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Jon’s 9 th Blog Perie Banou and I are tied up on jetty (or dock) H at the Royal Cape Yacht Club Table Bay Cape Town. Those who have sailed in and out of Table Bay would be amazed at the strength of the South East wind in summer. Strength of the SE wind reaches gale frequently. Table Bay has the cold South Atlantic Current.

Believe me it is cold. (Like San Francisco Bay) - that is in America). Interesting San Francisco Bay has the Prison Island of Alcatraz and Table Bay Robben Island.
- of Nelson Mandela fame. (Spent most of his 25 years Gaol there). Bad idea for prisoners to attempt to swim from either Island. Bloody cold water and currents. Not far away, to the south of Table Bay, is False Bay.
As the crow flys 15 miles distant. (Not that far). False Bay is washed by a warm current. - from the east coast of Africa. A combination of cold current, warm current, mountains in the region, plus isobars squeezed near each other (even with high pressure recorded on the barometer) creates seriously strong wind. The wind is sneaky, where it cannot go thru a mountain, it goes around.
Dec 27, 2014. I currently use the Navionics App on gps capable tablet but I may try to link up my non gps iPad through my new Turbo (Verizon) phone just to see if they. 9.5' Caribe RIB. 7.4 Mercuisers. The 'problem' with the GPS signal on the iPhone or IPad is that it is not true GPS. It uses triangulation from cell phone. Go desk moonlight pond cracked rib cracked google play von chelpus ong bak 4 full movie tagalog version of dance red orchestra 2 steam crack only blogspot bento 4 serial keygen patch rocscience slide 6 keygen idm wp client pro nulled scripts accelerer une video sony vegas 13 cracked navionics australia cracked apk.
Intensifying the howl. One of the most wonderful maritime sights is the opening up of the iconic Table Mountain as it draws into view.
When the cloud forms on top of the mountain (the table cloth). It flows over the edge of the mountain, like a water fall. The cloud dissipates about 20 percent down the massive cliff. One then knows the South Easter is going to be a honker.
Will blow for a while. I arrived in that wind.
Not the first time. December 1975 was first time.
(Heck what's going on?). The South Easter had formed. Perie Banou 2 is now tied to jetty H the Royal Cape Yacht Club. For those who voyage via Southern Africa, RCYC is known as the Tavern of the Seas. The Royal Cape hospitality is 10 out of 10 plus 1. The club office clears you into the club marina and organise immigration to meet you on board.
In my case (with another younger single hander) we were asked to visit the Customs/Immigration office a couple of kilometres down the road. (All in the dock area). Here Customs and Immigration formalities were done quickly. Smiles all around. Plus no cost involved. To get on and off floating jetty H is a ramp. At low tide it is steep.
I tend to run up and down these things. Oops going down I tripped. I scrapped a bit of skin and cracked a few ribs. Very very sore. Next night was December 31 New Year's Eve. Celebrations at the club house - end of jetty.
Didn't attend. Too sore and sorry for myself. Nothing improved. So days later I reluctantly saw a doctor recommended by the yacht club. Serial Surfer 11 here.
I took samples of my idea of pain killers. The doctor smiled and told me they were useless. He wrote out a prescription for 'real ones'.
Plus anti inflammatory. He noticed the scrape on my leg, bit red and right foot swollen. (Thus penicillin went on the prescription list.) The effect that night was immediate. I could sleep.
Two days later I began to feel like a new man. New man or no new man I am never going to run up or down that ramp or any other.
A week later work men were replacing planks in that very ramp. The Doctor was good. He went over everything.
My breathing was good. My heart rhythm good. Blood pressure 130/70 rather good. Made me feel un killable (and charged me accordingly) I was happy. I carry paper charts for the whole circumnavigation.
From these charts I enjoy plotting way points for each leg. Most of my charts bought 1974. Most of the rocks are still around, now as then. Are most of the rocks and coast in the same location? As the B&G screen. Specially in the Galapagos and French Polynesia region. So I check and re-check.
I list my course and way points in my log book. I have lots of log books. All this usually done at sea. But now un-mortally wounded with pranged ribs I have done it on the chart table whilst PB is tied up in dock. Way points from Cape Town to the Island of a Saint Helena. To the British Virgin Islands (surprisingly British).
I typed them all into my beautiful B&G machine. Even a Sidchrome spanner like me can navigate the B&G. Most important headings are not in type, but bold colourful pictures. And when you need to type numbers and letters, it is clear, bold with stacks of room to read very readable and add more letters or numbers. Anyway all way points are in the B&G. Cape Town to Panama Canal. My 1st course is Cape Town to St Helena.
One can expect fresh good following trade wind. And a neat sea. Is neat a good description? When sailing west of Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean the trade winds are fresh to strong. The sea then is un-neat. (Well it is).
There are plenty of African workers, dock hands, etc Royal Cape. Here I see a similarity between indigenous Australians (Aborigines) and Africans. For the most they do not own or show interest in owning sailing yachts. Or go sailing for the love of it.
It seems un aboriginal. Eplan Software Free Download Full Version. They are brilliant at football, boxing, running but not sailing, like I do. It is something strange we do.
Regards to all.
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