Giovanni Allevi Panic Pdf Writer

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No Concept by Released 16 May 2005, Length 45: 34 chronology (2003) 2003 No Concept (2005) Joy (2006) Joy2006 No Concept is the third album composed by and was published in 2005 by the label. Track listing [ ] • Go with the flow – 3:35 – 'Emotion must be left to flow: let your existence manifest itself free from obstacles, for nothing belongs to us and all is given.' – Giovanni Allevi • Ciprea – 2:57 – 'The neat drawing and the radiant surface of this shell, recall to mind the African rhythms that inspired this extended melody.' – Giovanni Allevi • Come sei veramente – 6:07 – 'Whoever is in love has the gift of seeing the other in all their depth, of discovering the intimate beauty even when it is obscured by daily life.' – Giovanni Allevi • Prendimi – 2:49 – 'Running after each other until suddenly meeting: and then again, fleeing once more.'
– Giovanni Allevi • Ti scrivo – 2:45 – 'A letter written with pen and paper in the email era takes lots of courage. Promise me you will write a real letter.' – Giovanni Allevi • Regina dei cristalli – 2:07 – 'The pride of the Renaissance returns upon my fingers: in Music, History is a game where anything can be up to date.'
– Giovanni Allevi • Ossessione – 2:34 – 'A thousand doors open, the mind seeks thousands of solutions, but there is no way out from the obsession of a face, a memory.' – Giovanni Allevi • Sospeso nel tempo – 1:17 – 'A tear on the garment of time is where fresh thoughts lay.' – Giovanni Allevi • Le tue mani – 2:30 – 'Of infinite shapes and sensual dances are hands capable, thus revealing intentions and desires that cannot be avowed.' – Giovanni Allevi • Qui danza – 2:28 – '“Here’s the rose, here it dances” (Hegel): in order not to lose itself amidst the clouds of conceptuality the absolute must descend unto daily life, revealing all its splendour in the simplicity of a rose. Dance then, celebrating the smallest things as mirrors of the infinite.' – Giovanni Allevi • Notte ad Harlem – 5:08 – 'They say that from 125th St.
Onwards, at night-time one should be afraid, that’s why glances veer between fear and curiosity. But the other is a fellow man like me; perhaps it is me that scares him.' – Giovanni Allevi • Pensieri nascosti – 2:29 – 'Glances speaking of hidden thoughts.' – Giovanni Allevi • Breath – 8:40 – 'I let my body receive the vibrations from the piano’s single notes, from the lowest depths up to the head. I listen in total silence, in the dark, with the volume turned up loud.
For ten minutes I am outside of this world.' – Giovanni Allevi.
Allevi said [ ] 'Unlike previous CD this came pouring. In fact, it seems paradoxical because it is more elaborate, but it took much less time.
It was born in extraordinary circumstances for me. I was in the neighbourhood of New York.
I had fled from Italy to get away from the music of the conceptual world of the Academy. I had this need to meet new artistic forces, most genuine, they came from the bottom. Caldo Sangue Scarlatti Pdf Merge. In New York, I auditioned for my concert at the Blue Note, then held six months later.
I started dreaming that concert. And thus was born 'No Concept', which is simply the transposed music from that concert. That dream has turned into compositions, because I knew that there was a prestigious international stage waiting my notes and my music.'
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