Installing Linux Mint On Vmware Player

Is one of the tools you can use to install an operating system on a operating system. It will run inside a window and perform its task not being aware it is being run in vmware. You can use such a setup for testing purposes, developing projects etc. In my case I just wanted to install Linux Mint 17.3 KDE without having to give it a proper physical SSD and that is why I am installing Vmware Workstation 12 on Linux Mint 17.3.

In the case of KDE I will start with an. In an other tutorial I wlll start with an and install Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon. Contents of movie • download the vmware workstation 12 from • free to test • download file has extension. Bundle and is NOT an executable • how to be able to run the program • installation settings • vmware workstation in menu.

This tutorial is aimed at Windows users who want to try out a Linux distro and learn about a virtual OS installation at the same time. I am using the Linux Mint Mate (Nadia) distro as the example. The installation of other distros does not differ except in the installation of the VMware Tools. There you may have to Google to find the correct Terminal commands. Mint Mate is a Linux distro with an Ubuntu base.

STEPS FOR INSTALLING. 'LINUX MINT' (continued). • Step 342: Ignore any requests to log in that pop up. At this point in the installation process, a fictitious user named 'Mint' will automatically log in and start the installation process will continue.

It has a user interface that makes it relatively easy for a Windows user to get started. Mint Cinnamon and Zorin would be other options that I can recommend for Windows users. Coming from Windows, you will not be too alienated using those distros. They have a Start menu and a familiar task bar.

But there are, of course, differences. Mint Mate can be downloaded.

Installing Linux Mint On Vmware PlayerInstalling Linux Mint On Vmware Player

The 64bit version is the one used in this tutorial. But there is also a 32bit version. I will explain how to make the setup in VMware Player, some basic settings in Mint Mate (video) and how to install the VMware Tools (video). There is also a video that shows the operation of the virtual partition. Chapter 1 - install Mint Mate in VMware Player Download and install it on your system. Then start VMware Player and you will see this window. Here you just click on 'Create a new virtual machine' and you get to this window.

Here you select to install from the.iso image and navigate to the Mint Mate.iso file that you have downloaded. Mark Linux and choose the Ubuntu 64bit. Browse to the disk/partition and folder where you want to install the virtual partition files. Default is Documents. I recommend predefining a folder in Documents for the VMware installation so that all VMware files are in one place. When you are done with the installation, there will be over 25 files and subfolders.

Having those mixed with other folders would be messy. In this window you can take the defaults. Mint Mate will start out with less than 6GB of disk space usage so a maximum of 20GB for the dynamic virtual disk should suffice. The default allocation is 1GB of RAM and 1 processor. I always assign 2GB of RAM and 2 processors. But you should take what is suitable for your PC. This would be the setting for an allocation of 2GB of RAM This setting gives the virtual machine 2 cores.

Any more cores would probably not be used by Mint. If you are done with that, click on Close and then on Finish. Then you get the VMware start screen were you highlight your new system (top left) and click on ' Play virtual Machine (bottom right). Then VMware Player will install the bootstrap system of Mint Mate.

Once this is done, you need to right click on the 'Install DVD' as shown in the picture and Open that. This will start the full installation of Mint Mate. The Mint Mate installation process is very similar to the Windows installation process. You set the language, keyboard layout, time zone, and give the system a name. You must define a password - I always use 1234 because Linux distros ask many times for authentication with the password. A complicated password will make the operation more cumbersome.

There is one big difference to a Windows installation - you do not need a product key. Byterun Builder For Php Crack. Mint Mate is freeware. Once your installation is completed, restart Mint Mate - click on the Mint Menu button (bottom left) and then on the power symbol (bottom right in the start menu).

That will bring up the various options (restart, shutdown, etc.) Chapter 2 - Videos Note: It is possible that the audio of the following video is very low. That is easy to fix. Download Lagu Malaysia Uks Kekasihku. 4GB is plenty. No need to upgrade. Only if you want to run 3 or 4 systems at the same time (which I sometimes do) would you need 8GB. But for running 1 virtual system together with the host, you will be fine with 4GBs.

You can install as many virtual systems as you like - just don't run them all at the same time. For each virtual Linux system I would recommend 10 to 15GB of disk space. Mint, Zorin and Ubuntu start at about 6GB of disk space. But after you installed the VMware tools and a few programs, you'll probably be at 8GB of disk space usage. I also run Windows 8 in VMware.

Now that's a different story. There you need 20 to 30GB of disk space. But 4GB of RAM would still be fine - just split it 2 and 2. Advantages of linux: better use of RAM and resources, currently virus-free, no open ports on a default installation, better security all around, software in repositories constantly checked by community so you know it is safe, OS is super customizable, no licensing restrictions, cost=free, many distros so there is sure to be one that catches your attention and keeps it. No fragmentation on journaled file systems.