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The Historic Carousel and the San Diego Zoo share the same main entrance from Park Boulevard. When you turn onto Zoo Place, the Balboa Park Carousel parking lot will be on your left (shared with the Balboa Park Miniature Railroad) and the Balboa Park Miniature Railroad and Carousel. San Diego, CA, USA. Fromm-rating-star About our rating system. Our Rating Neighborhood Zoo Dr., next to San Diego Zoo entrance Hours Railroad: Summer daily 11am-6:30pm; May-Sept weekends and holidays only 11am-4:30pm.
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After generations of family ownership, the 107-year-old carousel was purchased in July by the Friends of Balboa Park. Now, the nonprofit group has launched a $3 million capital campaign Balboa Park Carousel. The 1910 Balboa Park Carousel, adjacent to the San Diego Zoo, is a menagerie of animals and all but two pairs are original with hand-carved European craftsmanship. Also original are the hand-painted murals surrounding the upper portion of the carousel and the military band music. This carousel 73 reviews of Balboa Park Carousel 'Fun ride for all!
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