Gigaware Optical Mouse Driver Windows 7

I suppose this is a general computer issue but beings my operating system is XP I thought I would put it here. Anyway, my mouse doesn't work. It doesn't appear on the screen as if it wasn't plugged in at all.

# # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy # If you have any new entries, please submit them via # # or send. Shack Gigaware 26-284.. RadioShack Wireless Optical Notebook Mouse Quick Start Guide HereQuick StartSee the User's. Guide for complete instructions. Device downloads. Software, drivers, manuals, and more for your Microsoft device. What operating system are you using? Select an operating system, Windows.

However the activation light on the mouse itself is on (and I have since tried two different mouses and they have all had the same issue) I've heard it may be my USB port, however when I tried plugging it into the 'other mouse port' (sorry my tech names are bad. The circle plug with the prongs inside of it) I am presented with the same problem.

Gigaware Optical Mouse Driver Windows 7

If I got to the mouse Properties it tests me that 'This Device is working properly' but still no mouse has appeared on my desktop? Previously it told me that there was a corruption in the device (code 33 I believe)? But that problem has remedied itself some how. If someone could help me, or point me in the right direction I would be thankful. I am an avid user of Photoshop and MS Paint, and its aggrivating that I cannot use these products because the mouse doesn't work. (also navigating webpages with the 'TAB' he is quite a pain in the backside.

Filling out the registration from this site took me nearly and hour. Installing Internet Explorer Wine. Can anyone help?

Hi H, Lets see if we can make that ol mouse working again. Answer a couple questions for me if you will. Do you have access to another computer in the house? Im thinking that it would be good if you could plug the mouse into another computer to make sure its not just a defective mouse. Do you happen to have the disk that came with any of the mice youve tried? If not can you tell me the make and model of the mouse so I can find you the drivers for it? Have you tried plugging the USB mouse into another USB port and rebooting?

Perhaps its the USB port itself causing the problem. When was the last time the mouse worked correctly? Computer Organization And Architecture By Zaky Pdf Free. Have you installed any new programs since then? Try to answer these questions, and Ill check back in awhile to see your response. Reguards Patmark.

Hi H, Lets see if we can make that ol mouse working again. Answer a couple questions for me if you will. Do you have access to another computer in the house? Im thinking that it would be good if you could plug the mouse into another computer to make sure its not just a defective mouse.

Do you happen to have the disk that came with any of the mice youve tried? If not can you tell me the make and model of the mouse so I can find you the drivers for it? Have you tried plugging the USB mouse into another USB port and rebooting? Perhaps its the USB port itself causing the problem. When was the last time the mouse worked correctly? Have you installed any new programs since then? Try to answer these questions, and Ill check back in awhile to see your response.

Reguards Patmark First, Thank you for your speedy reply. Now as to the questions. I have tried three different mice on this computer and all have the same problem, they all DO work on other computers.

Of the three Mice. One is very old, the second and third are 'Optical Mice' (?? I think thats what you call it) they don't use the ball but a red light.

The 2 mice did not come with any software and 'should' just be plugged into the port and work. Now the two newer mice are a 'Logitech' and a 'Gigaware'.

The Gigaware is fresh out of the box having just bought it about a week ago to see if there was an issue with my Logitech. I have a 'HP Pavilion 750c' computer, the computer has 4 USB ports. Two at the front and two at the Back. I have tried the mouse in all 4 ports to no effect. The last the time the mouse had worked was probably about 3 months ago. Now, the cause may have been when I changed Keyboards: I had HAD a Keyboard which also plugged into the USB at the back of the computer with my mouse. Due to age the Keyboard lost use of its 'SPACE' Key so I went and got a spare keyboard from a freind.

This Keyboard (that I use now) doesn't use the USB to plug in, it uses the other plug (that older circle plug with the prongs thing) After swapping out the Keyboards I had no issue. However turning on my computer the following day The Mouse Curser was gone. I am pretty sure that is how it happened. Maybe there is a connection there? Hey man, Also I have come to find that when I tried to plug my old KeyBoard (USB) into the USB port it didn't work at all.

This leads me to believe that something is wrong with them (The 4 USB ports) But that, to me, doesn't explain why the Mouse (PS/2) doesn't work. When I did unplug the PS/2 Keyboard and plug in the USB Keyboard-- it didn't work as I said -- but when I went to plug back in the PS/2 Keyboard it didn't work either until I restarted the computer.

I don't know if any of this will help you. As I said, I am a bit of a novice at computer stuff, and don't really have a feel for much of it. Ok H thats great info thank you. I ran into this very problem with someone a couple days ago.

The solution ended up being for her to use a mouse that uses the PS2 connector. Thats the older circle plug.

But lets try a couple other things and if they dont work you can always take the new mouse you just bought back and trade it for a mouse with a PS2 connector if you want. First lets check to see if maybe its just something not set correctly in the mouse properties located in the control panel. Go to Start-control panel. Open the mouse icon. You might have to switch to classic style to see it. When you open the mouse icon you will see some tabs across the top.

Click on the hardware tab and tell me if you see the mouse in the little box on top. If its there itll tell you the type of mouse and weather or not its working properly.

If the mouse is there and showing you can click on the properties button toward the bottom and that will bring up another box with more tabs across the top. From here you can use the troubleshooter under the general tab, or you can click the driver tab and either update the drivers, look at the driver details or uninstall the drivers. You might try uninstalling it and rebooting your computer. This will cause your computer to have to detect it again and reinstall the windows drivers for it. That might fix it.

Something tells me however, that when you get to the mouse icon it is going to show no mouse at all. If thats the case let me know and we can check on some other things in the device manager. Let me know what you find. I realize its a real pain in the you know what to do all this without a working mouse but its the only way to troubleshoot it. Ill check back on you to see how your getting along.

Ok H thats great info thank you. I ran into this very problem with someone a couple days ago. The solution ended up being for her to use a mouse that uses the PS2 connector. Thats the older circle plug. But lets try a couple other things and if they dont work you can always take the new mouse you just bought back and trade it for a mouse with a PS2 connector if you want.

First lets check to see if maybe its just something not set correctly in the mouse properties located in the control panel. Go to Start-control panel. Open the mouse icon.

You might have to switch to classic style to see it. When you open the mouse icon you will see some tabs across the top. Click on the hardware tab and tell me if you see the mouse in the little box on top. If its there itll tell you the type of mouse and weather or not its working properly. If the mouse is there and showing you can click on the properties button toward the bottom and that will bring up another box with more tabs across the top. From here you can use the troubleshooter under the general tab, or you can click the driver tab and either update the drivers, look at the driver details or uninstall the drivers. You might try uninstalling it and rebooting your computer.

This will cause your computer to have to detect it again and reinstall the windows drivers for it. That might fix it. Something tells me however, that when you get to the mouse icon it is going to show no mouse at all. If thats the case let me know and we can check on some other things in the device manager. Let me know what you find.

I realize its a real pain in the you know what to do all this without a working mouse but its the only way to troubleshoot it. Ill check back on you to see how your getting along. Patmark Ok Pat, Hardware to Properties took me to 'PS/2 Compatible Mouse Properties' and the 'Mouse' icon was visable. In that 'Device Status' Box it tells me: This Device cannot Start. (Code 10) Click Troubleshooter to Start the Troubleshooter for this device When I click the Troubleshooter a window opens that says: 'Windows could not load the installer for this device. Contact your hardware vendor for assistance.'

LOL No you had it right. Im sorry I'm confusing you. Its getting late and I've been on here since 8oclock this morning trying to help people and my brain is getting foggy LOL. Its my fault. Ok Heres what I want you to do if you will bare with me. Turn the computer off 2).Plug in the mouse with the ps2 connector.

Plug in the keyboard with the ps2 connector. Turn the computer back on. Check the mouse to see if its working if still not working 1).

Go into your control panel again and open the mouse icon 2). Click on the hardware tab 3). Click on the properties button (bottom right) 4).Click on the uninstall button 5). It will say you are about to remove this device from your system. Select ok 6).

Follow any instructions that pop up from there and if it doesnt reboot automatically reboot your computer. This will hopefully make your mouse work. Im disabled and tire easily these days. I will check on you first thing in the morning to see where your at and we will continue from there if your still willing.

Thank you for being patient. Ok H, Ive been doing some reading and this is happening to everyone lately and evryone is having a hard time with this issue. We will get it fixed though LOL. Ok our next step is to go into your device manager. What we are looking for is either mouse and pointing devices or other devices to see if we can unistall this mouse from there.

Your really impressing me with using the keyboard to do all this lol. I dont think I could do that.

In the control panel find the systems Icon and open it. Select the hardware tab at the top and then select device manager.

I want you to look and see if you see your mouse in there and if it has a yellow! Or its Xd out. And let me know.

Leave you device manager open and post back. Ok H, Let me ask you something here. Is your ultimate goal to just have a working mouse?

Or do you want an optical mouse for some reason? The reason I ask is that this issue is only occuring with optical mice and all the techs are saying it has something to do with a windows update. Now windows updates are a neccessary evil you need them to keep your computer current but they cause alot of problems. The thing is I think if you take the mouse back that you just bought and replace it with a roller ball mouse the roller ball mouse will most likely work. Also a roller ball mouse should come with a disk with its own drivers on it as well. The fixes Ive found for the optical mice are involved and complicated but I will work on them with you if you want that optical mouse to work for some reason.