direct Microsoft product, (not the Dell offering), installed the card, installed the BT848 drivers, the cards was recognised and then Blue Iris was installed. It worked for just over a week, then the Dell decided it had had enough and died - I suspect power supply, but rather than replace the PSU on what really was an ageing machine anyway, I bought a Zoostorm desktop with 8gb RAM.

The Zoostorm came with a 750gb HDD already installed, but I decided to put the 2Tb drive in instead, however I couldn't' get it to boot - not even in safe mode, so I disconnected the 2Tb drive and reconnected the 750gb one, and this is what I've been trying so far. With the PICO card installed, Windows 2008 32 bit and 64 bit see the card, but can't install the drivers. Windows 7 32 and 64 bit - same result. Windows XP - works fine. I haven't tried Windows 2K8 R2 yet - my next step is to try that - I can easily swap the drives around in the BIOS and boot from the other drive - I just don't have W2K8R2 to hand at the moment, but as much of my work is working with Citrix XenServer and virtual machines, what I'd really like to do is to get the Zoostorm working with XenServer and see how PICO and BlueIris works (or not!) in a virtual environment!

I will keep you updated with my progress! UK Customer To DuncansOnline It looks as if I need to seek some help! I have the BT848 card installed in my new PC and am having problems with Blue Iris. The system seems to run OK for a short time, then on remote view, the cameras drop out - but locally they are still visible on the screen and are updating. I try to reset the machine, but it refuses to close Blue Iris and if I try to close the process via Task Manager, it simply fails to close it.

I've downloaded the latest version of Blue Iris and have also completely removed both that and the BT848 drivers and re-installed. I'm running Windows XP SP3 (2002 Version) 32 bit on a G840 Pentium @ 2.80GHz machine with 3.4GB RAM and a 750GB HDD. The machine has a Gigabyte motherboard. I am also having problems with the motion detect recording - which isn't working, no matter how sensitive I make it. Can you give me any other suggestions as to what to try - it seems everything is OK until I install Blue Iris, then the problems begin. UK Customer To UK Customer, When you talk about remote accessing, do you mean from a computer on your local area network, where the accessing computer and the camera computer are on the same side of the router, or from a computer outside of your local area network where the router is 'in between' the accessing computer and the camera computer I am forwarding a copy of this to Blue Iris support. Both of your problems are a surprise to me, as I have not encountered anyone else having either of these problems before.

One thing to try in the meantime, is to reduce the camera frame rate and see if that impacts the issue. Let me know, and I will be back to you after I have heard from BI support.

DuncansOnline To DuncansOnline The remote viewer is on the LAN ie. The same subnet as the DVR. I've tried 5fps & 7.5fps - currently set at 7.5fps. UK Customer To UK Customer More quick thoughts. What is the operating system of the viewing computer?

Are you using IE for viewing? Did it install the Active X control all right, and do you have the Active X permissions set low enough? Do you think there might be a setting in your router preventing the streaming of video on your LAN? DuncansOnline To DuncansOnline The primary viewer is a Mac mini running Safari under OS X, but I've also tried IE 8 with Windows XP and the Blue Iris client running on an iPhone 4 - all give similar results. The Active X control seemed to install OK on the Windows setup. Local LAN traffic doesn't go through the router - I have a 100MHz switch (unmanaged) which forms the backbone of the local LAN. The problem seems to be with the DVR machine - I'm contemplating re-installing XP - I've just slipstreamed SP3, but that will have to wait as I'm off to bed now!

UK Customer To UK Customer and DuncansOnline (From Blue Iris Support) >>The system seems to run OK for a short time, then on remote view, the cameras drop out - but locally they are still visible on the screen and are updating. You are using the ActiveX and default web page? When you say “drops out”. What do you see?

What is necessary to re-start the stream? >>I try to reset the machine, but it refuses to close Blue Iris and if I try to close the process via Task Manager, it simply fails to close it. Are you streaming audio at the time?

Are you on version 3.03.09? There may have been an issue with shutting down while audio was streaming. >>I am also having problems with the motion detect recording - which isn't working, no matter how sensitive I make it. According to the Trigger/Profiles page, is the detector sensing motion? The motion meter needs to completely fill the space all the way to the right side.

A common mistake is to set the motion sensitivity too LOW. Too far to the left. The most sensitive (easiest to trigger) is with the slider all the way to the RIGHT. Thanks Blue Iris Support To Blue Iris Support The remote client is a Mac, so it has to use the jpeg methodology, not ActiveX - I also have two viewers with iPhones - all clients exhibit the same symptoms. Blue Iris will run for a time - it can be as much as an hour and a half, or as little as a couple of minutes, after which time, connection to the client is lost - the iPhones display 'Camera/Feed Not Available' - at the time of testing, the iPhones were connected wirelessly via the local LAN.

The Mac simply displays a black screen in the centre of the viewing area and the web page becomes unresponsive. On the server itself, all camera feeds either display multi-coloured bars or simply a blank page. It is at this point I find that I am unable to shut down Blue Iris - I have tried running it manually, by putting a shortcut in the startup folder and by running it as a service (which would normally be my preferred option), but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I am using version 3.3.9 of Blue Iris downloaded directly from Blue Iris Software. I am not streaming audio at the moment - this will be added later, but for now all I want is to get the system up and running and stable.

After a drop out, the only way to restart the stream is to actually power off the system and restart - I have tried running shutdown -r -t 0 from the command line and even that doesn't work - I get the the 'Windows is shutting down' prompt and it can stay that way for over two hours. The cameras and connectivity are tried and tested, having run Dico-800 for over eight years - the only new things in the equation are a new server, a new BT848 capture card and Blue Iris. I have run the machine for over 24 hours without running Blue Iris and there are no problems.

I have the sensitivity slider fully to the right on the Triggers/Profiles page, but don't see the motion meter move at all - I have a hotspot set on all four cameras and also some areas masked (for legal reasons.) I piloted the setup on a Dell GX280 before buying the new machine and it seemed to perform well on that, however the PSU in the Dell died when I ran the machine for 24 hours! (It was a very old, surplus machine I had at the time). I did notice however that even with the Dell, rebooting the machine took a long time. The only other software I have installed on the server is the Gigabyte utilities and TeamViewer (which I use to access the desktop from remote). You are more than welcome to come if form remote and have a look via TeamViewer, should you wish.

UK Customer To DuncansOnline Regarding the problems I'm having with Blue Iris / PICO card and Windows XP - have you ever heard of anyone running Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) with Blue Iris and the PICO card? Did they manage to run this combination successfully? UK Customer To UK Customer The best operating system for that card and Blue Iris is Windows XP I know that card and BI will work on Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) but I have no first hand knowledge that comes into memory.

I have never had anyone complain that they have had issues using Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) I am sure there are very few that have or are doing it. DuncansOnline To DuncansOnline OK, I have an update on this issue. You will be pleased to know I think I have identified the problem. For some reason (I don't know why), despite my having four cameras all the same, I had set two of them to 640x480 resolution! I have reset all cameras back to 320x240, the system has been stable for over 48 hours now and I can do a remote reboot via TeamViewer. Mac access from Safari is fine as is iPhone access using the Blue Iris DVR app.

I do have a couple of minor issues which I may have to get back to you regarding, but overall I now have a working system. So much so that I've turned off my old system and am now using Blue Iris exclusively! Thank you for your help. UK Customer To UK Customer Congratulations.good detective work.thanks for the update.

Feb 5, 2011 Attention Blue Iris Support - Problem in Input Setting Box Our customer John S is not able to add a second or third analog camera. (he is already a registered user) His key is ************************ We sold him the key last May and he bought and paid for a multi camera version and that is what we should have delivered.I am pretty sure we did. I have checked everything I can think of. When he adds the first analog camera he gets the pull down box, with 4 composite video choices.

He has a 4 channel PICO card and he has installed the BT drivers correctly. There are no conflicts in his device manager and the drivers show up there under sound, video and game controller as they should. The system is a Vista 32 system It is a fresh and clean install. So the first camera installs successfully and all is well. Then he goes to add a camera and install the second camera When he selects video source for the second camera the pull down box is choices at all. Can you comment on what may be happening?

DuncansOnline From Ken at Blue Iris Try turning off the run as service option before adding new cameras. From DuncansOnline Is that setting in Vista or Blue Iris? Gelcoat Stress Crack Repair. From Ken at Blue Iris Blue Iris software option From Customer John That worked.

That was easy. Oct 29, 2010. Third Party Software Following are links to third-party software packages which might be required to use certain cameras with Blue Iris: Windows Server 2008 as well as some older operating systems may require the installation of the Windows Media Component redistributables. Here's a link to the. In order to use the Hikvision DS-40xx cards, download and save it into your Blue Iris program folder. The is used to connect to many popular DLink and Vivotek models, such as the DCS-2000,2100 and 3220, as well as the 4XEM MPEG4 cameras. The Microsoft sample capture program can be used to test general connectivity with webcams and analog camera cards and devices (not network cameras).

The Human Abstract Mea Culpa Download Skype. If your device works with AmCap, it should work with Blue Iris and vice-versa. The is used to decode incoming video from many MPEG4 cameras, such as the DLink DCS-950, Y-Cam and Gadspot GS4600. You may also use XVID to efficiently record video and for webcasting. We offer a replacement in order to allow it to work with Blue Iris. We offer a replacement in order to allow it to work with Blue Iris.

To use the EyeView or Etrovision models, please download the file, unzip to a folder, and run the reg.bat file to add the DLLs to your system. These links provide 3rd-party software, not developed by Perspective Software. They are provided here merely for your convenience. Unlimited Free Telephone Support - Worldwide Unlimited Free Telephone Support - Worldwide How to Buy Capture Cards PICO/BT878 Capture cards are currently available in our for $30.00.

Wholesale Quantities of the our capture cards are available in our store. DuncansOnline Telephone Support Unlimited Free Telephone Support - Worldwide You can configure Blue Iris to automatically check for updates - you'll always be up-to-date. A Blue Iris forum is available at Blue Iris Software is FULLY Guaranteed to work with your computer and your DVR card or money refunded. Unlimited Free Telephone Support - Worldwide We have many After-Sale Support FAQs, depending on your needs. DuncansOnline and CCTVGold YouTube Videos Once the video starts 'Roll your Mouse' over the window to select other videos.

Similar help and support threads Thread Forum Hi all. I'm new in this formum and don't know if is the right place to post. I need drivers for for the card in topic (chipset 848) to work on windows 8 64 bit.

Searched everywhere, but unsuccesfully. Coud someone help me? Thanks in advance Drivers Hey a lot of people are searching this driver on the internet and after a week I found this one who works on Windows Vista x64 and 7 x64 (not x32 there are other driver for that) Just run the installer as admin and Enjoy! Driver: WDM Video Capture Driver for Windows x64 (Installer) v5.3.8 - Hardware & Devices Hey guys. I've an Pinnacle PCTV 100i, which was working fine on my OLD win-Xp pc. Now i've bought a new PC and had upgraded it to Windows 7, I've trying to install it, got no luck to make it working. I got the driver for it, with TV center setup 6.3 from its official site.

Hardware & Devices Not sure if anyone is aware of this. But I was having issues with my pinnacle 801e usb card and windows 7. Tearing and skipping, I stumbled upon this page. Pinnacle PCTV drivers and downloaded the MCE driver for my card, much to my surprise it works flawlessly and also you can change the.

Hardware & Devices Hi all Windows Media Center works fine with the Pinnacle USB PCTV 72e stick. Download the X-64 VISTA driver from the Pinnacle site. When installing the driver CANCEL the Windows Update driver download as it tries to load a REALTEK driver instead that doesn't work. Great again --Now I've. Sound & Audio Our Sites Site Links About Us Find Us • • • • • • •.