Elive Topaz Installer Module

Aug 11, 2008. G'day, i have been given a few free download codes for elive linux from the developers of this Distro to be given away. This is the web site you need to visit and just pick one of these codes to copy and paste to start and d/l your free version of this operating system.

If you are a truly defender of the free software you must know better what are you defending, you can start from here. Free software has no relation with gratis, please read this explanation from gnu.org. You need to know also that due to this confusion of terms, the word free software has changed to open source software in 1998.After that you know that free has no relation with cost.

Elive Topaz Installer ModuleElive Topaz Installer Module

This payment is required to pay the development of Elive, that is the full time work of the Developer 'Thanatermesis' and also to pay external development and/or services. Think that more money is made and more development can be possible to pay and so, a better final product (Elive). But in any of the cases, you are not obliged to pay for Elive, nobody obliges you to use Elive. Without any cost, Elive would not be the same, at least not with all its features, usefriendly things, and the lot of work involved.

By other side, if your problem is that you can't possibly pay for any personal reason, we don't want to prevent anybody from using Elive so we propose alternatives which are described in the payment process.Even if you are in face to a computer screen with thousands of pixels, the result of the Elive Operating System is that is made by a human person, a person that unfortunately are living in a monetary-dependent system, in other words, who pay my taxes? And not only the taxes but also my roof and food if my only full-time work is to make Elive.

Im a truly and convinced defender of the venus project, it proposes a future without money, unfortunately im not actually living on any venus city, they doesn't exist right now, I would like to live in a venus world and make Elive only for pleasure but the reality is that I still on this world. If you really don't understand the point of the payment, then I must say. 'don't use Elive!' , basically because nobody obliges you to use it and because you don't like it!, so why to lost time complaining? If you really think that Elive is not worth of the minimal requirement, why just don't ignore it?

I don't want to monopolize the world with Elive, I do not care at all if you use it or not, so just use anything that you want, you have thousands of alternatives, you have the choice.The cost of the Installer Module The cost of the Installer Module is a selectable value by the user, but the minimum is set to 15 $. That has been my contention all along (as i have posted many times here).there is no free software, someone always pays for it in sacrificing their time.most of us cheer for free software because we take it.most of us don't know how to write programs or modules to contribute back to the community.therefore we don't contribute.it really is a one-way street.Personally, I have donated hundred of dollars to open source over the years. Not all at once but I have donated to Debian, Arch, Slackware, Apache, OpenSSH, FSF, etc over the years.Also, contributing is more than just monetary. There are many ways to contribute including bug testing, making translations, helping others in forums, etc. I can agree to all arguments. I to have contributed monetarily to 'Free Ware' software tool developers.

This was in the Windows community when ever someone would come out with a really useful tool. Bmp Studio 4 91 Rar Extractor. Rexx Calling Cobol Program. If I liked it and knew I was going to use it.

I contributed. But like you said Josh, contributing is more than monetary. You contribute like many others on here by supplying free guidance to people like me whom would have given up on Linux if there was not people like yourself and many others here who have patiently helped me solve problems that if I really spent the time looking could have came up with the answer on my own.:)So Josh.And all you others.Thank you for your contribution.:thumbup:All the best,Ian. Well, to me, it sounds like you have to pay (make donation) in order to install Elive.

So you can run the livecd for free, but you must pay in order to get the 'installer module'.Yes absolutely correct. That has been Eliive's business model for quite some time. You can run it live for free, but must pay to enable it to be installed.It is actually a very nice implementation of Enlightenment built on Debian. However as there are many gratis options available, I'm sure it will remain a niche product. Elive is made with and for pleasure. Things designed with pleasure are worlds better than the things designed due to a workers obligation.Elive is not made for newbies.

Elive is not made for experienced people. Elive is not made for enterprises or personal user. Elive is art. It is simply for the people who appreciate it and want to use it. Feel free to try Elive, because only you decide what you want in this world!I know a lot of software is made this way, but it's nice to see someone saying something like that right on the front page of the site. This, as much as the 4-year-old video, makes me want to try this thing out. I don't mind paying for something I actually USE.