Compile C Program In Dost Rem
Enables/sets international features of DOS nnn is country code (001==US) mmm is code page (437 is default, 850 is updated form, 1252 for Windows) [drive][path]file specifies file with country specific data e.g. Country=001,850,C: FDOS BIN COUNTRY. Autobag Hs 100 Excel Manual Pdf. SYS DEVICE Usage: device=[d:][path]file [options] Load the device.
A really infinite loop, counting from 1 to 10 with increment of 0. Youth Hockey Coaches Handbook For Basketball more. You need infinite or more increments to reach the 10. For /L%%n in (1,0,10) do ( echo do stuff rem ** can't be leaved with a goto (hangs) rem ** can't be stopped with exit /b (hangs) rem ** can be stopped with exit rem ** can be stopped with a syntax error call:stop ):stop call:__stop 2>nul:__stop () creates a syntax error, quits the batch This could be usefull if you need a really infinite loop, as it is mcuh faster than a goto:loop version, as a for-loop is cached completly once at startup.