Bot Programs For Eq2 Crafting

EQ2 Crafting Bot Website MacroGoblin MMO Macros Full Members EQ2 Crafting Bot v1.1 by Goblin Development Usable in MacroGoblin v2.0.1.0 + For Everquest 2 The MacroGoblin file (.mg) is attached to the forum post. Summary This Everquest 2 Crafting Bot is a very smart crafting bot that is easy to use and set up.
It will craft up to 24 different items of any quantity at a time. It detects when crafting events occur and counters them with very high accuracy. Johnny Cash Discography Rapidshare Files. It also detects when your durability is lower than you desire and compensates by running a durability increasing routine. This EQ2 crafting macro also waits until your health and power bars are full until continuing to the next item to craft. Furthermore you can give it text phrases to look for in the EQ2 log file that will trigger a sound alert. With over 1500 combines I have yet to get anything less than pristine quality with this EQ2 tradeskill bot, however I'm sure it will happen.

This Everquest 2 Crafting Bot is a very smart tradeskill bot that is easy to use and set up.
Aloe Blacc The Aloe Blacc Ep Rar Download. This was while crafting blue and white tier items. The rate of successful event countering seems to be 90+%. Features • Very easy setup. No prior MacroGoblin knowledge is required. • Craft up to 24 different items of any quantity at a time. • Counters crafting events with high accuracy.
• Compensates for low durability. • Monitors health and power. • Will sound an alert when certain text phrases are detected. Requirements This Everquest 2 crafting macro has only been tested in the default EQ2 user interface.
It probably works fine in other interfaces, but they are untested. Setup Setup should be easy. Instructions, Documentation, and Settings can be found by going to (Edit =>Macro Settings and Documentation) after loading up the bot in MacroGoblin. ©2007-2017 Goblin Development. All rights reserved.