Veritas Storage Foundation Software Construction

Rating: +457 Note to all Researchers: Please include your name on all records, along with date and total number of items 'refined'. Researchers are responsible for all 'Output'.

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Should damage or loss of life occur, the researcher will be subject to administrative review and possible disciplinary action. Biological testing has been suspended. Any biological testing must be cleared by O5 Command. Test Log Format: All test logs should be written in this form. Name: Date: Total Items: Input: Setting: Output. Test 11828-U5: Tests on the nature and construction of SCP-914 With approval from 05 Command, a single gear was removed from one of the 'outer' sections of SCP-914. Placement was carefully documented, and was in a location that would not release tension on any belts or damage any documented sections.

Testing area was cleared and sealed after placing a steel block in the 'intake' booth. D-00104 was dispatched to SCP-914, and instructed to turn the key and activate SCP-914.

Veritas Storage Foundation Software ConstructionVeritas Storage Foundation Software Construction

D-00104 reported that 'the key won't catch', and the key was observed to turn several times without tightening the mainspring. No activity of any kind was observed from SCP-914 during this time. Missing gear was replaced with a identical copy, comprised of the same metal (brass) as the original. Steel block re-inserted into the 'intake' booth, and SCP-914 was activated on the '1:1' setting. SCP-914 observed to operate normally, with a slight pause of 3.5 seconds after winding the key.

After 'refining', Output observed to be a solid steel sphere with the same volume as the original steel block. Original gear returned to SCP-914. Notes: Well, thank god we can at least repair the damn thing if we damage it assuming we can find what's broken in it. Hell, maybe it's already broken, I don't know this damn thing hurts my head Dr. ██████████ Name: Dr. Gears Date: ██/█/20██ Total items: 4x clockwork pocket watch, belonging to Dr.

Gears Input: 1x gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine Output: Small clockwork bird. When the tail is pressed, it produces a robin's call. Input: 1x gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine Output: Toy clockwork train engine. Input: 1 gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine Output: Miniature grandfather clock, fully functional. Input: 1 gold-plated pocket watch Setting: Fine Output: Small metal sculpture of a piano. Notes from Dr. Gears: It appears there is a high level of randomness when SCP-914 'refines' an item.

However, it seems to preserve some element of its original composition, in this example, clockworks. This is not a law, but a high probability. Refine a metal bar, and you're more likely to get a simple metal object than a internal combustion engine. Both, however, are possible. Gears Date:██/██/████ Total number of objects: Three (3) copies of all documentation, photographs, and test logs accumulated in relation to SCP-914. Input: One (1) copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: 1:1 Output: Folder containing all previously entered documents, arranged in chronological order.

Input: One (1) copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: Fine Output: Hard-bound book containing 400 pages. No diagrams, photos, or other visual aids of any kind are included. The pages appear to be solid black, but microscopic examination shows each page to be covered in approximately twenty thousand characters. The text has no correlation with any known writing style, and is not in a linear format, with 'sentences' constructed from individual characters spread out between many pages.

Each sentence requires an exceedingly complex formula to decode, with each formula unique to each sentence. (Note: Current decoding work has resulted in two partially translated sentences after 225 work-hours. Item appears to be a record of the internal structure of SCP-914.) Input: One (1) copy of SCP-914 documentation Setting: Very Fine Output: Single sheet of paper. Weight is exactly the same as the entered documentation.

The sheet appears to be a single page from the entered SCP-914 documentation, however when flipped over to the right, the reverse side is the following page in sequence. When flipped over to the left, the opposite side is the preceding page in sequence. No new documentation is included, but this item is significantly easier to store, if more time-consuming to browse.

( Memo from General ████████: It's screwing with us, you know that right? I don't CARE if it's been proven that it has no self-awareness, this thing is LAUGHING at us!) Note from Dr. Gears: There seems to be some difficulty as to the meaning of 'fine' and 'coarse' on the settings; the machine appears to be capable of refining input based either on a scale of complexity (loss of entropy accompanied by increase in connectivity between components and/or acquisition of subjective meaning) or of simplification (separation into composite materials and loss of meaning). Grangan Date:██/██/████ Total number of objects: Five (5) adult male cadavers Input: One (1) cadaver Setting: Rough Output: A pile of human remains.

Limbs, organs and bones all appear to have been roughly separated via tearing action and high heat. Output described as 'unsettling'. Input: One (1) cadaver Setting: Coarse Output: Pile of human remains. All organs and bones have been removed by some form of cutting tool.

The skin, nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system all appear to have been removed without severing or damaging any of tissues involved. Results frozen for study. Input: One (1) cadaver Setting: 1:1 Output: One Asian male cadaver. Original cadaver was identified as Caucasian. Input: One (1) cadaver Setting: Fine Output: One cadaver containing. Subject immediately incinerated.

Input: One (1) cadaver Setting: Very Fine Output: Green slime. Properties and chemical structure determined to be identical to -2.

Note: By order of O5-█, cadavers may no longer be tested in SCP-914 in order to minimize the possibility of -2 coming in contact with dead bodies. Ouros Date: ██/█/20██ Total items: 1x pill of Input: 1 pill Setting: Fine Output: 1 ornate metal locket, now classified as Name: Dr. Zemyla Cenh Date: ██/██/20██ Total items: 2x identical wooden cross pendants, 7.6cm (3in) long Input: 1x cross Setting: Rough Total items: 1x fragment of wood of the same mass, cut flat on 3 sides. This may be a fragment of a larger cross. Input: 1x cross Setting: Fine Total items: 1x wooden crucifix with intricately detailed carving of Jesus Christ. Notes from Dr. Cenh: This may imply that has an understanding of religion.

More experiments with religious items are indicated. This test may indicate that SCP-914 understands the use of input objects and not simply their function. Recommend testing with medicines reliant on the placebo effect to ascertain if outputs provide actual medicinal solutions to problems.

Gibbons Date:██/██/████ Total number of objects: Three hundred U.S. One hundred U.S dollars will be used for each setting. Input: One hundred U.S. Dollars Setting: Coarse Output: A puddle of ink and a small pile of cotton and plastic weighing roughly as much as the original currency. Input: One hundred U.S. Dollars Setting: 1:1 Output: Seventy-five euros. Input: One hundred U.S.

Dollars Setting: Fine Output: A shareholder's note for 'Soap from Corpses Products', worth one hundred U.S. It is unknown whether 914 selected a Foundation's front out of pure whimsy, or because of some other criteria. Update: As in ██/██/████, Soap from Corpses Products' shares skyrocketed, and the aforementioned 'Fine' output is now worth $████ (USD).

It is under investigation if 914 'selected' Soap from Corpses Products because it 'knew' was going to rally, or if it was a matter of pure luck. Date: ██/█/20██ Total items: 5x Bronze replicas of the Pioneer 10 and 11 plaques. Input: 1 plaque on each setting Setting: Rough Output: Multiple bronze cubes and two bronze spheres.

Setting: Coarse Output: 105 grams of copper ore and 15 grams of tin ore. Setting: 1:1 Output: Several CDs. Tests reveal them to contain the same data as the Voyager Golden Record.

Setting: Very Fine Output: A bronze gyroscope, 15 cm tall. A needle in the center continuously points in one direction; testing has confirmed that no matter the position of the gyroscope, this needle points towards our Sun. ███████ Date: ██/█/20██ Total items: 5 lbs. Raw ground beef Input: 1 lb. Raw ground beef Setting: Rough Output: 1 lb.

Raw ground beef Setting: Fine Output: 1 lb. Medium-cooked round steak. Raw ground beef Setting: Fine Output: 1 lb. Pile of beef jerky. Raw ground beef Setting: Very Fine Output: 2 half-pound flank steaks, well-done and lightly drizzled in gravy.

Raw ground beef Setting: Very Fine Output: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject terminated with no casualties. Date: ██/█/20██ Total items: 5x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Input: 1x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Rough Output: Several hundred thin paper strips. Input: 1x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Coarse Output: 1 block of wood, wet with strong-smelling liquid. Tests indicated the liquid to be composed of a variety of chemicals used in the paper-making process. Input: 1x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: 1:1 Output: 1x IRS Form 4868 (blank) Input: 1x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Fine Output: 1x IRS Form 1040, with all blank space including margins and backs of pages filled with imprecations against the IRS and taxation in general in the following languages [in order of quantity of text, from greatest to least]: Basque, Quenya [see below], Sumerian, Cherokee, an unidentifiable language with a writing system composed of curved symbols, Classical Chinese, English (from the curses used, apparently c. After long study of the unidentifiable symbols Dr.

█████ could identify no commonality with any of the other languages present on the form. The Sumerian contained three words unattested from any known text. Easy Barcode Creator V2.0.5-Ypogeios. The Quenya had its cursing of the IRS interspersed with vituperation of someone or something called 'Morgoth'.

Input: 1x IRS Form 1040 (blank) Setting: Very Fine Output: 1x IRS Form 'MXL', filled out for the year 35 and with the name given as 'GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS' and all monetary amounts given in Roman numerals with the word 'DENARII' entered afterwards. Clopine Date: 8/15/09 Total Items: Five (5) 11 X 8.5' copies of the Mona Lisa printed from an HP Photosmart 3310 All-In-One onto photo paper Setting: Rough Output: One pile of shredded photo paper, several pools of ink Setting: Coarse Output: One 8.5 x 11' sheet of plastic, one 8.5 X 11' sheet of paper, several pools of ink Setting: 1:1 Output: One 8.5 x 11' copy of Vitruvian Man Setting: Fine Output: One 8.5 X 11' copy of Mona Lisa, painted onto canvas. Testing revealed paint to be oil paint of modern origins. Setting: Very Fine Output: One 7 x 10' copy of the Mona Lisa painted onto wood panel, identified to be poplar. Paint samples tested to be oil paints made from beeswax, calcined bones, piled glass, and mineral pigments, with indications that pigments were hand ground. Further testing suggests painting dates to early 16th century. Output now resides on wall in Dr.

Clopine's office. Name: Professor 'Q' Date: ██/██/20██ Total Items: One (1) chessboard, initial setup Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) chessboard, white king's pawn moved up 2 spaces.

Input: board as above, with black pawn moved to legal position Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) chessboard, as above with white queen moved diagonally to legal position. Professor 'Q': Yes, I've been playing chess with 914. Yes, I'm aware it's probably non-sentient, but that hardly explains why it's winning. Armond & Agent McKnight Date:██/██/2017 Total number of objects: Three (3) copies of The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R Tolkien. Input: One (1) copy of 'The Lord of the Rings'.

Setting: 1:1 Output: Three smaller books: one copy of 'The Fellowship of the Ring', one copy of 'The Two Towers', and one copy of 'The Return of the King'. It should be noted that these books make up the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.

Input: One (1) copy of 'The Lord of the Rings'. Setting: Fine Output: A polished, gold-colored ring made of compressed paper. On the ring was the poem described in 'The Lord of the Rings', inscribed in Black Speech. When worn, it was found that the ring fit all sizes and grew or shrank to accommodate the wearer. No other anomalous properties were exhibited. Input: One (1) copy of 'The Lord of the Rings'. Setting: Very Fine Output: Book approximately one-third the page count of 'The Lord of the Rings'; new book entitled 'A New Shadow', plot centered around a boy called Eldarion.

It should be noted that a book with the same title was scrapped by J.R.R Tolkien, and therefore, was never published. Note from Agent McKnight: You can have the ring, Armond, but I want the book. I'm going to copy this thing. Any Tolkien fans want to read it?

Sven Date: 4/9/17 Total Items: Three (3) plastic Klein bottles. Input: One (1) Klein bottle Setting: Coarse Output: Small plastic cubes of various sizes Input: One (1) Klein bottle Setting: 1:1 Output: Two (2) Mobius strips Input: One (1) Klein bottle Setting: Very Fine Output: [DATA EXPUNGED] dimensional anomaly severely injured Dr. Sven when attempting to remove it. Item later imploded, leaving behind a pile of fine ground plastic.

Geralds Date: 5/11/201█ Total Items: Four (4) printed images of a swastika Input: One (1) printed image of a swastika Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) black and white photograph of Adolf Hitler. Confirmed to be a copy of an existing photograph. Input: One (1) printed image of a swastika Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) printed image of the lotus symbol, which is common in Hindu iconography. Input: One (1) printed image of a swastika Setting: Fine Output: A portrait of Adolf Hitler, hand-painted in printer ink.

Object does not seem to resemble any such portrait currently in circulation. Input: One (1) printed image of a swastika Setting: Fine Output: One (1) highly detailed image of the Hindu god Lakshmi. Geralds Date: 5/11/201█ Total Items: One (1) silver ring originally belonging to D-23387, who described it as having been in her family 'for generations', two (2) silver rings identical to the one owned by D-23387 Input: One (1) unmarked silver ring Setting: Fine Output: One (1) silver pendant, of quality make. Input: One (1) unmarked silver ring Setting: Very Fine Output: One (1) silver bracelet. While wearing the bracelet, the subjects reports feeling an increase in confidence and physical attractiveness. No further anomalous properties exhibited.

Object placed in containment for further study. Input: One (1) unmarked silver ring, previously owned by D-23387 Setting: Very Fine Output: One (1) silver ring engraved with the phrase 'in loving memory of █████ █████'. █████ █████ is confirmed to be a deceased relative of D-23387. Object placed into containment.

Note: This, combined with the last test, seems to strongly suggest that SCP-914 acts on the 'meaning' humans apply to objects, rather than any self-aware view of them. This certainly explains some of the behavior of SCP-914, but I still feel like we're missing something. Geralds Name: Dr. ██████ Date: 10/11/████ Total Items: Three (3) 512GB thumb drives containing modern software for generation and multiplication of prime numbers, of the type used in cryptography. Input: One (1) thumb drive, as described above Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) thumb drive, containing the first ███████ prime numbers. Input: One (1) thumb drive, as described above Setting: Fine Output: One (1) thumb drive containing software designed to solve a variety of different known codes and ciphers, as well as some that are currently undocumented.

Input: One (1) thumb drive, as described above Setting: Very Fine Output: One (1) thumb drive. Object appears to have an internal quantum computing system, and when given encoded data, will [REDACTED] compared to any modern system. Object placed into containment for further study. Name: Researcher F████████ Date: 20/04/201█ Total Items: Three (3) non-magnetic 1-kilogram chunks of magnetite with an iron content of 50% by mass. Magnetite acquired from the [REDACTED] badlands. Input: One (1) 1-kilogram chunk of magnetite, 50% iron content.

Setting: Fine Output: One (1) magnetized 1-kilogram cube of magnetite, with a magnetic field strong enough to cause compasses up to 10 meters away to point directly at it. Input: Two (2) 1-kilogram chunks of magnetite, 50% iron content. Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) 1-kilogram chunk of pure iron, and one (1) 1-kilogram chunk of minerals revealed to have the same chemical composition as rock found in the [REDACTED] badlands. Margeon Date: 25/5/201█ Total Items: Five (5) plush bears. Input: One (1) plush bear.

Setting: Rough Output: A large mound of stuffing and torn-up fabric. Aforementioned fabric also had burns.

Input: One (1) plush bear. Setting: Coarse Output: One (1) ball of stuffing wrapped in fabric of bear. Input: One (1) plush bear. Setting: 1:1 Output: One (1) plush dog. Input: One (1) plush bear. Setting: Fine Output: Aforementioned bear is remade out of velvet, and is soft to the touch. Q Tip The Renaissance Rarities.

Input: One (1) plush bear. Setting: Very Fine Output: One (1) animated plush bear. Subject is harmless, and will 'piggyback' on anyone that it is curious about.

It then will proceed to show large amounts of affection to the carrier. Subject is currently being tested before clearing release to Dr. Grunsberg Date: 3/31/09 Total Items: Five (5) DVD copies of 1999 motion picture 'The Matrix' Input: One (1) DVD copy of 1999 motion picture 'The Matrix' Setting: Rough Output: One (1) small pile of polycarbonate plastic in powder form alongside trace amounts of ink.

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