Pmdg 747 400 Livery Download Music
Feb 13, 2017. While she is getting a bit long in the tooth, the 747-400 is still a solid workhorse in the fleets of major airlines, and although the plane is beginning to. You have the ability to download liveries directly from PMDG through the ops center, you have the 1,600 some-odd page FCOM they ship for use with the.

I have the Prepar3D (Lockheed Martin) and Flight Simulator 2004 (Microsoft) versions, and it is fantastic. If you are looking for realism, this is the aircraft for you. The base package comes with both the 737-800 and 737-900 variants, with and without winglets. With the PMDG Operations Center, you can download and automatically install liveries for most of the major US and European liveries, nearly all configured according to their real world specifications (which you can change to suit your needs if you want), as well as install manually download liveries from other flight simulation sites. The Operations Center also allows you to download the latest updates as well as access to all manuals. READ the manuals, everything you need to know is in them, everything.
It's a bit of a steep learning curve for those new to flight simulation, but well worth it. Unlike real world aircraft, you can make mistakes with this one (which imho helps to reinforce what you have learned). You can also configure each aircraft from within the simulator using the Flight Management Computer (FMC) to suit whatever your flying needs are. From within the FMC, you also have access to payload settings, fuel amounts, ground connections such as generator and air starter, etc, even pushback from the gate.

You can also program in any number of planned system failures you wish to experience, reset failed systems, cancel failures, etc. The entire flight plan (including SIDs, STARs, ILS and VOR approaches, etc) are programmed into the FMC and NOT the built in flight planner of sims, just like the real thing. I never use the 2D cockpit, though I will use the overhead and radio 2D panels as needed because for me it is easier and quicker sometimes. However, the virtual 3D cockpit is fully functional, and you will definitely want to go over it in the manual to take full advantage of everything. As with any addon for any flight simulator, there is a bit of a frame rate hit.
Many of my settings are at or near full realism, so my typical frame rate on a mostly cloudy day is 20 fps inside the aircraft, and faster outside depending on the angle and what the aircraft is doing. Mediamonkey Pro Keygen. It doesn't cause any stutter on my P3D machine, so it appears smooth enough for me.
In FS9 on the same machine, frame rates are in the hundreds in clear weather, around 30-50 fps in stormy weather. Frame rates are easily adjusted from the simulator itself, so if you can adjust to what doesn't drive you crazy, lol. There is simply no way in a review here, or even in the product description, that anyone can do this aircraft justice. Oh, before I forget, you can configured the aircraft for oceanic flights as well (ETOPS), for those up for a shorter range long haul flight or two. Everything is in the very comprehensive manuals, you should read them in full if you are new to this complex of an aircraft. Experienced virtual pilots (and even some real world ones) not familiar with the Boeing series will also want to read up in the relevant sections regarding where everything is and how exactly the FMC works. I recently purchased this simulator because I wanted to move up in the world with a realistic sim other than the traditional FSX.
I read many reviews and it looked as if this is what I was looking for. I also recently purchased a new high end desk top computer with a quad processor and a 512 MG video card, so I could not wait to give this sim a go.
Well I installed it and the install went fine, however, when I hit fly now I received a fatal error and FSX shut down. I looked at every imaginable site to see if there was a fix for this and found nothing. Therefore I contacted Amazon and they contacted the manufacture. I finally received a response from them as a result of the push from Amazon. The response I received was that they (PMDG) had never experienced this and suggested I go on the Avsim forum.
That is not what I wanted to hear, but I did and thankfully I got a response and fix from someone who experienced the same problem. Then I got into the sim and realized that there was no documentation other than a tutorial to get me going. This sim is very complicated and the manual has you do a lot of things to get going, but the problem is finding the switches and panels that the tutorial has you do. There are thumbnail pictures, but no guidance as to where you need to go in the cockpit. I have since e-mailed PMDG three times asking about a cockpit lay out and have not received a single response from them. It's been over two weeks now. You can go on there website and they offer a cockpit poster for 20 bucks.
To me It appears that PMDG doesn't care about there customers, and as a result I will think twice before buying their product again. I gave this two stars because of the great graphics, but not five stars because of the manufactures lack of response and for that matter help. It appears that PMDG doesn't care about the customer.
If you know the 737 you will probably be fine, but if you are not familiar with it your on your own. I have the Prepar3D (Lockheed Martin) and Flight Simulator 2004 (Microsoft) versions, and it is fantastic. If you are looking for realism, this is the aircraft for you. The base package comes with both the 737-800 and 737-900 variants, with and without winglets. With the PMDG Operations Center, you can download and automatically install liveries for most of the major US and European liveries, nearly all configured according to their real world specifications (which you can change to suit your needs if you want), as well as install manually download liveries from other flight simulation sites. The Operations Center also allows you to download the latest updates as well as access to all manuals.
READ the manuals, everything you need to know is in them, everything. It's a bit of a steep learning curve for those new to flight simulation, but well worth it. Unlike real world aircraft, you can make mistakes with this one (which imho helps to reinforce what you have learned). You can also configure each aircraft from within the simulator using the Flight Management Computer (FMC) to suit whatever your flying needs are. From within the FMC, you also have access to payload settings, fuel amounts, ground connections such as generator and air starter, etc, even pushback from the gate. You can also program in any number of planned system failures you wish to experience, reset failed systems, cancel failures, etc.
The entire flight plan (including SIDs, STARs, ILS and VOR approaches, etc) are programmed into the FMC and NOT the built in flight planner of sims, just like the real thing. I never use the 2D cockpit, though I will use the overhead and radio 2D panels as needed because for me it is easier and quicker sometimes. However, the virtual 3D cockpit is fully functional, and you will definitely want to go over it in the manual to take full advantage of everything. As with any addon for any flight simulator, there is a bit of a frame rate hit.
Many of my settings are at or near full realism, so my typical frame rate on a mostly cloudy day is 20 fps inside the aircraft, and faster outside depending on the angle and what the aircraft is doing. It doesn't cause any stutter on my P3D machine, so it appears smooth enough for me. In FS9 on the same machine, frame rates are in the hundreds in clear weather, around 30-50 fps in stormy weather. Frame rates are easily adjusted from the simulator itself, so if you can adjust to what doesn't drive you crazy, lol. There is simply no way in a review here, or even in the product description, that anyone can do this aircraft justice. Oh, before I forget, you can configured the aircraft for oceanic flights as well (ETOPS), for those up for a shorter range long haul flight or two.
Everything is in the very comprehensive manuals, you should read them in full if you are new to this complex of an aircraft. Experienced virtual pilots (and even some real world ones) not familiar with the Boeing series will also want to read up in the relevant sections regarding where everything is and how exactly the FMC works. I purchased the PMDG 777 a few months ago and had a good idea what I was getting when I bought the PMDG 737. What I didn't expect was that I would enjoy flying it as much as I have.
The frame rates are better than the 777 and it's a lot of fun to fly if you like flying a busy cockpit, flipping switches and actually flying the airplane instead of like the new ones which are mostly automated. If you are not familiar with the PMDG products, they are worth the money. I hesitated for years while buying other cheaper software before smarting up and buying a PMDG aircraft. If you buy either the 777 or the 737, you will probably have a hard time going back to a less realistic model. Tip: Use SkyVector or a similar system for flight planning and manually load your fmc for extra realism. There are shortcuts when inputting your flight plan manually, but that's is something you will have to discover. Great add-on for FSX.
I was a little intimidated as people were saying how complex it is and how you have to know how to power it on correctly etc. Well yes, you can do all that. Or you can start it with engines running just like the default FSX aircraft - it is up to you. With very little knowledge I can take off, fly under autopilot with ATC and then land where I need to be. Without using the FMC or any of the advanced stuff.
I am using a Saitek yoke and actually find it easier to maneuver the the standard 737 which is included with FSX. Now I have mastered the basics I am now looking into more in-depth controls including learning how to program routes with the FMC. If you are a novice like me and want to use/ master more of the advanced features I highly recommend a book by Mike Rae - called 737NG Syllabus which is available on Amazon. It is very easy to follow and teaches you a lot about this aircraft and how to fly it 'properly'. Has easy to follow step by step pictures in the book. This is a great add-on.
Now I need to get the PMDG 777! NOTE: This add-on requires a good set up and top CPU.
I am only getting 12-15 fps on the ground at an add-on airport with some AI. I am getting almost 20 in the same scenario with Majestic's Dash 8. I have an i7 4790 with Nvidia 4GB graphics card - with full.cfg tweaks etc. As someone who received their private pilot license in 2003, I never learned how to use the FMC and 'TRULY' fly a commercial aircraft until I purchased this product (no folks, using the GPS on the 737 on Flight Simulator X is NOT the real thing).
The FMC was a bear for me to learn, but I was determined to use this product fully, and I finally after some practice and youtube tutorials, I have 90% mastered the PMDG 737. If you have basic knowledge of aviation, I suggest you purchase this add-on, but just understand that you'll need patience with it. Once you master the FMC of the PMDG, you will NEVER want to fly anything else!!! I also have the Level-D 767, and while I like that one as well, the PMDG without a doubt the best on the market! I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE 777 IS RELEASED THIS YEAR!!!
This is the standard in airline flight simulation. If you own FSX and you enjoy flying airliners then you must own this plane, it really is that simple. There is a reason why nearly everyone in this hobby regularly flies this particular plane. Be sure to get the 737-600/700 expansion pack from PMDG as it is not included on this DVD. This will enable you to realistically simulate Southwest Airlines operations and many others who use the 700 or 600 variant. This DVD does include the Service Pack 1c in the base install pack so there is no need to download the update from PMDG or install any updates.
I chose the CD DVD version because I wanted a handy hard disk in the event of computer repairs and reinstall. I didn't want to go through the on-line process of relicensig. The detail quality of this product really shines when you can match your computer up to a big screen 60' HDTV! Absolutely a mind-blower! The FMC tutorial is good--you have to be patient with yourself in getting to it. I ordered the 737 NG syllabus colour manual as a backup for complete understanding.
I ordered this product because I have the PMDG 747-400 already--these items both are really excellent. Also, with a high speed computer, you can maximize all the visual detail settings on the FSX operating program, including terrain mesh and light pluming (light spilling).
Combined with the sound quality you get (someone gave me a theatre sound system!) this is as close as it can get short of buying your own simulator from Flight Safety International!
Product Information Publisher: Description: Angle of Attack Instructional Training DVD’s for the PMDG 747. Download Size: N/A Format: DVD Simulation Type: FS9 & FSX Reviewed by: AVSIM Senior Staff Reviewer - November 3, 2008 Introduction Are you eager to learn everything about the PMDG 747-400 and you're thinking of hiring a licensed Lufthansa, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines or Northwest Airlines ATPL 747 co-pilot or captain who can help you master the PMDG 747-400? It would be a super idea but unfortunately, those pilots are not available and if they were, their fee is too high unless it’s your father, uncle or a close friend. FlyAoAMedia, developer of this Angle of Attack DVD package, offers you a highly educational DVD package that brings your PMDG 747-400 knowledge to a new and higher standard.
You think you know already everything about the PMDG 747-400? If that’s so then either there’s no reason to read this review or I challenge you to read it and you'll probably see and read things you didn’t know before. Hey guys sorry.girls too, what about procedures and flight preparation, including handling the aircraft during a normal and abnormal flight? This DVD package is for all of you out there flying the PMDG 747 and still looking for new things.
Checking your 747 knowledge, seeing if you can learn something new or find a different approach in the operation of a system. Remember, this aircraft is not like a Cessna 150 or 172, no, these planes are so complicated and realistic that flight dynamics and simulated systems are close to the real thing. By the way, these are not my words, but are generally said by many flight simmers and, of course, are supported by me. Dj Kicks Playgroup Raritan.
Before I continue, let’s have a look at the website and see what the makers of these training DVD's say. ' Have you ever dreamed of what it would feel like to pilot one of the world’s largest commercial jetliners across the skies, with the skills and effortless ability of a professional? It’s time to turn your dream into a reality. It’s time to become a professional captain of the 747-400.
Angle of Attack Productions, in partnership with PMDG, is pleased to bring you the Angle of Attack 747 Training Course. The six-hour DVD will teach you what you need to know in order to master the PMDG 747-400. From the teeth-rattling takeoff to the squeal of sixteen wheels hitting pavement halfway across the world, this DVD gets you up close and personal with this beautiful example of modern engineering. ' START page AoA PMDG 747 information page Training DVD's information It’s just an extraction of what these guys offer. As you can see, apart of the PMDG 747 training instruction DVD package, they also offer training for the Level-D 767 and the upcoming PMDG MD-11. Operating this famous giant should not be taken lightly.
The systems, controls, and procedures present a vast amount of information that must be taught correctly. Real 747-400 pilots go through years of training just to earn the honour of sitting in the 747’s cockpit. Now you too can gain the training necessary to pilot this monster. Visual aids, checklist, 3D diagrams, and amazing visuals make this a highly energetic and enjoyable way to learn and master the PMDG 747-400. No, this review is not a tutorial or complete flight instruction about the PMDG 747-400. This review is all about additional training software where you need to go back to school. Then it’s time to listen to one of the narrators to get all kinds of information regarding the PMDG 744, but in a totally different way then you’re used to.
Despite all freeware paper flights or instructional tutorials which help you understanding the complex PMDG 744, and don’t forget the official tutorials from PMDG, all the PMDG books and even Mike Rays manuals, you still need to read a lot of things. Unfortunately, some manuals have pages full of text, text and even more text, and by the end you’re mostly lost and haven’t learned a thing! Is it not a good idea to have a virtual private technicalinstructor and flight instructor who explains all of the ins and outs of this huge aircraft to you? Yes, that would be a good idea. But putting yourself on the list at an official Flight Academy like the rookie 747-400 pilots with KLM or SAS, you would have to pay lots of money so you could learn everything about the Boeing 747-400. Forget it, first of all those real flight academies won’t allow you to apply, since you’re not an employee and I even think with the Boeing Company you can’t apply for a student seat.
No, in the real world you won’t get a change to be instructed by real flight instructors apart from the fact that you probably couldn't follow the lessons or fly the real FFS (Level-D Full Flight Simulator) because it’s slightly different then the simulated PMDG 744. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel with the MSFS PMDG 744 related technical and flight instruction DVD's from Angle of Attack. The problem with most of the tutorials, speaking as a real professional Airbus aviation maintenance instructor, is that they don’t have a well educated didactical written text where even the related pictures are missing at times or there are too many pictures etc. Most tutorials are based on a specific AIRAC version where SID and STARS are used to create your flight plan.
When there’s a difference between the tutorial flight plan setup and your actual AIRAC with procedures, then it could be that there’s a difference in the tutorial description while entering FMS CDU data. Is this problem solved with the AoA DVD package? In one way it is, by simply mentioning which AIRAC and procedures are used. For the beginner it’s clear how to start and follow the FMS CDU handling and for the experienced flight simmer, he/she can handle the different AIRAC versions. Enough of this, it’s now time to see what these PMDG 747 AoA Training DVD's are offering and if this approach is really something new, but more importantly, what’s the learning curve when following these instructional DVD's?
Since we’re dealing with instruction DVD’s, I would like to make it clear to you that it’s not software, which is applicable to either FS9 and/or FSX. These DVD’s can be used in combination with the FS9/FSX PMDG 747-400 while – for fun – the additional DVD 1 AoA airplane livery, is only applicable for FS9. Don’t worry about the availability of the AoA FS9 livery. Via the following, you can download the same livery for the PMDG FSX 747 version. Installation, documentation and additional info Test System Dell Precision Workstation 650 Dual Intel P4-Xeon 3.06Ghz 4Gb RAM DDR 533Mhz nVidia 7800GS+ 512Mb AGP RAID-0 HDD’s - SCSI 340Gb Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals Saitek ProFlight Yoke System TrackerIR Pro 4 TrackerClip Pro Windows XP Professional SP2 Flight Simulator 9.1 Flight Simulator FSX SP1+SP2 Flying Time: 34 hours When ordering the AoA 747 Training DVD, you should be aware that this DVD video is made exclusively for the NTSC system.
This means, when you intend to play it on a VCR/TV, you can enjoy all the training material available. But for me as European citizen, it won’t work since we have PAL. However, when you and I use it on your PC then there’s no problem.
The only thing you need is a computer DVD drive and the correct DVD player software. In most cases, the standard Microsoft Media player should work but other video players are available as freeware on the Internet.
Unfortunately, a freeware video player is not packed on the DVD 1. Since the AoA DVD package doesn’t come with a small paper - except for the checklist – that informs the user that additional software can be found on the DVD 1, you have no idea that it's there.
You’ll get the idea once you’ve started listening to DVD 1. Here narrator Chris talks of the existence of additional material. Let’s look a little more in detail at the setup.exe program, found on DVD 1.
What I Like About These Training DVD's • Highly didactical training material, • Freeware tutorials for this PMDG aircraft are nice but this is really fun with a lot of background information, • Lot’s of 747 training (use model PMDG 747) information put of three DVD's, • Instruction/training material can be used for the FS9/FSX PMDG 747, • The way the narration in general is done, it keeps me attentive, • The necessary charts for your North Atlantic flight are supplied including the charts needed for DVD 2, while Chris tells you everything about the possible approaches. • Price/quality ($44.95 equals ˜ €30.00) excluding shipping costs worth to improve your PMDG 747 skills. What I Don't Like About These Training DVD's • Sometimes the narrator is speaking a little too fast, • It would be a good idea when in one way or the other a questionnaire was available. This allows the flight simmer to check his knowledge after following a particular DVD or chapter, • There’s no guide or piece of paper that tells you that DVD 1 comes with a setup program and offers a little more background info about all of it. Printing If you wish to print this review or read it offline at your leisure, right click on the link below, and select 'save as' Standard Disclaimer The review above is a subjective assessment of the product by the author. There is no connection between the product producer and the reviewer, and we feel this review is unbiased and truly reflects the performance of the product in the simming environment as experienced by the reviewer. This disclaimer is posted here in order to provide you with background information on the reviewer and any presumed connections that may exist between him/her and the contributing party.
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