Cast Software Vs Sonar Advanced
Abbreviations Index (0-9/A-C): 1LT: First Lieutenant (O-2). 1SG: First Sergeant (E-8) - Ar. 1SGT: First Sergeant (E-7) - Ai.
1SGT: First Sergeant (E-8) - Ai. 1SGT: First Sergeant (E-9) - Ai. 1SGT: First Sergeant (E-8) - Ma. 1st LT: First Lieutenant (O-2). 1st LT: First Lieutenant (O-2).
2LT: Second Lieutenant (O-1). 2nd LT: Second Lieutenant (O-1). 2nd LT: Second Lieutenant (O-1). 3M: maintenance and material. A: Ampere; Antenna; Area; Ar. A: analog A&C: Acceptance and Commission. A&E: Ammunition and Explosives.
A&FO: Accounting & Finance Offi. A&P: administrative and person. A&T: Acquisition and Technolog. A&T: Assembly and Test A/A: air-to-air A/C: Account; Air Conditioner. A/C: aircraft A/D: analog-to-digital A/DACG: arrival/departure airfiel.
A/DCG: arrival/departure control. A/F: Arm/Fire A/G: air to ground A/I/M: Accident / Incident / Mal. A/M: approach and moor A/N: Alpha-Numeric Designator. A/NM: administrative/network ma. A/P: Autopilot A/R: Arrests/RAST; As Required.
Jun 14, 2017. Cast Software Vs Sonar. Portable and Castable Fish Finders. I've seen a proliferation of castable sonar products that transmit key data to devices such as i. 37 key universal keyboard controller Pro. Go deeper with Fish Hunters sonar technology and advanced app functions. NCO is the result of software.
A/RTS: Audit/Review Tracking Sys. A/S: airspeed A/S: Anti-Submarine A/T: Auto-Throttle A/V: Air Vehicle A1: Personnel Directorate A-10: Close air support aircraf. A1C: Airman First Class (E-3). A2: Intelligence Directorate. A2C2: Army Airspace Command and. A3: Operations Directorate A4: Logistics Directorate A6: Communications Directorat.
A-6: All-weather; carrier-base. A7: Installations and Mission. A8: Programs and Financial Ma. A9: Analysis and Assessments.
AA: Accounting Advisory Notic. AA: Approving Authority AA: avenue of approach AA: Airman Apprentice (E-2). AA&E: Arms, Ammunition and Expl. AAA: Acquisition Approval Auth. AAA: antiaircraft artillery; a. AAAA: Army Aviation Association. AAAM: Advanced Air-to-Air Missi.
AAAN: Authorization Accounting. AAAS: amphibious aviation assau. AAAS: Anti-Aircraft Artillery S. AAAV: Advanced Amphibious Assau. AAB: Aviation Armament Bulleti. AABB: American Association of B.
AABFS: Amphibious Assault Bulk F. AABWS: amphibious assault bulk w. AAC: Activity Address Code; Ai. AAC/NW: Air Armament Center / Nuc. AACG: Arrival Airfield Control. AACQ: Auto Acquisition AACS: Airborne Air Control Squa.
AACTS: Automatic Anechoic Chambe. AAD: Air Assault Division AADARS: Afloat Automated Data Acq. AADC: All Applications Digital. AADC: Area Air Defense Commande. AADPSP: Activity Automated Data P.
AADS: Advanced Air Data System. AAE: Aerospace Ancillary Equip. AAF: Army Air Field AAFES: Army & Air Force Exchange. AAFIF: automated air facility in. AAFIS: Advanced Avionics Fault I. AAFSF: amphibious assault fuel s. AAG: Army Auditor General AAGS: Army air-ground system AAH: Advanced Attack Helicopte.
AAHA: Awaiting Action by Higher. AAI: Administrative Authority. AAI: American Armament, Inc. AAI/APX: Air-to-Air Interrogator.
AAL: Acquisition After Launch. AALC: amphibious assault landin. AALW: Assembled Air Launched We. AAM: Air-to-Air Missile; Autom. AAMDC: area air and missile defe.
AAMO: Assistant Aircraft Mainte. AAMR: Anti-Armor AAN: Activity Account Number. AAOE: arrival and assembly oper. AAOG: arrival and assembly oper. AAP: Allied administrative pub.
AAP: Allowance Appendix Pages. AAR: after action report; afte. AAR: Air-to-Air Receive; Air-t.
AARB: Advanced Aerial Refueling. AARM: Advanced Anti-Radiation M.
AAS: Automated Accounting Syst. AASF: Army Aviation Support Fac. AASP: Airfield Ammunition Suppl. AAT: automatic analog test AATC: Air National Guard Air Fo. AATD: Aviation Applied Technolo. AATR: air-to-air transmit/recei. AATS: Armament Auxiliaries Test.
AATTC: Advanced Airlift Tactical. AAU: analog applique unit AAV: Airborne Assault Vehicle. AAV: amphibious assault vehicl. AAVI: AMRAAM Air Vehicle Instru.
AAW: antiair warfare AAW: NASA Active Aeroelastic W. AAWBOT: aviation anti-submarine w. AAWC: Anti-Air Warfare Commande. AAWS: Advanced Anti-tank Weapon.
AAWS-H: Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon. AAWS-M: Advanced Antitank Weapon. AB: Air Base AB: Aviation Boatswain (mate). ABA: Allotment/Bond Authorizat. ABATE: Analog Based Automatic Te. ABB: American Band in Blue ABC: Activity-Based Costing; A. ABCA: American; British; Canadi.
ABCAIRSTD: ABC Air Standardization A. ABCCC: Airborne Battlefield Comm. ABCD: Advanced Base Constructio. ABCL: As-Built Configuration Li.
ABCS: Army Battle Command Syste. ABD: airbase defense ABEC: analog backup engine cont. ABECL: left engine abec ABECR: right engine abec ABEND: Abnormal End of Task ABF: advanced beam former (sea. ABF: Advanced Bomb Family; Air. ABFC: advanced base functional. ABFRL: Advanced Base Facilities. ABFS: amphibious bulk fuel syst.
ABG: Air Base Group ABGD: air base ground defense. ABIOL: Advanced Base Initial Out. ABISL: Advanced Base Initial Sup. ABIT: automatic built-in test. ABIU: avionics bay interface un.
ABL: Airborne Laser ABL: Allegheny Ballistics Lab. ABLE: Acquisition Based on Logi. ABLOST: Advanced Beyond Line-Of-S. ABM: Advance Bill of Materials. ABM: antiballistic missile ABN: Airborne ABNCP: Airborne command post ('E.
ABO: air base operability; blo. ABO: Air Base Order; Aviators.
ABP: Automated Billing Program. ABR: Automatic Backup and Rest. ABS: Air Base Squadron; Automa. ABS: Army Broadcasting Service. ABSCU: Auto Brake System Control. ABSLA: Approved Basic Stock Leve.
ABSS: Automated Business Servic. ABU: analog backup ABW: Air Base Wing AC: active component; aircraf. AC: Aircraft; Aircraft Carrie. AC: Atlantic City A-C: Account; Aircraft AC&W: Aircraft Control & Warnin. AC/S C4I: Assistant Chief of Staff.
AC/UIC: Activity Address Code/ Un. AC-130: Close air support; air in. ACA: Advanced Cargo Aircraft. ACA: airlift clearance authori.
ACA: Automatic (Aircraft) Coll. ACAA: automatic chemical agent. ACADA: advanced chemical agent d.
ACALS: army computer-aided acqui. ACANRCC: Army Contracting Agency N. ACAP: Army Career and Alumni Pr. ACAPS: area communications elect.
ACAS: Application Control Archi. ACAT: Acquisition Category ACB: Air Contingency Battalion. ACB: amphibious construction b. ACC: Accounting Classification.
ACC: Air Combat Command ACC: air component commander. ACCAOS: ACC Air Operations Squadr. ACCB: Aircraft Change Control B. ACCC: Aerospace Communications.
ACCCES: ACC Civil Engineer Squadr. ACCCONS: ACC Contracting Squadron. ACCCPS: ACC Contract Program Squa. ACCE: Air Component Coordinatio. ACCE: Aircraft Change Control B. ACCEL: Acceleration ACCESS: Afloat Consumption, Cost.
ACCHAQ: ACC Heartland of America. ACCHOA: ACC Heritage of America B.
ACCLSG: ACC Logistics Support Gro. ACCMEF: ACC Management Engineerin. ACCON: acoustic condition ACCPDS: Active Component Common P.
ACCS: Advanced Communications C. ACCS: air command and control s. ACCSA: Allied Communications and. ACCSAS: ACC Studies and Analyses. ACCTG: Accounting Division ACCTRSS: ACC Training Support Squa. ACCUM: Accumulated ACD: Aircraft Change Directive.
ACDA: Arms Control and Disarmam. ACDE: Aircrew Chemical Defense. ACDO: assistant command duty of. ACDS: Advanced Combat Direction. ACDU: Active Duty ACDUTRA: Active Duty for Training. ACE: Acceptance Checkout Equip. ACE: air combat element (NATO).
ACE: airborne command element. ACE: aviation combat element M. ACERT: Army Computer Emergency R.
ACES: Advanced Concept Ejection. ACETEF: Air Combat Environment Te. ACF: Advanced Communication Fu. ACF: air contingency force ACF2: Access Control Facility 2. ACFAS: Army Central fund Account. ACFT: Aircraft ACG: Air Control Group ACGIH: American Conference of Go. ACH: Automated Clearing House.
ACHC: Aircraft Handling Crew ACHO: Aircraft Handling Officer. ACI: Access Control Informatio. ACI: Allocated Configuration I.
ACI: assign call inhibit ACIB: Air Characteristics Impro. ACIC: Army Counterintelligence. ACID: Accessor Identification. ACIMD: Advanced Concept Intercep. ACINT: acoustic intelligence ACIP: Aviation Career Incentive.
ACIR: Automated Check Issue Rep. ACIS: Automated Claims Informat. ACK: acknowledgement ACL: access control list; allo. ACL: Aircraft Circular Letter. ACLANT: Allied Command Atlantic. ACLDB: Army Central Logistics Da. ACLS: Automated Control and Lan.
ACM: advanced cruise missile. ACM: Air Contingency Marine Ai. ACM: Anti-Cruise Missile; Adva. ACMC: Assistant Commandant of t.
ACMI: Air Combat Maneuvering In. ACMM: Air Combat Maneuver Mode.
ACMR: Air Combat Maneuvering Ra. ACMS: air combat maneuvering si. ACMT: automated configuration m. ACN: Advance Change Notice; Ac. ACN: assign commercial network.
ACNO: Assistant Chief of Naval. ACO: Administrative Contractin. ACO: airspace control order ACOC: area communications opera. ACOCC: air combat operations com. ACOMS: Air Communications Squadr.
ACOMTRAK: Aircraft Composition Trac. ACOS: Assistant Chief of Staff. ACP: Airspace Control Plan; Al. ACP: Area Coordinating Paper. ACPERS: Army Civilian Personnel S. ACQ: Acquisition ACQFMWG: Acquisition Financial Man.
ACQPANEL: Acquisition and Financial. ACR: Agile Combat Repair ACR: Allowance Change Request. ACR: armored cavalry regiment. ACRA: Airlift Concepts and Requ.
ACRC: Area Calibration and Repa. ACRN: Accounting Classification.
ACRS: Appropriation Control and. ACRW: Adjusted Compound Relativ. ACS: Access; Advance Countermi. ACS: Agile Combat Support ACS: air-capable ship; airspac. ACS/FPC: Army Community Service/Fa. ACSA: acquisition cross-Service. ACSAP: Army Center for Substance.
ACSC: Air Command and Staff Col. ACSIM: Assistant Chief of Staff. ACSIT: aegis combat system inter. ACSM: Advanced Conventional Sta.
ACSN: Advance Change Study Noti. ACSUBS: aircraft subsystems ACT: Abnormal End of Task (ABE. ACT: Activites (Requirement Gr. ACT: Activity ACT: Aerial Combat Tactics ACT: Allied Command Transforma. ACTD: Advanced Concept Technolo.
ACTR: actuator ACTS: Advanced Communications a. ACU: assault craft unit ACU: Assault Craft Unit; Annun.
ACU: Automatic Calling Unit; A. ACV: air cushion vehicle; armo. ACW: advanced conventional wea. ACW: Air Control Wing; Anti-Ca. AD: active duty; advanced dep. AD: Advanced Development; Air. AD&C: Ammunition Distribution a.
AD/PE: acquisition director / pr. ADA: - a higher order programm. ADA: air defense artillery ADA: Airborne Data Automation.
ADABAS: Adaptable Data Base Syste. ADAC: Auxiliary Data Acquisitio. ADAL: authorized dental allowan. ADAM: area denial artillery mun. ADAMINT: ADABAS MACRO Interface ADAMS: Attribute Data Management. ADANS: Air Mobility Command Depl. ADaP-3: a class of military messa.
ADAPS: Automatic Display and Plo. ADAPT: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Pr. ADAPT: Analog Digital Automatic.
ADARS: Advanced Defensive Avioni. ADATS: Air Defense Anti-Tank Sys. ADAWS: Action Data Automation We. ADB: Aircraft Discrepancy Book.
ADBZ: Air Defense Battle Zone. ADC: Air Data Computer; Air De. ADC: area damage control ADCAP: Acquisition Deficiency Co. ADCAP: advanced capability ADCIS: Air Defence Command Infor. ADCN: Advance Design Change Not. ADCON: administrative control ADCON: Advise All Concerned ADCP: Air Defense Communication. ADCR: Aerospace Defense Command.
ADCS: airborne data collection. ADD: assign on-line diagnostic. ADDISS: Advanced Deployable Digit.
ADDMD: Administrative Directory. ADDO: Assistant Deputy Director. ADDO(MS): Assistant Deputy Director. ADDR: Address ADDS: Army Data Distribution Sy. ADE: air defense emergency; as. ADE: Automatic Directory Excha. ADEA: Age Discrimination in Emp.
ADECS: Adaptive Engine Control S. ADEPT: Analysis-Based Data Excha. ADF: Acquisition Data Form; Ai. ADF: Advisory File ADF: Army Declassification Fac. ADF: automatic direction findi.
ADFC: Advanced Digital Fire Con. ADFS: Air Defense Squadron; Aut. ADG: Air Driven Generator ADGE: Air Defense Ground Enviro.
ADI: Air Defense Initiative; A. ADI: AUTODIN-to-DISN Interface. ADIMS: Ammunition Disposal Infor.
ADIRS: Air Data Inertial Referen. ADIRU: Air Data Inertial Referen. ADIZ: air defense identificatio.
ADJ: Adjustment; Adjutant ADKC/RCU: Automatic Key Distributio. ADL: Active Duty List; Air Dat. ADL: armistice demarcation lin.
ADLAT: advanced low altitude tec. ADM: Acquisition Decision Memo. ADM: Administrative Lead Time. ADM: Admiral (O-10) - Coast Gu.
ADM: Admiral (O-10) - Navy ADMAPS: Automated Document Manage. ADMIN: administration ADMLPFR: Active Duty Military Pay. ADMRL: Application Data Material.
ADMSG: Advise by Message ADN: Agency Disclosure Notice. ADN: Allied Command Europe des. ADNET: anti-drug network ADNS: Automatic Digital Network. ADO: Advance Development Objec. ADO: Army Digitization Office. ADOC: air defense operations ce.
ADP: Acceptance Data Package. ADP: automated data process(in. AD-P: Area Denial - Personnel.
ADPA: American Defense Prepared. ADPC: Automatic Data Processing. ADPCM: Adaptive Differential Pul. ADPE: automated data processing. ADPEC: Automatic Data Processing. ADPE-FF: Automated Data Processing. ADPE-FMF: Automated Data Processing.
ADPE-SE: Automated Data Processing. ADPM: Automatic Data Processing.
ADPMU: Automatic Data Processing. ADPO: Advanced Development Proj. ADPOU: Automatic Data Processing.
ADPPRS: Automated Data Processing. ADPS: automatic data processing. ADPSO: Automated Data Processing. ADPSSO: Automated Data Processing. ADR: accident data recorder; a. ADR: Air Force Alternative Dis. ADR: Aircraft Discrepancy Repo.
ADRA: Adventist Development and. ADS: Active Denial System; Add.
ADS: amphibian discharge site. ADS-B: ADS (Automatic Depedent S.
ADSC: Active Duty Service Commi. ADSHIPDA: Advise Shipping Data ADSIA: Allied Data Systems Inter. ADSM: Automated Data System Man. ADSN: Accounting and Disbursing. ADSU: air direction sensing uni. ADSW: active duty for special w. ADT: Active Denial Technology.
ADT: active duty for training. ADTAC: Air Defense Tactical Air.
ADTAXE: Advise Action Taken ADTS: Automated Deliverable Tra. ADU: Adapter Unit; Air Data Un.
ADUA: Administrative Directory. ADV: Advance(d); Air Defense V. AD-V: Area Denial - Vehicle ADVANCE: Army Data Validation and.
ADVCAP: Advanced Capability ADVON: advanced echelon AE: Active Emitter; Aerial Ex. AE: aeromedical evacuation; a. A-E: Architect-Engineer AEA: Acquisition Engineering A.
AEC: Atomic Energy Commission. AECA: Arms Export Control Act. AECC: aeromedical evacuation co. AECL: Aircraft and Equipment Co. AECM: aeromedical evacuation cr.
AECS: Automated Error Control S. AECT: Aeromedical Evaluation Co. AED: Active Emitter Decoy; Act. AEDA: Ammunition Explosives and. AEDC: Arnold Engineering Develo.
AEEC: Airlines Electronic Engin. AEF: Aerospace Expeditionary F. AEF: Air and Space Expeditiona. AEFC: Air and Space Expeditiona. AEG: Aeromedical Evacuation Gr. AEG: Aerospace Expeditionary G. AEG: Air Expeditionary Group.
AEGIS: Automatic Electronic Guid. AEL: Allowance Equipage List. AELT: aeromedical evacuation li. AEMS: Aircraft Engine Managemen. AEO: all engines operating AEOS: aeromedical evacuation op. AEOT: aeromedical evacuation op.
AEP: Affirmative Employment Pr. AEPS: aircrew escape propulsion. AEPS: Aircrew Escape Propulsion.
AER: Alteration Equivalent to. AERO: Aeronautical Equipment Re. AERPA: Advanced Equipment Repair. AERPS: Aircrew Eye and Respirato.
AES: aeromedical evacuation sq. AES: Air Expeditionary Squadro. AES: Aircraft Earth Station AESA: Active Electronic Scanned. AESAT: avionics & electrical sys.
AESF: AMRAAM Engineering Suppor. AESO: Aircraft Environmental Su. AESR: Aeronautical Equipment Se.
AESS: Aeronautical Systems Squa. AETAS: Active Emitter Target Aux. AETC: Air Education and Trainin. AETCB: AETC Band of the West AETCCONS: AETC Contracting Squadron. AETCCSS: AETC Computer Systems Squ. AETCMEF: AETC Management Engineeri. AETCSAF: AETC Studies and Analysis.
AETCTSS: AETC Training Support Squ. AETF: Air and Space Expeditiona. AETSP: Active Emitter Threat Sim.
AEU: Accrued Expenditures Unpa. AEU: assign essential user byp.
AEV: Armored Engineer Vehicle. AEW: Air Expeditionary Wing AEW: airborne early warning AEW&C: airborne early warning an. AEWTS: Advanced Electronic Warfa. AF: Air Force AF: Audio Frequency; Store Sh. AF/DP: Air Force Deputy Chief of. AF/IL: Air Force Deputy Chief of. AF/SE: Air Force Chief of Safety.
AF/SEI: Air Force Chief of Safety. AF/SEP: Air Force Chief of Safety. AF/SER: Air Force Chief of Safety. AF/XO: Air Force Deputy Chief of. AF/XOI: Air Force Director of Int. AF/XOO: Air Force Director of Ope. AFA: Air Force Association AFA: Airborne Field Artillery.
AFAA: Air Force Audit Agency AFAAC: Air Force Accounting & Fi. AFAARS: Air Force After Action Re. AFAC: Airborne Forward Air Cont. AFAD: Air Force Acquisition AFAF: Air Force Auxiliary Field. AFALC: Air Force Acquisition Log.
AFAMPE: Air Force Automated Messa. AFAMS: Air Force Agency for Mode. AFAO: Approved Force Acquisitio.
AFAP: Army Family Action Plan. AFAPL: Air Force Aero-Propulsion. AFARN: Air Force air request net. AFARV: Armored Forward Area Rear. AFAS: Advanced Field Artillery.
AFATDS: Advanced Field Artillery. AFB: Air Force Base AFB: Airframe Bulletin AFBAS: Air Force Base Accounting.
AFBCA: Air Force Base Conversion. AFBF: Air Force Band of Flight. AFBL: Air Force Band of Liberty. AFBS: Air Force Broadcasting Se. AFBW: Air Force Band of the Gol. AFC: Airframe Change AFC: area frequency coordinato.
AFC2ISRC: Air Force Command and Con. AFCA: Air Force Communications. AFCAA: Air Force Cost Analysis A.
AFCAP: Air Force contract augmen. AFCARA: Air Force Civilian Appell. AFCC: Air Force Component Comma.
AFCCC: Air Force Combat Climatol. AFCCISRC: Air Force Command and Con.
AFCE: Air Force Civil Engineer. AFCEA: Armed Forces Communicatio. AFCEE: Air Force Center for Envi.
AFCENT: Allied Forces Central Eur. AFCERT: Air Force Computer Emerge.
AFCESA: Air Force Civil Engineer. AFCESAA: Air Force Civil Engineer. AFCIC: Air Force Communications. AFCIO: Chief Information Officer. AFCMC: Air Force Contract Mainte. AFCMO: Air Force Comptroller Mag.
AFCOLA: Air Force Coordinated Off. AFCOLR: Air Force Coordinating Co. AFCOLR: Air Force Coordinating Of.
AFCOMAP: Air Force Cadet/Officer M. AFCOMS: Air Force Commissary Serv. AFCOS: Air Force Combat Operatio. AFCPMC: Air Force Civilian Person. AFCQMI: Air Force Center for Qual. AFCS: automatic flight control.
AFCSS: Air Force Contingency Sup. AFCTO: Air Force Clothing and Te.
AFCW: Aerospace Future Capabili. AFCYBER: Air Force Cyber Command. AFD: Arm/Fire Device AFD: assign fixed directory AFDB: large auxiliary floating. AFDC: Air Force Doctrine Center. AFDCO: Air Force Distribution Co. AFDD: Air Force Doctrine Docume.
AFDIGS: Air Force digital graphic. AFDL: small auxiliary floating. AFDM: medium auxiliary floating. AFDPRC: Air Force Disaster Prepar.
AFDTC: Air Force Development Tes. AFDW: Air Force District of Was. AFEDO: Air Force Executive Dinin. AFEES: Armed Forces Examining an. AFEMMIS: Air Force Equipment Manag. AFERSO: Air Force Executive Revie. AFES: Automated Financial Entit.
AFFAC: Air Force Foreign Aerospa. AFFDL: Air Force Flight Dynamic. AFFF: Aqueous Film Forming Foam.
AFFIS: Air Facilities File Infor. AFFMA: Air Force Frequency Manag. AFFOR: Air Force Forces AFFSA: Air Force Flight Standard.
AFFTC: Air Force Flight Test Cen. AFGWC: Air Force Global Weather. AFHPSP: Armed Forces Health Profe. AFHRA: Air Force Historical Rese. AFHRMS: Air Force Human Resources. AFHSO: Air Force History Support.
AFI: Air Force Instruction AFI: Authority and Format Indi. AFIA: Air Force Inspection Agen. AFIADL: Air Force Institute for A. AFIC: Armed Forces Inaugural Co. AFID: anti-fratricide identific.
AFIFICS: Airlift Services Industri. AFIGAC: Air Force Inspector Gener. AFILC: Air Force Integrated Lear.
AFIMMSS: Air Force Information Mai. AFIMS: Air Force Information Man. AFIOH: Air Force Institute of Op. AFIP: Automated Financial Impro. AFIPSA: Air Force International P. AFIRB: Armed Forces Identificati.
AFIS: Airborne Flight Informati. AFIS: American Forces Informati. AFISA: Air Force Intelligence Se. AFIT: Air Force Institute of Te. AFIWC: Air Force Information War.
AFJAGS: Air Force Judge Advocate. AFJMAN: Air Force Joint Manual AFLC: Air Force Logistics Comma.
AFLCR: Air Force Logistics Comma. AFLE: Air Force Liaison Element. AFLMA: Air Force Logistics Manag. AFLNO: Air Force liaison officer. AFLO: Army Family Liaison Offic. AFLSA: Air Force Legal Services.
AFM: Air Force Manual; Aviatio. AFMA: Air Force Manpower Agency. AFMAN: Air Force Manual AFMC: Air Force Materiel Comman. AFMCCES: AFMC Civil Engineer Squad. AFMCCO: AFMC Contracting Office. AFMCCSO: AFMC Computer Systems Off.
AFMCJDMAG: AFMC Joint Depot Maintena. AFMCLO: AFMC Law Office AFMCLSO: AFMC Logistics Support Of.
AFMCLS-SA: AFMC Logistics Support-Sa. AFMCMEO: AFMC Management Engineeri. AFMCOAS: AFMC Office of Aerospace. AFMCOAS: Office of Aerospace Studi.
AFMCOPSO: AFMC Operations Office AFMCQMIO: AFMC Quality and Manageme. AFMCSAO: AFMC Studies and Analyses. AFMCSSSG: AFMC Space Systems Suppor. AFMCTTO: AFMC Technology Transitio. AFME: Armed Forces medical exam.
AFMETCALP: Air Force Metrology and C. AFMIA: Air Force Manpower and In. AFMIC: Armed Forces Medical Inte.
AFMIS: Automated Financial Manag. AFML: Air Force Materiels Labor. AFML: Air Force Medical Logisti. AFMLO: Air Force Medical Logisti. AFMLOC: Air Force Medical Logisti. AFMMFO: Air Force Medical Materie. AFMOA: Air Force Medical Operati.
AFMPC: Air Force Military Pay Ce. AFMPC: Air Force Military Person. AFMS: Advanced Flight Managemen.
AFMS: Air Force Medical Service. AFMS: Army Force Management Sch. AFMSA: Air Force Medical Support. AFMSG: Air Force Materiel System. AFMSO: Air Force Mortuary Servic.
AFMSRR: Air Force Modeling and Si. AFMSS: Air Force Mission Support. AFN: Armed Forces Network AFNAFPO: Air Force Nonappropriated. AFNEWS: Air Force News Agency AFNOC: Air Force Network Operati. AFNORTH: Allied Forces Northern Eu.
AFNORTHWEST: Allied Forces North West. AFNSEP: Air Force National Securi. AFOAA: Air Force Office of Attac. AFOATS: Air Force Officer Accessi.
AFOC: Air Force Operations Cent. AFOCM: Air Force Office of Colon.
AFODMSS: Accounting and Finance Of. AFOE: Assault Follow-On Echelon.
AFOG: Airfield Operation Group. AFOGOM: Air Force Office of Gener. AFOMS: Air Force Occupational Me. AFOPA: Air Force Office of Publi. AFOSEM: Air Force Office of Senio. AFOSI: Air Force Office of Speci.
AFOSIE: Air Force Office of Speci. AFOSR: Air Force Office of Scien. AFOTEC: Air Force Operational Tes. AFOTS: Air Force Officer Trainin. AFOTTP: Air Force Operational Tac. AFP: Air Force Pamphlet; Appro. AFPAM: Air Force Pamphlet AFPBS: Air Force Pacific Broadca.
AFPC: Air Force Personnel Cente. AFPCA: Air Force Pentagon Commun. AFPCH: Army Force Planning Cost.
AFPD: Air Force Policy Directiv. AFPE: Air Force Planning Elemen. AFPEO: Air Force Program Executi. AFPEO: Armed Forces Professional. AFPI: Air Force Procurement Ins. AFPISEC: Air Force Plan for Intell. AFPLA: Air Force of the People?s.
AFPMB: Armed Forces Pest Managem. AFPMRS: Air Force Performance Mea. AFPOA: Air Force Personnel Opera. AFPR: Air Force Plant Represent.
AFPRO: Advanced Fuel Quantity Ga. AFQGS: Army Data Distribution Sy. AFQI: Air Force Quality Institu. AFQT: Armed Forces Qualificatio. AFR: Air Force Range; Air Forc. AFR: Air Force Reserve; assign. AFRAT: Air Force Radiation Asses.
AFRBA: Air Force Review Boards A. AFRC: Air Force Reserve Command. AFRC: Air Force Reserve Command. AFRCAFO: Air Force Reserve Consoli. AFRCC: Air Force Rescue Coordina. AFREA: Air Force Real Estate Age.
AFRED: Air Force Real Estate Div. AFREO: Air Force Reserve Examing. AFREP: Aviation Supply Office Fi. AFRES: Air Force Reserve AFRESGCRC: AFRES Ground Combat Readi. AFRICOM: United States Africa Comm. AFRL: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/DE: Air Force Research Labora.
AFRL/HE: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/IF: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/ML: Air Force Research Labora.
AFRL/MN: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/PR: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/SN: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/VA: Air Force Research Labora. AFRL/VS: Air Force Research Labora.
AFRMEF: Air Force Reserve Managem. AFROTC: Air Force Reserve Officer.
AFRPA: Air Force Real Property A. AFRPO: Air Force Reserve Pay Off. AFRRCS: Air Force Reserve Recruit.
AFRRI: Armed Forces radiological. AFRS: Air Force Recruiting Serv. AFRS: Automated Fitness Report. AFRTS: Armed Forces Radio and Te. AFS: aeronautical fixed servic. AFS: Air Force Station; Auto F.
AFSA: Air Force Safety Agency. AFSA: Air Force Sergeants Assoc.
AFSAA: Air Force Studies and Ana. AFSAB: Air Force Scientific Advi. AFSAC: Air Force Security Assist.
AFSAHQ: Air Force Sergeants Assoc. AFSAMO: Air Force Special Air Mis. AFSATCOM: Air Force Satellite Commu.
AFSC: Air Force Safety Center. AFSC: Air Force Systems Command. AFSC: Armed Forces Staff Colleg. AFSCBUFS: Air Force Systems Command. AFSCM: Air Force Systems Command.
AFSCN: Air Force Satellite Contr. AFSCP: Automatic Flight System C. AFSEO: Air Force SEEK EAGLE Offi. AFSF: Air Force Security Forces. AFSINC: Air Force Service Informa. AFSK: Audio Frequency Shift Key. AFSMVRA: Appropriated Funds Suppor.
AFSO: Air Force Services Office. AFSOB: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOC: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOC: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOCAOF: AFSOC Air Operations Flig. AFSOCASOS: AFSOC Air Support Operati.
AFSOCC: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOCCSF: AFSOC Computer Systems Fl. AFSOCECSF: AFSOC Electronic Combat S. AFSOCLSS: AFSOC Logistics Support S. AFSOCMEF: AFSOC Management Engineer.
AFSOCSOS: AFSOC Special Operations. AFSOD: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOE: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOF: Air Force Special Operati.
AFSOS: Air Force Special Operati. AFSOUTH: Allied Forces Southern Eu.
AFSP: Air Force Strategic Plan. AFSPA: Air Force Security Police.
AFSPACE: United States Space Comma. AFSPC: Air Force Space Command. AFSPCCEF: AFSPC Civil Engineering F. AFSPCCPO: AFSPC Civilian Personnel. AFSPCCSS: AFSPC Computer System Squ. AFSPCIF: AFSPC Intelligence Flight.
AFSPCOF: AFSPC Operations Flight. AFSPOC: Air Force Space Operation. AFSST: Air Force Space Support T. AFSUPSYS: Air Force Support System. AFSV: Air Force Services Agency.
AFSVA: Air Force Services Agency. AFSWP: Armed Forces Special Weap.
AFT: Active File Table; Additi. AFT: Air Force Task AFTA: Advanced First Term Avion.
AFTAC: Air Force Technical Appli. AFTB: Army Family Team Building. AFTE: Air Force Test and Evalua. AFTEC: Air Force Test and Evalua. AFTH: Air Force Theater Hospita.
AFTI: Advanced Fighter Technolo. AFTN: Aeronautical Feed Telecom. AFTO: Air Force Technical Order. AFTOMS: Air Force Technical Order. AFTP: Additional Flight Trainin.
AFTPWG: AMRAAM Flight Test Plan W. AFTRBDY: Afterbody AFTS: Airborne Flight Terminati. AFTTP(I): Air Force Tactics, Techni.
AFTU: Airborne Flight Terminati. AFV: Armored Family of Vehicle. AFW: Air Force Weather AFWA: Air Force Weather Agency. AFWCF: Air Force working capital. AFWL: Air Force Weapons Laborat.
AFWTF: Atlantic Fleet Weapons Tr. AG: Activity Group; Airlift G. AG: Adjutant General (Army). AG: Aerial Gunner AGARD: Advisory Group for Aerosp. AGB: Accessory Gear Box; Angle. AGC: Automatic Gain Control AGDS: Deep Submergence Support.
AGE: Aerospace Ground Equipmen. AGE: Angle Gate Enable; Experi. AGEH: hydrofoil research ship (.
AGERD: Aerospace Ground Equipmen. AGES: Air-to-Ground Engagement.
AGF: miscellaneous command shi. AGFCS: Automatic Gunfire Control. AGFF: frigate research ship (mi. AGI: Auxiliary Gathering Intel.
AGIL: airborne general illumina. AGL: above ground level AGL: Above Ground Level AGL: Automatic Grenade Launche. AGM: Air to Ground Missile; Mi. AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile AGM: missile range instrumenta. AGM-114: Air-to-ground anti-tank m. AGM-119: Air-to-surface anti-ship. AGM-129A: Subsonic, turbofan-powere.
AGM-130: Air-to-surface guided and. AGM-142: Air-to-surface medium ran. AGM-154A: Joint Standoff Weapon (JS. AGM-158: Joint Air to Surface Stan. AGM-28A: Hound Dog AGM-45: Air-to-ground anti-radiat. AGM-65: Air-to-surface guided mis.
AGM-69: Short range attack missil. AGM-84D: Air-to-surface anti-ship. AGM-86B: Air-to-ground strategic c.
AGM-86C: Air-to-ground strategic c. AGM-88: Air-to-surface high-speed. AGMC: Aerospace Guidance and Me. AGMS: AUTODIN Gateway Messaging.
AGOR: Oceanographic Research Sh. AGOS: Air Ground Operations Sch. AGOS: ocean surveillance ship (. AGP: Aircraft Gun Pod; Patrol. AGR: Active Guard and Reserve. AGR: air to ground ranging AGRS: Aggressor Squadron AGS: Aircraft Generation Squad. AGSI: stabilized glide slope in.
AGSS: auxiliary research submar. AGW: Autonomous Guided Weapon. AH: Attack Helicopter; Hospit. AH-1: Attack Helicopter ('Cobra. AH-6: Attack Helicopter ('Littl.
AH-64: Attack Helicopter ('Apach. AHAS: Avian Hazard Advisory Sys. AHB: Attack Helicopter Battali. AHC: Advanced/Aircraft Handlin. AHD: Ahead AHIP: Army Helicopter Improveme. AHO: Above Highest Obstacle AHP: Army Heliport AHR: Attack Helicopter Regimen.
AHRS: Altitude-Heading Referenc. AHRU: Altitude-Heading Referenc.
AHS: American Helicopter Assoc. AHWCS: Advanced Harpoon Weapon C. AI: Action Item; Air Intellig. AI: Air Interdiction AI: airborne interceptor; are. AIA: Aerospace Industries Asso.
AIA: Air Intelligence Agency. AIAA: American Institute of Aer. AIAAM: Advanced Intercept Air-to. AIAISF: AIA Information Services. AIAISG: AIA Intelligence Systems. AIAISMSS: AIA Intelligence Systems.
AIAISTSS: AIA Intelligence Systems. AIAMEF: AIA Management Engineerin. AIASA: annual integrated assessm. AIB: action item browser AIC: Activity Identification C. AIC: Aerospace Integration Cen. AIC: air intercept controller.
AICF/USA: Action Internationale Con. AICPA: American Institute of Cer. AICUZ: Air Installations Compati. AID: Agency for International.
AID: AUTODIN Interface Device. AIDS: acquired immune deficienc. AIDS: Airborne Integrate Data S. AIE: Alternate Insertion/Extra. AIF: airborne inhabited fighte. AIF: automated installation in. AIG: addressee indicator group. Operating System Mcqs With Answers Pdf.
AIG: Air Intelligence Group AII: Automated Item Identifica. AIIM: Association of Informatio. AIIRS: automated intelligence in. AIK: Assistance In Kind AIL: Aileron; Asset Interchang. AILC: AMRAAM International Lice.
AILS: Automated Integrated Logi. AIM: Air Intercept Aerial Miss. AIM: Airman?s Information Manu. AIM-120: Advanced medium-range air. AIM-132: Advanced Short Range Air.
AIM-54: Long-range air-to-air mis. AIM-7: Air-to-air radar guided m. AIM-9: Supersonic; heat-seeking. AIMD: aircraft intermediate mai. AIMDS: Automated Incoming Messag.
AIMI: Aviation Intermediate Mai. AIMMS: Administrative Instructio. AIMS: Accounting and Inventory. AIMSO: Aircraft Intermediate Mai. AIOL: add oil level AIP: Aeronautical Information. AIPC: Army Information Processi. AIPC-S: Army Information Processi.
AIPD: Army Institute for Profes. AIPF: anti-ice valve position f. AIPS: Advanced Integrated Propu. AIQC: antiterrorism instructor. AIR: Airborne Infantry Regimen. AIRAC: Aeronautical Information. AIRCENT: Allied Air Forces Central.
AIREVACCONFIRM: air evacuation confirmati. AIREVACREQ: air evacuation request AIREVACRESP: air evacuation response. AIRLANT: Commander, Naval Air Forc. AIRNORTH: Allied Air Forces - North. AIRNORTHWEST: Allied Air Forces North W. AIRPAC: Commander, Naval Air Forc.
AIRPF: Air Postal Flight AIRPS: Air Postal Squadron AIRREQRECON: air request reconnaissanc. AIRSOUTH: Allied Air Forces Souther. AIRSUPREQ: air support request AIRTAC: Air to Air TACAN (Tactica. AIS: Academic Instructor Schoo. AIS: Aeronautical Information. AIS: automated information sys. AISF: Avionics Integrated Suppo.
AISS: Army Information Service. AIT: Advanced Infantry Trainin. AIT: AUTODIN Interface Termina. AIT: automated identification. AITI: Automated Interchange of. AIU: Airborne Instrumentation.
AIU: Automatic Digital Network. AIVP: anti-ice valve position.
AIVPC: anti-ice valve position c. AIVPFL: anti-ice valve position f. AIVPFR: anti-ice valve position f. AIVPL: anti-ice valve position l. AIVPR: anti-ice valve position r. AIWS: Advanced/Air Interdiction.
AIX: ibm advanced interactive. AJ: Administrative Judge; Are. AJ: anti-jam AJ/CM: anti-jam control modem AJBPO: Area Joint Blood Program. AJCC: alternate joint communica. AJCFOB: Anthony J. Celebrezze Fed. AJFP: adaptive joint force pack.
AJMRO: area joint medical regula. AJNPE: airborne joint nuclear pl. AJPO: ada joint program office.
AK: Alaska AK: commercial cargo ship AKA: also known as AKADCOMRGN: Alaskan ADCOM Region AKNLDG: acknowledge message AKNORAD: Alaskan North American Ae. AKO: Army Knowledge Online AKR: Vehicle Cargo Ship AL: Acquisition Logistician. AL: Alabama ALA: American Logistics Associ. ALADIN: Air Base Local Area Digit.
ALARM: Air-Launched Anti-Radiati. ALB: Air Land Battle ALC: Air Logistics Center ALC: Alternate Logistic Suppor.
ALCC: airlift control center; a. ALCE: airlift control element. ALCG: analog line conditioning. ALCM: Air Launched Cruise Missi. ALCO: Aviation Logistics Comput. ALCOM: United States Alaskan Com.
ALCON: all concerned ALCS: Airlift Control Squadron. ALD: accounting line designato. ALDCS: Active Lift Distribution. ALE: airlift liaison element. ALE: Annual Loss Expectancy; A.
ALERFA: alert phase (ICAO) ALERT: attack and launch early r. ALF: Airlift Flight ALFS: Airborne Low-Frequency So. ALIC: Aircraft Launcher Interfa. ALICE: All-purpose, Lightweight. ALL: Application Load List ALLOREQ: allocation request ALLTV: All-Light-Level Televisio. ALMAR: All Marines ALMC: Army Logistics Management. ALMCS: Airlift Military Contract.
ALMSNSCD: airlift mission schedule. ALMV: Air-Launched Miniature Ve. ALNAV: All-Navy (Navy) ALNOT: alert notice; search and. ALO: Advanced Logistics Order. ALO: air liaison officer ALOAF: asset library open archit. ALOC: Acceptable Level of Compe.
ALOC: air lines of communicatio. ALOQC: Air Liaison Officer Quali. ALORD: alert launch order ALPA: Airline Pilots Associatio.
ALPS: Accidental Launch Prevent. ALPS: Automated Library Publish. ALRT: alert ALSA: Air Land Sea Application.
ALSS: advanced logistic support. ALT: Alternate; Altimeter; Alt.
ALTAIR: automated labor/time and. ALTMS: automated library technic. ALTN: Alternate (airport) ALTTSC: Alternate Tomahawk Strike. ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit ALWT: advanced lightweight torp. AM: amplitude modulation AM/FM: Annunciator Mode/Function.
AMAC: aircraft monitor control. AMAL: authorized medical allowa.
AMARC: Aerospace Maintenance and. AMARG: Aerospace Maintenance and. AMAS: Advanced Manned Aerial Sc.
AMB: air mobility branch; amba. AMBD: Air Maneuver Battle Lab. AMBUS: ambulance bus AMC: Acquisition Method Code. AMC: Air Mobility Command AMC: Airborne Mission Commande. AMC: Army Materiel Command AMC: Air Mission Commander; Av. AMCAIS: AMC Air Intelligence Squa. AMCAOS: AMC Air Operations Squadr.
AMCBGW: AMC Band of the Golden We. AMCBMA: AMC Band of Mid-America.
AMCC: Alternate Military Comman. AMCCES: AMC Civil Engineer Squadr. AMCCPO: AMC Personnel Office AMCCSS: AMC Computer Systems Squa. AMCFSS: AMC Financial Services Sq. AMCISS: Army Material Command Ins. AMCIT: American citizen AMCLSS: AMC Logistics Support Squ.
AMCM: airborne mine countermeas. AMCMEF: AMC Management Engineerin. AMCN: Air Movement Control Numb.
AMCOMS: Air Mobility Communicatio. AMCS: Air Mobility Control Squa. AMCSAF: AMC Studies and Analysis. AMCT: Air Mobility Control Team.
AMCTACC: AMC Theater Airlift Contr. AMD: Activity Manning Document. AMD: air mobility division AMDF: Army Master Data File AMDS: Aerospace Medicine Squadr.
AME: air mobility element; ant. AME: aviation metalsmith (envi.
AMEDD: Army Medical Department. AMEDDCS: United States Army Medica.
AMEGS: Aircraft Maintenance Even. AMEMB: American Embassy AMF: Air Mail Facility AMF(L): ACE Mobile Force (Land) (.
AMG: Air Mobility Group AMH: automated message handler. AMHAZ: Ammunition & Hazardous Ma. AMHS: Automated Message Handlin. AMI: Airline Modifiable Inform. AMIO: alien migrant interdictio.
AMIS: Acquisition Management In. AMLCD: Active Matrix Liquid Crys. AMLO: Air Mobility Logistics Of. AMM: Anti-Missile Missile AMME: Automated Multi-Media Exc. AMMH: Annual Maintenance Man-Ho. AMMO: ammunition AMMOLOGS: Ammunition Logistics Syst. AMMOS: United States Air Force A.
AMMRL: Aircraft Maintenance Mate. AMMS: Air Mobility Maintenance. AMN: Airman Basic (E-1) - Air. AMN: Airman (E-2) - Air Force. AMO: Aircraft Material Office. AMOCC: air mobility operations c. AMOG: air mobility operations g.
AMOPES: Army Mobilization and Ope. AMOPS: Army mobilization and ope. AMOS: Air Force Maui Optical St.
AMOS: Air Mobility Operations S. AMOSS: Airline Maintenance and O. AMP: Acquisition Management Pl. AMP: amplifier AMPE: automated message process. AMPH: Amphibious AMPHIB: Amphibious AMPN: amplification AMPS: Airborne Meteorological P. AMPSSO: Automated Message Process.
AMR: Advanced Material Request. AMRAAM: Advanced medium-range air.
AMRDEC: Aviation and Missile Rese. AMRF: Automated Manufacturing R. AMRIU: Advanced Missile Remote I. AMS: Acquisition Management Sy.
AMS: Army Management Structure. AMS: AUTODIN Mail Server AMS: Automated Management Supp. AMSC: Acquisition Method Suffix. AMSC: Army Management Staff Col.
AMSDL: Acquisition Management Sy. AMSE: Aircraft Maintenance Supp. AMSG: Air Mobility Support Grou.
AMSL: Acquisition Management Sy. AMSO: United States Army Model. AMSS: Aeronautical Mobile Satel.
AMST: Advanced Medium Short Tak. AMSU: Aeronautical Material Scr. AMT: Air Mobility Team AMT: Amount (Extended Price). AMU: Aircraft Maintenance Unit. AMVER: automated mutual-assistan. AMW: air mobility wing; amphib.
AMWC: Air Mobility Warfare Cent. AMWS: Army Mountain Warfare Sch. AMX: air mobility express AMXS: Aircraft Maintenance Squa. AN: Air Force - Navy (Standar. AN: alphanumeric; analog nons. AN: Anchorage AN: Antonov AN: Airman (E-3) - Coast Guar. AN/AWG: Army-Navy/Air Weapons Gui.
AN/DSM: Army-Navy/Display System. ANA: Association of Naval Avia. ANBACIS: Automated Nuclear, Biolog. ANC: Analysis Console ANC: United States Army Nurse. ANCA: Allied Naval Communicatio. ANCOC: Advanced Noncommissioned. AND: Air Force-Navy Design; Ar.
ANDVT: advanced narrowband digit. ANG: Air National Guard ANG/AFRATF: ANG/AF Reserve Airlift Ta. ANG/AFRTO: ANG/AF Reserve Test Offic. ANGB: Air National Guard Base. ANGLICO: Air and Naval Gunfire Lia. ANGOSTA: ANG Operational Support T.
ANGRC: Air National Guard Readin. ANMCC: Alternate National Milita. ANN: assign NNX routing A-NORS: Anticipated - Not Operati. ANOVA: Analysis of Variance ANR: Air Navigation Routes ANR: Alaskan NORAD Region ANS: artificial neural systems. ANSI: American National Standar. ANSIR: Advanced Navigation Syste.
ANT: Andre N. Tupolev ANT: Antenna ANT/DET: antenna/detector ANU: Aircraft Nose Up ANVIS: aviator's night vision im. ANX: assign NNXX routing ANY: assign NYX routing ANZUS: Australia-New Zealand-Uni.
AO: Accounts Office; Acquisit. AO: action officer; administr. AO&M: administration, operation.
AOA: Airborne Optical Adjunct. AOA: amphibious objective area. AOARD: Asian Office of Aerospace. AOAS: Angle-Of-Attack Sensor AOB: advanced operations base. AOB: Air Order of Battle; Annu. AOBC: Armor Officer Basic Cours. AOC: Air and Space Operations.
AOC: air operations center; ar. AOC: Air/Oil Cooler; Approach. AOCC: air operations control ce. AOC-E: Aviation Operations Cente. AOCP: Aircraft Out of Commissio.
AOCU: analog orderwire control. AOC-W: Aviation Operations Cente. AOD: Advice of Deposit; Age of. AOD: on-line diagnostic AODE: Age of Data Ephemeris AOE: Fast Combat Support Ships.
AOF: Advice of Indebtedness AOG: Air Operations Group; Air. AOH: Awaiting Overhaul AOI: area of interest AOILL: add oil left engine AOILR: add oil right engine AOJ: Angle of Jam AOL: All Operator Letter AOL: area of limitation AOM: Aircraft Operating Manual. AOO: Aviation Ordnance Officer.
AOOCP: Aviation Ordnance Officer. AOP: air operations plan; area. AOP: Arrears of Pay AOPA: Aircrafts Owners and Pilo. AOQL: Average Outgoing Quality.
AOR: Allowance Overrides; Annu. AOR: area of responsibility AORM: Aviation Officer Requirem. AOS: Acquisition of Signal; Ai. AOS: area of separation AOSS: aviation ordnance safety.
AOT: Acquisition On Target; Ac. AOTD: Active Optical Target Det. AOWP: Automated Orders Writing.
AOWS: Aircraft Overhaul Work St. AP: Access Port; Acquisition. AP: average power APA: Antenna Processor Assembl. APADE: Automation of Procurement. APADES: Automation of Procurement. APAN: Anti-Personal/Anti-Materi.
APARS: automated printing and re. APAS: ADABAS Performance Analys. APB: Acquisition Program Basel. APB: Airfields and Pavements B. APB: self-propelled barracks s. APBA: Acquisition Program Basel.
APC: Acquistion Professional C. APC: aerial port commander; ar.
APC: Air Program Coordinator A. APCAPS: Automated Payroll, Cost a. APCC: aerial port control cente. APCSS: Asia-Pacific Center for S.
APD: Additional Paid Drills; A. APDF: Aircraft Program Data Fil. APDS: Armor Piercing Discarding. APDS-T: Armor-Piercing Discarding. APF: afloat pre-positioning fo.
APF: Appropriated Funds; Autho. APFSDS: Armor Piercing, Fin-Stabi. APFT: Army Physical Fitness Tes. APG: Aberdeen Proving Ground (.
APHC: Armor-Piercing Hard-Core. APHEI: Armor-Piercing High-Explo.
API: Application Program Inter. API: Application Program Inter. APIC: allied press information. APICS: American Production and I. APL: Airplane; Allowance Parts.
APL/JHU: Applied Physics Lab/John. APLA: Anti-Personnel Landmine A. APM(L): Assistant Program Manager. APML: Assistant Program Manager. APM-L: Assistant Program Manager. APMOS: Additional Primary Milita.
APMSE: Assistant Program Manager. APMT&E: Assistant Program Manager. APN: Aircraft/Aviation Procure. APN1: APN funds budget one (wea. APN2: APN funds budget area two. APN3: APN funds budget area thr.
APO: Accountable Property Offi. APO: afloat pre-positioning op. APOBS: Antipersonnel Obstacle Br. APOD: aerial port of debarkatio.
APOE: aerial port of embarkatio. APOES: Anti-Personnel Obstacle B. APORT: aerial port APORTSREP: air operations bases repo.
APP: advanced procurement plan. APPL: Application Rate APPL/A: ada process programming l. APPN: Appropriation APPR: Approach APPS: analytical photogrammetri. APPS: Automated Publications Pr.
APR: Agency Procurement Reques. APR: assign primary zone routi. APRB: Acquisition Program Revie. APRC: Air Reserve Personnel Cen. APREP: AMRAAM Productibility Enh. APRN: Activity Problem Reportin.
APROX: approximately APS: afloat pre-positioning sh. APS: Auxiliary Power Supply APSE: ADA Program Support Envir. APSM: Automated Pay Systems Man. APT: Armor Piercing Tracer; Au. AP-T: Armor-Piercing-Tracer APTS: Advanced Programmable Tes. APU: Autopilot Unit APU: auxiliary power unit APUP: APU Panel APUS: Automated Publications Up.
APVM: Accounting Pre-Validation. AQC: Aircraft Qualification AQI: Accounting Quality Index. AQL: Acceptable Quality Level. AQP: airworthiness qualificati.
AR: Aeronautical Requirement. AR: Air Refueling; Army Regul. AR: Airman Recruit (E-1) - Co. ARA: Aircraft Replaceable Asse. ARABS: Active Radar Augmenter Be. ARAR: Applicable and relevant o.
ARB: Acquisition Review Board. ARB: alternate recovery base. ARBS: angle rate bombing system. ARBUT: Automatic Resupply and Bu. ARC: Acquisition Review Counci. ARC: Air Reserve Components; A. ARC: Ames Research Center (NAS.
ARCENT: United States Army Centra. ARCOM: Army Reserve Command ARCP: air refueling control poi. ARCS: automated reusable compon. ARCT: air refueling control tim. ARD: Acceptance Requirement Do. ARDEC: Armament Research, Develo. ARDF: automatic radio direction.
ARDM: medium auxiliary repair d. ARDS: Advanced Range Data Syste. ARE: Admiralty Research Establ. AREC: air resource element coor. ARFF: Air Reserve Forces Facili. ARFOR: Army Forces ARG: Air Refueling Group ARG: amphibious ready group ARGO: automatic ranging grid ov.
ARH: Active Radar Homing ARI: United States Army Resear. ARIA: Advanced Range Instrument. ARINC: Aeronautical Radio Incorp.
ARIP: air refueling initiation. ARL: Army Research Laboratory. ARL: Average Run Length ARL-ERO: United States Army Resear.
ARL-M: airborne reconnaissance l. ARM: antiradiation missiles ARM: Automated Requisition Mod.
ARMMS: Automated Reliability Mai. ARMS: Automated Recruit Managem. ARMS: Aviation Resource Managem.
ARMT: Armament ARMYMWR: United States Army Headqu. ARMYSAF: Army Semi-Automated Force. ARN: Additional Reference Numb. ARNG: Army National Guard ARO: After Receipt of Order; A. ARP: Address Resolution Protoc.
ARP: Aerospace Recommended Pra. ARP: air refueling point ARPA: Advanced Research Project. ARPA: Archaeological Resources. ARPANET: Advanced Research Project. ARPC: Air Reserve Personnel Cen. ARPERCEN: United States Army Reserv. ARPN: Aircraft and Related Proc.
ARPS: advanced radar processing. ARPT: Airport ARQ: automatic request-repeat. ARR: Allocated Requirements Re. ARRC: Allied Command Europe Rap. ARRCOM: Armament Readiness Comman.
ARRDATE: arrival date ARRS: Air Rescue And Recovery S. ARS: Action Request System ARS: Aerial Refueling System. ARS: Air Rescue Service ARS: Analysis and Reporting Sy. ARSA: Airport Radar Service Are. ARSC: Aircraft Repair & Supply.
ARSOA: Army special operations a. ARSOC: Army special operations c. ARSOF: Army special operations f. ARSOTF: Army special operations t. ARSPACE: Army Space Command ARSPOC: Army Space Operations Cen.
ARSR: Automatic Range Surveilla. ARSSS: Automated Ready Supply St. ART: air reserve technician ARTCC: air route traffic control. ARTEP: Army Training Evaluation. ARTS: Automated Remote Tracking. ARTS III: Automated Radar Tracking.
ARTY: Artillery ARV: Armored Reconnaissance Ve. ARW: Air Refueling Wing AS: Acquisition Strategy; Aer. AS: analog secure; aviation s. AS: Authentication Servers AS/QVPL: Approved Source/Quality V. ASA: American Standard Associa. ASA: automatic spectrum analyz.
ASA(ALT): Assistant Secretary of th. ASA(CW): Assistant Secretary of th.
ASA(FM&C): Assistant Secretary of th. ASA(I&E): Assistant Secretary of th. ASA(M&RA): Assistant Secretary of th. ASAB: Anti Skid Auto Brake ASAC: Anti-Submarine Air Contro. ASACW: Assistant Secretary of th.
ASAFM: Assistant Secretary of th. ASAIE: Assistant Secretary of th. ASAMRA: Assistant Secretary of th.
ASAP: Aerospace Safety Advisory. ASAPR: Accelerated Strike Aircra. ASAR: Advanced Surface-to-Air M. ASARS: Advanced Synthetic Apertu.
ASAS: All Source Analysis Syste. ASAT: antisatellite weapon ASB: airborne software bulleti. ASBCA: Armed Services Board of C. ASBCOS: Assembly Cost ASBISS: Assembly Storage Space ASBP: Armed Services Blood Prog. ASBP: Automated Strategic Busin.
ASBPO: Armed Services Blood Prog. ASC: acting Service chief; Aer. ASC: Advanced Systems Concept. ASC: Aeronautical Systems Cent. ASC: Aeronautical Systems Cent.
ASC: Air Support Center ASC: Army Signal Command ASC/HO: Aeronautical Systems Cent. ASCAC: Anti-Submarine Classifica. ASCAT: Anti-Submarine Classifica. ASCB: Avionics Standard Communi. ASCC: Air Standardization Coord. ASCHO: Aeronautical Systems Cent. ASCIET: all Services combat ident.
ASCII: American Standard Code fo. ASCM: Anti-Ship Cruise Missile.
ASCP: Air System Control Panel. ASCS: Advanced Satellite Contro. ASCS: air support control secti.
ASCTS: Air Sea Combat Training S. ASCU: Air Support Control Unit. ASD: Activity Support Date; Ae. ASD: Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(A&L): Assistant Secretary of De.
ASD(C): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(C3I): Assistant Secretary of De.
ASD(FM&P): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(FMP): Assistant Secretary of De.
ASD(HA): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(ISA): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(ISP): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(LA): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(NII): Assistant Secretary of De.
ASD(P&L): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(PA&E): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(PA): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(RA): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(RSA): Assistant Secretary of De.
ASD(S&R): Assistant Secretary of De. ASD(SO/LIC): Assistant Secretary of De. ASDI: analog simple data interf.
ASDIC: Anti-Submarine Detection. ASDP: Abbreviated System Decisi. ASDR: Automatic Surface Detecti. ASDS: airborne serial data syst.
ASE: aircraft survivability eq. ASEAN: Association of Southeast. ASEK: Aviation Support Element. ASEMH: Army Standard Electronic. ASEMICAP: Air Systems Electromagnet.
ASET: Automated Security Enhanc. ASF: aeromedical staging facil. ASF: Aircraft Scouting Force S. ASG: aeronautical standards gr.
ASG: area support group ASI: Additional Skill Identifi. ASI: assign and display switch. ASI&CS: acoustic sensor integrati. ASIC: Application Specific Inte. ASID: Address Space Identifier. ASIDE: Associated Support Items. ASIF: Airlift Support Industria.
ASIM: Aircraft/Stores Interface. ASIMS: Air Staff Information Man. ASIS: ADA Semantic Interface Sp. ASISST: Acquisition Streamlining.
ASITS: adaptable surface interfa. ASIU: aircraft system interface. ASL: above sea level ASL: allowable supply list; ar. ASL: Azimuth Steering Line ASLCM: Advanced Sea-Launched Cru.
ASM: Actuator Signal Managemen. ASM: Area System Manager ASM: armored scout mission; au. ASMD: antiship missile defense. ASME: American Society of Mecha. ASMRA: Adjustment of Scheduled M.
ASMS: Advanced Strategic Missil. ASMU: Aeronautical Matrix Scree.
ASN: Assistant Secretary of th. ASN(RD&A): Assistant Secretary of th.
ASN(RE&S): Assistant Secretary of th. ASN(S&L): Assistant Secretary of th. ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation. ASO: Acquisition Support Organ. ASO: air support operations ASOC: air support operations ce.
ASOFDTG: as of date/time group ASOG: Air Support Operations Gr. ASOJ: Anti-Stand-Off Jammer ASOS: Air Support Operations Sq. ASOTD: Airborne and Special Oper. ASOW: Anti-Ship Stand-Off Weapo.
ASP: Aspect ASPA: Aircraft Service Period A. ASPG: Army Strategic Planning G. ASPIRE: Automatic Status of Purch. ASPJ: Airborne Self-Protection. ASPK: accompanying spare parts.
ASPP: acquisition systems prote. ASPPO: Armed Service Production. ASPR: Armed Services Procuremen. ASQC: American Society for Qual. ASR: Accounting Systems Requir.
ASR: Airport Surveillance Rada. ASR: Air-Sea-Rescue ASR: available supply rate ASRAAM: Advanced Short Range Air. ASRAD: Atlas Short Range Air Def. ASROC: Anti-submarine rocket (la. ASRS: Aviation Safety Reporting. ASRSS: Automated Systematic Recr. ASRT: Air Support Request ASS: Automated Security System.
ASSD: Avionics Systems Support. ASSET: asset source for software. ASSETREP: transportation assets rep. ASSIST: Automated Special Securit. ASSP: Army Secondary Stock Poin. ASSR: Airborne System Support R.
ASSW: Application Support Softw. ASSY: Assembly AST: Aircraft System Trainer. AST: assign secondary traffic. ASTAB: auto status board ASTE: Armament System Test Equi.
ASTF: Aeromedical Staging Fligh. ASTM: American Society for Test. ASTOR: Anti-Submarine Torpedo (M. ASTOVL: Advanced Short Take-Off a. ASTS: aeromedical staging squad. ASU: Approval for Service/Syst. ASU/STWCS: anti surface/strike warfa.
ASUS: Air Support Squadron ASUTAA: Acoustic System Upgrade T. ASUW: Anti-Surface Warfare ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational. ASW: anti-submarine warfare; a. ASW/SOW: Anti-Submarine Warfare/St. ASWBPL: Armed Services Whole Bloo. ASWBPL-W: Armed Services Whole Bloo. ASWC: anti-submarine warfare co.
ASWCSI: anti-submarine warfare co. ASWEPS: Anti-Submarine Warfare En. ASWF: Anti-Submarine Fighter Sq. ASWIXS: anti-submarine warfare in. ASWOC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Op. ASWT: Assembly Shipping Weight.
AT: Acceptance Trial; Action. AT: annual training; antiterr. At: total attainable search a. AT&L: Acquisition, Technology. AT/FP: antiterrorism/force prote. ATA: Advanced Tactical Aircraf.
ATA: Airlift Tanker Associatio. ATAAM: Advanced Tactical Air-to. ATAAPS: Automated Time, Attendanc. ATAC: Advanced Traceability and. ATAC: antiterrorism alert cente. ATACC: advanced tactical air com. ATACMS: Army Tactical Cruise Miss.
ATACO: air tactical actions cont. ATACS: Army Tactical Communicati. ATAF: Allied Tactical Air Force. ATAMS: Automated Time and Attend. ATAP: Average Time Awaiting Par. ATARS: Advanced Tactical Air Rec. ATB: Advanced Tactical Bomber.
ATBM: antitactical ballistic mi. ATC: Aberdeen Test Center (Arm. ATC: Active Transfer Command.
ATC: Air Target Chart; Air Thr. ATC: Aviation Training Center.
ATCA: Advanced Tanker/Cargo Air. ATCA: Allied Tactical Communica. ATCAA: air traffic control assig. ATCALS: air traffic control and l. ATCC: air traffic control cente.
ATCCS: Army Tactical Command and. ATCD: Anticipated Tour Completi. ATCF: Air Traffic Control Facil. ATCH: attach/attachment ATCRBS: Air Traffic Control Radar. ATCS: air traffic control secti. ATCS: Air Traffic Control Squad.
ATD: Aircrew Training Device. ATD: Aviation Training Departm. ATDL1: Army tactical data link 1. ATDLS: Advanced Tactical Data Li. ATDM: adaptive time division mu. ATDR: Aeronautical Technical Di.
ATDS: airborne tactical data sy. ATE: Automated Test Equipment. ATEC: Army Test and Evaluation.
ATF: Advanced Tactical Fighter. ATF: Amphibious Task Force; Bu. ATFR: Advanced Terrain Followin. ATG: Afloat Training Group; As. ATG: assign trunk group cluste. ATGM: antitank guided missile.
ATGW: Anti-Tank Guided Weapon. ATGWP: Afloat Training Group Wes. ATH: air transportable hospita.
ATHS: Airborne Target Handover. ATHS: Automated Target Hand-off. ATI: Active Transfer Initiate. ATIC: Advanced Threat Infrared. ATIDS: Airborne Tactical Informa. ATIGS: Advanced Tactical Inertia.
ATIMP: United States Army Traini. ATIMS: Airborne Tactical Informa. ATIP: Aviation Training Improve. ATIS: Advanced Technical Inform.
ATK: Attack ATKRON: Attack Squadron ATL: Advanced Tactical Laser. ATLAS: Abbreviated Test Language.
ATLAS: Space Launch Vehicle ATLASS: Asset Tracking Logistics. ATM: air target material; assi.
ATM: Air Traffic Management; A. ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mod. ATMCT: air terminal movement con. ATM-L: Assistant Technical Manag.
ATMP: Air Target Materials Prog. ATMS: automatic text management. ATN: Aeronautical Telecommunic.
ATN: assign thresholds ATO: air tasking order ATO: Airborne Tactical Officer. ATOC: air tactical operations c. ATOC: Allied Tactical Operation. ATOCONF: air tasking order/confirm. ATOS: Automated Technical Order. ATOS: Automated Travel Order Sy.
ATP: Acceptance Test Procedure. ATP: Allied tactical publicati.
ATR: Air Transport Rack; Air T. ATR: attrition reserve ATRAS: Automated Travel Record A. ATRC: Air Traffic Regulation Ce. ATRNC: Air Transportable Clinic.
ATRRS: Army Training Requirement. ATRS: Aerial Targets Squadron. ATS: Academic Trainer System.
ATS: air traffic service; assi. ATSA: Advanced Tactical Support. ATSC: Army Training Support Cen. ATSCOM: Air Traffic Services Comm. ATSD(AE): Assistant to the Secretar. ATSD(IO): Assistant to the Secretar. ATSD(PA): Assistant to the Secretar.
ATSDR: Agency for Toxic Substanc. ATSS: Aviation Training Support. ATT: Advanced Tactical Transpo. ATT: assign terminal type ATTC: Aviation Technical Traini. ATTC: United States Army Aviati.
ATTCH: attach; attachment ATTD: Advanced Technical Transi. ATTMA: Advanced Technology Trans. ATTR: Average-Time-To-Repair ATTS: Air-Transportable Towed S. ATTU: air transportable treatme. ATU: Advanced Training Unit (N.
ATV: Aerodynamic Test Vehicle. ATW: Authorized to Work ATWS: Automatic Track While Sca.
AU: Air University AU: Air University AU: airborne unit AUD: audio AUEL: automated unit equipment. AUF: airborne uninhabited figh. AUG: application user group AUIC: active duty unit identifi. AUK: Authorized User Key AUL: Air University Library; A. AUOL: Age Unfilled Order List. AUR: All-Up-Round AURC: All-Up-Round Container AURT: All-Up-Round Tester AURTG: All-Up-Round Test Group. AUSA: Association of the United.
AUTEC: Atlantic Undersea Test &. AUTO: Automatic AUTODIN: Automatic Digital Network.
AUTOSEVOCOM: Automatic Secure Voice Co. AUTOVON: Automatic Voice Network. AUV: Autonomous Underwater Veh. AUW: Advanced Undersea Weapon. AUX: auxiliary AUXMEA: Auxiliary Maintenance Eng. AV: air vehicle AV: audio visual; aviation; a. AV: Auxiliary Vector AV: Aviano AV/VI: audiovisual/visual inform.
AV/WEPS: Avionics/Weapons AV3M: Aviation Maintenance and. AV-8: Harrier AV-8B: Attack aircraft ('Harrier. AVAIL: available AVB: Avionics Bulletin AVBAT: Aviation Battalion AVC: Avionics Change AVCAL: Aviation Consolidated All.
AVCCB: air vehicle configuration. AVCO: Active Voltage Controlled. AVDLR: Aviation Depot Level Repa. AVDTG: analog via digital trunk. AVE: Aerospace Vehicle Equipme. AVEDS: Automated Voucher Examina. AVEL: AMRAAM Vertical Eject Lau.
AVF: All Volunteer Force AVG: Average, Normal AVGAS: aviation gasoline AVGFE: Aviation Gas Free Enginee. AVIM: aviation intermediate mai. AVIP: Avionics Integrity Progra. AVL: assign variable location. AVLB: Armored Vehicle-Launched. AVLETS: Air Vehicle Launch Equipm.
AVM: Airborne Vibration Monito. AVMF: Aviatsiya Voenno-Morsko F.
AVMI: Automated Video Maintenan. AVN: Aviation; Aviation Regime. AVNBDE: Aviation Brigade AVO: Avionics Officer AVOBC: Aviation Officer Basic Co.
AVOU: analog voice orderwire un. AVOW: analog voice orderwire AVP: Advanced Video Processor. AVR: Aviation Rescue Boat AVRS: Automated Voice Response. AVS: audiovisual squadron AVSAT: Aviation Satellite AVSB: Aviation Support Battalio. AVSCCM: Army Aviation Systems Com. AVSS: automated voice switching.
AVT: Automatic Video Tracker. AVUM: aviation unit maintenance. AVVI: Altitude Vertical Velocit. AW: acoustic warfare; air war. AW: Airlift Wing AWACS: Airborne Warning and Cont. AWADS: adverse weather aerial de.
AWARS: Airborne Weapons Analysis. AWAVS: aviation wide angle visua. AWB: airborne weapon bulletin.
AWB: United States Air Force A. AWC: Air War College AWC: air warfare commander AWC: Air Weapon Change; Airbor. AWCAP: airborne weapons correcti.
AWCCM: acoustic warfare counter. AWCF: Army Working Capital Fund. AWCLS: All-Weather Carrier Landi. AWCM: acoustic warfare counterm.
AWCRE: Airborne Weapons Control. AWD: Air Weapons Department AWE: Advanced Warfighting Expe. AWFC: Air Warfare Center AWG: Air Weapons Guidance; Air. AWIS: Airborne Weapons Informat. AWL: Above Water Level AWLU: Aircraft Wireless LAN Uni. AWM: Awaiting Maintenance AWN: Automated Weather Network. AWOAC: Aviation Warrant Officer.
AWOBC: Aviation Warrant Officer. AWOL: absent without leave AWP: Awaiting Parts AWPU: Awaiting Parts Unit AWS: Air Weather Service AWS: Airborne Weapon System; A. AWSACS: all weather standoff atta.
AWSE: armament weapons support. AWSEP: Armament/Weapons Support. AWSI: avionics-weapons system i. AWSIM: air warfare simulation mo. AWSM: Automated Weapons System. AWSR: Air Weather Service regul.
AWTU: Air Weapons Training Unit. AWWS: Airborne Weapons Workload.
AWY: Airway AXP: ambulance exchange point. AXX: assign XXX routing AYB: accessory bulletin AYC: Accessory Change AZ: Arizona AZ: Azimuth AZR: assign zone restriction l. B: Binary Number; Bomber; Bo. B: cross-over barrier patter. B&A: boat and aircraft B&A: Bond and Allotment B/B: baseband B/B: Bell/Boeing B/F: blade fold B/L: Bill of Lading B/N: Bombardier/Navigator B/N: Bombing/Navigation B/U: backup B-1B: Long-range; multi-role; h. B-2: Multi-role heavy bomber (. B-52: Heavy bomber ('Stratofort.
B-52B: NASA Launch aircraft ('Mo. BA: Budget Activity; Budget A. BAA: Broad Agency Announcement. BACC: Budget and Accounting Cla. BACCS: Budgeting Accounting Clas. BACE: Basic Automatic Checkout. BAE: British Aerospace BAF: backup alert force BAFB: Barksdale Air Force Base.
BAFO: Best and Final Offer BAFR: Band of the Air Force Res. BAG: baggage BAG: Budget Advisory Group BAH: basic allowance for housi. BAI: backup aircraft inventory. BAL: Balance BALT: barometric altitude BALTAP: Baltic Approaches BAM: Base Area Military; Basic.
BAM: Bird Avoidance Model BAN: Base Data Network BAOR: British Army on the Rhine. BAP: Business Alliance Partner.
BAQ: Basic Aircraft Qualificat. BAQ: Basic Allowance for Quart. BARC: Barometic Altitude-Rate C. BARCAP: Barrier Combat Air Patrol.
BARJAM: Barrage Jammer BARO: Barometric Setting BARS: Base Level Accounts Recei. BARSTUR: Barking Sands Tactical Un. BAS: Basic Airborne School BAS: basic allowance for subsi. BASCS: Basic Air and Space Cours. BASH: Bird/Wildlife Aircraft St.
BASH: United States Air Force B. BASIC: Beginners All-Purpose Sym.
BAT: Battery; Ballistic Aerial. BAT: Biological Augmentation T. BATAE: Best available technology. BATDD: Battlefield Automation Te. BATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacc. BATIS: Basic Air Training Inform.
BATS: Ballistic Aerial Target S. BATT: Battery BATV: Ballistic Aerodynamic Tes.
BAUD: characters xmitted/sec se. BB: battleship; boatbuilding. BB: breakbulk BBC: backup bus controller BBDL: Basic Binary Disk Loader.
BBG: Battleship Battle Group. BBJ: Boeing Business Jet 737-7. BBL: barrel (42 US gallons) BBMTA: Border Backbone Message T. BBS: Bulletin Board System BC: Battery Commander; Bus Co.
BC: Battle Creek BC: bottom current BC/FC: Beam Control/Fire Control. BCAS: Base Contracting Automate. BCAT: beddown capability assess. BCB: Battery Switchboard BCBL: Battle Command Battle Lab. BCBL-G: Battle Command Battle Lab. BCBL-H: Battle Command Battle Lab.
BCBL-L: Battle Command Battle Lab. BCC: Base Communications Cente. BCC: Budget Classification Cod. BCCB: Base Configuration Contro. BCCC: Base Communications Compu. BCD: Bad Conduct Discharge; Bi.
BCD: Battlefield Coordination. BCE: Base Civil Engineer BCE: Baseline Cost Estimate; B. BCI: bit count integrity BCIM: Beyond Capability of Inte.
BCM: Beyond Capability of Main. BCMR: Board for the Correction. BCN: beacon BCN: Bureau Control Number; Bu. BCNR: Board for Correction of N.
BCOC: base cluster operations c. BCR: Bar Code Reader BCR: Base Change Request BCR: baseline change request. BCS: Baseline Comparison Syste. BCT: Basic Combat Training; Be. BCTP: Battle Command Training P. BCU: battery coolant unit; buf. BCU: beach clearance unit BCV: Bleed Control Valve; Bore.
BD: Barksdale BDA: Battle Damage Assessment. BDA: Bomb Damage Assessment BDAM: Basic Direct Access Metho. BDAT: Battle Damage Assessment.
BDC: Blood Donor Center BDE: Basic Design Engineering. BDE: brigade BDHI: Bearing Distance Heading. BDL: beach discharge lighter. BDOC: base defense operations c. BDP: Border Gateway Protocol. BDR: battle damage repair BDSR: Below Depot Scrap Rate BDTSS: Bullseye Data Transfer Su. BDU: Battle Dress Uniform; Bom.
BDZ: base defense zone BDZ: buffer demodulator zero. BE: basic encyclopedia BE: Batch Environment BE: Beriev BE number: basic encyclopedia number. BEAP: Basic Educational Assista. BED: Bulk Encryption Device BEE: Bioenvironmental Engineer. BEL CRK: bell crank BEMRT: Basic Expeditionary Medic.
BEN: base encyclopedia number. BENESUG: Beneficial Suggestion BEQ: Bachelor Enlisted Quarter. BER: Beyond Economic Repair BER: bit error ratio BERP: British Experimental Roto. BES: budget estimate submissio.
BEST: base engineering support. BETA: Battlefield Exploitation. BEU: Battery Emergency Unit BEX: Budget Execution System. BF/WS: blade fold/wing stow BFC: Battle Force Capable BFCU: blade fold control unit. BFDL: Blue Force Data Link BFE: Blacker Font End(EDP) BFEMS: Budget Formulation Execut. BFES: Budget Formulation & Exec.
BFIT: Battle Force In-Port Trai. BFM: Basic Fighter Maneuvers. BFMIP: Biennial Financial Manage. BFO: Best & Final Offer BFPRB: Budget, Funding, and Proc. BFRL: Basic Facilities Requirem.
BFTS: Bomber-Fighter Training S. BFTT: battle force tactical tra. BFTTEX: battle force tactical tra. BFV: Bradley Fighting Vehicle. BFVS: Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
BFW: Big Fucking Wrench BG: Battle Group; Bomb Group. BG: Brigadier General (O-7). BGAAWC: Battle Group Anti-Air War. BGC: boat group commander BGCTT: battle group commander's. BGFO: Bureau of Government Fina. BGIT: battle group inport train. BGM: Multiple Platform Missile.
BGM-109: Submarine/ship-launched l. BGPC: battle group planning con. BGPHES: Battle Group Passive Hori. BGU: Basic Generation Unit BGWS: Bridgehead Gateway Server. BH: Birmingham BH: boeing helicopters BHA: Basic Housing Allowance. BHP: Brake Horsepower BHR: Block Handling Routine BHT: bell helicopter textron. BI: Background Investigation.
BI: battle injury BIA: Bureau of Indian Affairs. BIAS: Battlefield Illumination. BIC: bus interface controller. BICES: Battlefield Information C. BIDDS: Base Information Digital. BIDE: basic identity data eleme.
BIDS: Biological Integrated Det. BIE: Business Integration Exec. BIFC: Boise Interagency Fire Ce. BIH: International Time Bureau. BII: Basic Issue Item BIIL: Basic Issue Items List BIL: Bulk Items List BIN: Binary BINM: Bureau of International N. BIO: biological; Bureau of Int.
BIOS: Basick Input/Output Syste. BIP: Bankcard Information Proc. BIR: Basic Individual Record. BIS: Board of Inspection and S. BIS: built-in simulation BISS: base installation securit. BIST: Built-In Self Test; Built. BISTEP: Binary Stream BIT: Binary Digit BIT: built-in test BITE: Budgetary Information Tec.
BITE: built-in test equipment. BITS: Base Information Transfer. BIU: beach interface unit BIU: bus interface unit; basic. BJM: Budget Justification Mate. BKEP: Boosted Kinetic Energy Pe. BKS: Barracks BL: Base Locator; Baseline; B. BLA: Battalion Level Administr.
BLAHA: Basic Load Ammunition Hol. BLAS: Base Level Accounting Sys. BLCP: beach lighterage control. BLD: blade BLDR: Builder BLDREP: blood report BLDSHIPREP: blood shipment report BLE: Business Line Executive.
BLII: Base Level Infrastructure. BLIS: Base Level Inventory Syst. BLK: black; block BLM: Bureau of Land Management. BLOCK: contiguous bytes of digit. BLOS: beyond line of sight BLR: Basic Labor Rate BLS: beach landing site BLS: Bi-Level Secure BLS: Budget and Reporting Syst.
BLSS: Base Level Self-sufficien. BLST: Ballast BLT: battalion landing team BLU: Basic Link Unit; Bomb/Min. BLU-118: Thermobaric weapons warhe.
BLU-82: Air-to-surface special pu. BLWE: Battle Lab Warfighting Ex. BM: battle management; beachm.
BM/C3: Battlefield Management/Co. BMA: boeing military airplanes. BMAR: Backlog of Maintenance an. BMC: Basic Mission Capable BMC4I: Battle Management Command.
BMCT: begin morning civil twili. BMD: Ballistic Missile Defense.
BMD (DOD): Ballistic Missile Defense. BMDO: Ballistic Missile Defense. BMDS: Ballistic Missile Defense.
BMDSIDC: Ballistic Missile Defense. BMEP: Brake Mean Effective Pres. BMEW: Ballistic Missile Early W. BMEWS: ballistic missile early w.
BMH: Base (Repair) Man Hours. BMH: Baselevel Message Host BMIC: Battle Management Interop. BMNT: begin morning nautical tw. BMO: Ballistic Missile Office. BMR: Base (Consumable) Materia.
BMS: Ballistic Missile Ship (D. BMTA: Backbone Message Transfer. BMTS: Basic Military Training S. BMU: beachmaster unit BN: battalion B-NAV: Basic Area Navigation BNCOA: Barksdale NCO Academy BNCOC: Basic Noncommissioned Off.
BNGO: bingo BNLM: Bounding Non-Lethal Munit. BNR: Binary BO: Back Order; Battle Orders.
BOA: Basic Ordering Agreement. BOB: Bureau Of Budgets BOC: base operations center BOCCA: Bureau of Coordination of. BOD: Beneficial Occupancy Date.
BOE: Bureau of Explosives BOG: Beach Operations Group BOH: bottom of hill BOHICA: Bend over, here it comes. BOI: Basis of Issue; Break of. BOIP: Basis of Issue Plan BOL: Bill of Labor BOM: Bill of Materials, Multip.
BOMB/NAV: Bombardier/Navigator; Bom. BOP: Balance of Payments BOQ: Bachelor Officers Quarter. BOR: Budget Optar Report BORE: boresight BOS: base operating support BOSG: base operations support g. BOSS: Barking Sands Operational. BOW: United States Air Force B.
BP: battle position; block pa. BP: Budget Project BPA: Battery Power Assembly; B. BPAP: Basic Performance Apprais.
BPCT: Best Practical Control Te. BPD: blood products depot BPDMS: Basic Point Defense Missi. BPDS: Basic Point Defense Syste.
BPDSMS: Basic Point Defense Surfa. BPG: beach operations group BPG: Beach Party Group BPI: bits per inch BPI: Business Process Improvem. BPN: Budget Project Number BPO: blood program office BPPBS: bi-annual planning, progr. BPR: Business Process Review/R. BPRN: Blinking Pseudo-Random No.
BPS: basic psychological opera. BPS: Bytes Per Second BPSK: biphase shift keying BPT: beach party team BPU: Barometric Pressure Unit. BPWRR: bulk petroleum war reserv. BPWRS: bulk petroleum war reserv. BR: budget review BRA: Basic Replacement Allowan.
BRAC: Base Realignment And Clos. BRAC (Air Force): Base Realignment And Clos. BRAC (Army): Base Realignment And Clos.
BRAC (Navy): Base Realignment And Clos. BRACD: United States Army Base R. BRACMO: Base Realignment And Clos. BRAG: breathing regulator/anti.
BRAS: Bench Replaceable Assembl. BRASC: Branch Aviation Supply Of.
BRC: base recovery course BRC: Budget Reporting Code BRCT: Base Repair Cycle Time BRG: Bearing BRIG: Brigade; Brigadier BRIG GEN: Brigadier General (O-7). BRIG GEN: Brigadier General (O-7). BRK: brake BRM: Budget Renovation Model. BRN: Burn-In-Test BRP: Blue Ribbon Panel BRT: Bright BRU: Bomb Rack Unit; Bomb Rele.
BRU: boresight reticle unit BS: battle staff; broadcast s. BS: Bomb Squadron; Boresight. BSA: Backbone Service Area BSA: Base Support Area BSA: beach support area; briga.
BSAM: Basic Sequential Access M. BSC: Balanced Score Card; Bina. BSC: black station clock BSC ro: black station clock recei. BSD: Business System Diagram. BSFV: Bradley Stinger Fighting. BSI: Boroscope Inspection BSM: Business Systems Moderniz.
BSP: base support plan BSP: Business Strategy BSSG: brigade service support g. BST: Basic Skill Training BSTF: Base Shop Test Facilities.
BSTR: Booster BSTS: Base-Shop Test Station; B. BSU: blood supply unit BSV: beach support vehicle BSWS: boeing software standard. BT: Bathythermograph; Builder. BT: Bitburg BTA: Best Technical Approach.
BTAM: Basic Telecommunications. BTB: believed-to-be BTC: blood transshipment cente. BTD: Bulletin Technical Direct.
BTG: basic target graphic BTI: Balanced Technology Initi. BTL: Battalion Landing Team BTM/TPI: Brake Temperature Monitor. BTOC: battalion tactical operat. BTR: Basic Training Record; Bu. BTR-EP: Bus Tie Relay-External Po. BTRY: Battery BTTBU: Brake Temperature/Tire Pr. BTU: Basic Transmission Unit.
BTU: beach termination unit BTV: Blast Test Vehicle BTY: Battery BU: Battery Unit BUDCOST: Budget Management Cost Sy. BUFF: Big Ugly Fat Fellow BULK: bulk cargo BUMED: United States Navy Bureau. BUNO: Bureau Number BUO: Base & Units Office BUPERS: Bureau of Naval Personnel. BUR: Bottom-Up Review BUWEPS: Bureau of Weapons BVA: Bleed Valve Actuator BVR: beyond visual range BVR: Boost Voltage Regulator.
BW: bandwidth; biological war. BW: Boat Works; Bomb Wing BWAR: Budget-Workload Analysis. BWB: Blended Wing Body (Resear.
BWC: Biological Weapons Comman. BWRD: backward BWS: Basic Warrior School BY: Boat Yard; Budget Year BY+1: Budget Year plus one BYTE: combined bits of digital. BZ: buffer zone C: Cancelled; Centigrade; Ce. C: centigrade; clock; covera. C: Collateral C di: conditioned diphase C of S: Chief of Staff C&A: certification and accredi. C&A: Classification and Assign.
C&CSTT: command and control stn t. C&D: control and display C&LAT: cargo and loading analysi. C/A: Course/Acquisition C/C: cabin cruiser; cast off a. C/MH: Cost Per Man-Hour C/PDLC: Controller/Pilot Data Lin. C/S: course and speed C/S/A: Commander-in-Chief/Servic. C/SCSC: cost/schedule control sys.
C C-11: Shuttle Training Aircraft. C-12: Passenger and cargo airli.
C-130 (USAF): Tactical and intratheater. C-130 (USN): Global airlift aircraft (. C-135C: Executive Airlift/Avionic. C-141: Cargo and troop transport.
C-17: Cargo and troop transport. C2: command and control C-20 (USN): Logistic aircraft ('Gulfs. C-20A (USAF): Operational support airli. C-20B/H (USAF): Special air missions airc. C-21: Passenger and cargo airli.
C-22: Passenger transportation. C-23: Multi-role utility airpla. C-26: Passenger; medevac; or ca. C-27: Transport aircraft ('Spar. C-2A: Carrier-on-board delivery. C2-attack: an offensive form of comm. C2E: command and control eleme.
C2F: Commander, United States. C2IP: Command and Control Initi.
C2IPS: Command and Control Infor. C2MP: Command Control Master Pl. C2P: command and control prote. C2-protect: a defensive form of comma.
C2S: command and control suppo. C2W: command and control warfa. C3: command, control and comm. C-31: Transport aircraft ('Troo. C-32: High-priority personnel t. C-35: Passenger aircraft ('Cita.
C-37A: Special air missions airc. C3AG: Command, Control, and Com.
C3BM: Command, Control, and Com. C3CM: Command, Control, and Com. C3I: Command, Control, Communi. C3IC: coalition coordination, c. C3SMP: Command, Control, and Com. C4: command, control, communi. C4 systems: command, control, communi.
C-40A: Fleet logistics support a. C-40B/C (USAF): High-priority personnel t. C4CM: command, control, communi. C4I: command, control, communi.
C4I2: Command, Control, and Com. C4I2: Command, Control, Communi. C4IFTW: command, control, communi. C4ISR: command, control, communi. C4S: command, control, communi. C-5: Outsize cargo transport a.
C6F: Commander, United States. C7F: Commander, United States. C-9A (USAF): Aeromedical evacuation ai. C-9A/C (USN): Aeromedical evacuation ai. C-9B (USN): Cargo transport aircraft. C-9C (USAF): Distinguished visitor sup. CA: California CA: Certificate Authority CA: civil administration; civ.
CA: Commercial Activities; Co. CAA: civil air augmentation; C. CAA: Civil Aviation Authority. CAA: Clean Air Act CAAIS: Computer-Assisted Action.
CAAR: Computer Access Authoriza. CAAS: Contracted Advisory and A. CAAT: Combined Anti-Armor Team.
CAB: Cabin; Centralized Accoun. CAB: combat aviation brigade. CAC: Center Accessory Compartm.
CAC: Common Access Card CAC: current actions center CAC: United States Army Combin. CAC2S: Common Aviation Command a. CACE: contractor acquired opera.
CACO: Casualty Assistance Calls. CACS: Computer Assisted Command. CACT: command air crew training. CACTIS: community automated intel.
CAD: cartridge actuated device. CAD: Computer Aided Design; Co. CADA: Combined Administrative D. CADBD: Current Active Duty Begin.
CADC: Central Air Data Computer. CADCAM: computer automated design. CADD: Combined Arms Doctrine Di. CADESS: Computer-Aided Data Excha.
CADMSS: Configuration Automated D. CADRE: College of Aerospace Doct. CADRS: concern and deficiency re. CADS: Combat Aerial Delivery Sc.
CADS: containerized ammunition. CAE: Component Acquisition Exe. CAEB: Combat Arms Enlistment Bo. CAEDOS: Computer-Aided Engineerin.
CAEIU: conversion actuator elect. CAEMS: Computer-aided Embarkatio. CAF: Canadian Air Force, Comba. CAF: Central Adjudication Faci. CAFB: Columbus Air Force Base. CAFED: computer-aided file of en. CAFIT: Computer-Aided Fault Isol.
CAFMS: computer-assisted force m. CAFO: Consolidated Accounting a. CAFSU: Carrier and Field Service. CAG: Carrier Air Group; Catapu.
CAG: civil affairs group; coll. CAGE: Commercial And Government.
CAGE: Contractor and Government. CAGEL: Combined Aerospace Ground. CAI: Computer Aided Instructio. CAIG: Cost Analysis Improvement. CAIMS: conventional ammunition i. CAINS: carrier aircraft inertial.
CAIS-A: Common APSE Interface Set. CAL: caliber CAL: Calibration; Confined Are. CAL: Center for Army Leadershi.
CALA: Combat Aircraft Loading A. CALC: calculated CALCM: Conventional Air-Launched. CALFEX: Combined Arms Live Fire E. CALL: Center for Army Lessons L. CALMMS: Computerized Air Launched. CALMS: Computer Aided Logistics. CALMS: computer-aided load manif.
CALMSS: Conventional Ammunition L. CALS: Computer-Aided Acquisitio.
CALSA: Computer-Aided Logistic S. CALSEL: Call Select CALT: clearance altitude; contr. CAM: chemical agent monitor; c.
CAM: Commercial Air Movement. CAMEL: Critical Aeronautical Mat. CAMI: Continued Action Maintena. CAMP: Common ADA Missile Packag. CAMPEN: Camp Pendleton Marine Bas. CAMPS: consolidated air mobility.
CAMS: Central Air Monitoring Sy. CAMS: Classified AUTODIN Mail S.
CAMSEE: Carrier Aircraft Maintena. CAMT: countering air and missil. CAN: Canister; Computer Aided. CANA: convalescent antidote for. CANN: Cannibalization CANR: Canadian NORAD Region CANTRAC: Catalog of Navy Training. CANUS: Canada-United States CAO: Central Action Officer; C. CAO: chief administrative offi.
CAO SOP: standing operating proced. CAOC: combat air operations cen. CAOC: Combined Air and Space Op. CAOE: contractor acquired opera. CAP: Civil Air Patrol CAP: Civilian Advisory Panel. CAP: combat air patrol; config.
CAP: Component Approval Proces. CAP/CAN: Capsule/Canister; Capsule. CAPDS: chemical agent point dete. CAPE: computer aided project en. CAPNHQ: Civil Air Patrol National. CAPOC: United States Army Civil. CAPP: Computer Aided Production.
CAPRS: Cost Accounting & Product. CAPS: CINCPACFLT Automated Prio. CAPS: Commercial Accounts Proce. CAPT: Captain CAPT: Captain (O-3) - Air Force. CAPT: Captain (O-3) - Army CAPT: Captain (O-6) - Coast Gua. CAPT: Captain (O-3) - Marines. CAPT: Captain (O-6) - Navy CAPTOR: Encapsulated Torpedo (und.
CAR: Casualty Assistance Repre. CAR: Central Audit Region CAR: Chief of the Army Reserve. CAR: Compliance Audit Report. CARA: combined altitude radar a. CARAEWRON: Carrier Airborne Early Wa.
CARD: Cost Analysis Requirement. CARDA: continental United States. CARDS: Catalog of Approved Requi. CARE: Civilian Assistance and R. CARE: Cooperative for Assistanc.
CARE: Customer Automation and R. CARGRU: Carrier Group CARIBROC: Caribbean Regional Operat.
CARL: Combined Arms Research Li. CARMIS: Commander, Army Mission. CARP: computed air release poin. CARS: Cargo System; Cost Analys. CARS: combat arms regimental sy. CARS: Consolidated Acquisition. CARSEA: Career Sea Pay; DU Career.
CART: Central Automated Repleni. CARVER: criticality; accessibilit. CAS: Calibrated Airspeed; Cent. CAS: casualty; civil aviation. CAS: Consolidated Aircraft Sup. CAS-A: Combat Automated System.
CASC: Cataloging and Standardiz. CASCA: Casualty Cancelled CASCOM: Combined Arms Support Com. CASCOR: Casualty Corrected CASE: Computer Aided Software E. CASEE: Comprehensive Aircraft Su.
CASO: Contract Administration S. CASP: Centralized Ammunition St. CASP: computer-aided search pla. CASPER: Computer-Aided Spares Eva.
CASPER: contact area summary posi. CASREP: casualty report CASREQ: close air support request. CASS: Command Active Sonobouy S. CASSD: Corps Aviation Safety and. CAST: combined arms staff train. CASTOR: Corps Airborne Stand-Off. CASU: Cooperative Administrativ.
CAT: Catapult; Civilian Augmen. CAT: category; crisis action t. CAT: Combat Aircrew Training.
CAT I QDR: Category I Quality Defici. CAT II QDR: Category II Quality Defic. CATB: Combat Aviation Training. CATCC: carrier air traffic contr. CATEN: Correlated Angle Threshol.
CATER: Consistent, Accurate, Tim. CATF: Commander Amphibious Task. CATFAE: Catapult Launched Fuel-Ai. CATIES: Combined Arms Training In. CATIS: Computer Aided Technical. CATM: Captive Air Training Miss. CATOT: CAT on Target CATS: Combined Arms Training Sy.
CATT: Combined Arms Tactical Tr. CAU: crypto ancillary unit; cr. CAU: Customer Assist Unit CAV: Cavalry (Armored Cavalry. CAVU: ceiling and visibility un. CAW: carrier air wing CAW: Certificate Authority Wor.
CAW/ESS: crisis action weather and. CAWC: Central Aural Warning Sys. CAX: Combined Arms Exercise CAX: computer-assisted exercis. CB: chemical-biological; cons. CB: Citizen's Band; Circuit B. CB: Columbus C-B: chemical-biological CB/CWI: chemical/biological cold.
CBA: Cost Benefit Analysis CBAFR: Command Band of the Air F. CBAT: Computer-Based Aid for Tr.
CBBLS: hundreds of barrels CBC: Cipher Block Chaining; Co. CBCPH: United States Naval Const. CBCR: change board commitment r. CBCS: Combat Communications Squ. CBCSS: Combat Communications Sup. CBD: chemical; biological defe. CBD: Commerce Business Daily.
CBEMA: Computer and Business Com. CBFS: cesium beam frequency sta. CBI: Computer Based Instructio. CBIAC: Chemical and Biological D.
CBIL: Common (and) Bulk Items L. CBIRF: Chemical/Biological Incid.
CBL: Central Bedders List; Com. CBLTU: common battery line termi. CBMR: capabilities-based muniti. CBMS: Chemical Biological Mass. CBMU: construction battalion ma. CBO: Congressional Budget Offi. CBP: United States Customs and.
CBPO: Consolidated Base Personn. CBPS: chemical biological prote. CBQ: Combined Bachelor Quarter. CBR: Charger Battery Relay CBR: chemical, biological, and.
CBRN: Caribbean Basin Radar Net. CBRS: Concept Based Requirement. CBS: common battery signaling. CBS: Corps Battle Simulation. CBSS: Combatant Craft Boat Supp. CBS-X-REQVAL: Continuing Balance System. CBT: Combat CBT: combatting terrorism; com.
CBT: Computer-Based Training. CBTZ: combat zone CBU: cluster bomb unit; confer. CBU-87: Air-to-surface cluster we. CBU-89: Air-to-surface cluster we. CBV: Combat Breacher Vehicle.
CBW: chemical and biological w. CBX: Copilot Control Box CC: Clovis Cannon CC: Command and Control; Conf. CC: command center; component.
CCA: carrier controlled approa. CCA: carrier-controlled approa. CCA: Clinger-Cohen Act CCAD: Corpus Christi Army Depot. CCAF: Community College of the. CCAFS: Cape Canaveral Air Force. CCATT: Critical Care Air Transpo.
CCB: Change Control Board; Cog. CCB: Community Counterterroris. CCBD: Configuration Control Boa. CCBR: config control board requ. CCC: Center Computer Complex.
CCC: crisis coordination cente. CCCA: Continuing Civilian Cloth. CCCB: Component Configuration C.
CCCT: Consolidated Civilian Car. CCD: Camouflage, Concealment. CCD: Charged-Coupled Device; C.
CCDD: Charged-Coupled Device De. CCDG: Commander, Cruiser Destro. CCDL: Cross Channel Data Link. CCDR: Commander of a Combatant. CCE: container control element.
CCEB: Combined Communications-E. CCEB: Community College Enlistm. CCEP: Commercial COMSEC Endorse. CCEP: Community College Enlistm.
CCEU: Component Control Expedit. CCF: Change Control Facility. CCF: collection coordination f. CCFDA: cockpit control feel driv. CCG: Combat Communications Gro. CCG: crisis coordination group.
CCGD: Commander, Coast Guard Di. CCH: Chief of Chaplains (US Ar. CCIB: command center integratio. CCIP: Common Configuration Impl. CCIR: commander?s critical info.
CCIS: Command and Control Infro. CCIS: common channel interswitc.
CCITT: International Telegraph a. CCIU: CEF control interface uni.
CCIU: Component Control Issue U. CCJTF: Commander, Combined Joint. CCL: command and control lab. CCL: communications/computer l.
CCLR: Claim Collection Litigati. CCM: Counter-Countermeasure; C. CCM: Command Chief Master Serg. CCMC: Cryptographic Communicati. CCMM: course curriculum model m.
CCMP: Computer Centralization a. CCMP: Contractor Configuration. CCMTA: Control Center Message Tr. CCMTC: command and control maint. CCN: Contract Change Notice; C.
CCO: central control officer. CCO: Close Combat Optics; Conf. CCO: Contingency Contracting O.
CCOPS: Climate Control and Over. CCP: casualty collection point. CCP: Centralized Check Printin. CCPDS: command center processing.
CCPDSR: command center processing. CCPL: Compliant Certified Produ. CCPO: Consolidated Civilian Per. CCPT: cockpit control position. CCQAS: Centralized Credentials Q.
CCR: Centralized Contractor Re. CCRD: CINCs required delivery d. CCRP: Captive Carry Reliability. CCRV: Captive Carry Reliability. CCS: central control ship; con. CCS: Change Commitment Summary. CCSA: Common Control Switching.
CCSA: containership cargo stowa. CCSD: command communications se. CCSDSP: closed circuit saturation. CCSG: Commander, Carrier Strike. CCSR: Contract Change Status Re. CCSS: Commodity Command Standar. CCST: Classroom Systems Trainer.
CCT: Center Channel Track CCT: collaborative contingency. CCT: Combat Control Team CCTA: Control Current Transform. CCTDA: cockpit control thrust dr. CCTI: Chairman of the Joint Chi.
CCTR: Captive Carry Training Ro. CCTS: Combat Crew Training Scho. CCTT: Close Combat Tactical Tra. CCTV: closed circuit television. CCU: Cockpit Control Unit; Com.
CCV: Cash Collection Voucher. CCW: Counter Clockwise CCW: United Nations Convention. CCWG: Configuration Control Wor. CD: Change Directive; Classif. CD: channel designator; count. CDA: Central Design Activity. CDAD: Component Data Administra.
CDAM: Central Design Activity M. C-Day: unnamed day on which a de. CDB: Central Database; Control.
CDC: Centers for Disease Contr. CDC: Central Directory Compone. CDC: Combat Development Comman.
CDCA: Central Data Collection A. CDCS: Corporate Data Collection. CDD: common data dictionary; c. CDDB: Central Demand Data Base. CDE: Client Development Execut.
CDF: combined distribution fra. CDF: Controlled Detonating Fuz. CDI: cargo disposition instruc. CDI: Collateral Duty Inspector. CDIF: case date interchange for. CDIL: cumulative damage index l.
CDIP: combined defense improvem. CDIPO: counterdrug intelligence. CDIR: cumulative damage index r.
CDL: Critical Device List CDLMS: common data link manageme. CDM: cable driver modem CDM: Configuration Data Manage. CDMGB: cable driver modem group. CDMS: Contract Data Management. CDN: Central Design Agent CDN: compressed dial number CDO: Central Disbursing Office. CDO: command duty officer CDOC: counterdrug operations ce.
CDOCI: Consolidated Disbursing O. CDOPS: counterdrug operations CDP: Compressor Discharge Pres. CDP: landing craft air cushion. CDPA: Central Design and Progra. CDPL: compressor discharge pres.
CDPR: compressor discharge pres. CDQAR: Collateral Duty Quality A. CDR: Cash Disbursement Registe.
CDR: commander; continuous dat. CDR: Commander (O-5) - Coast G. CDR: Commander (O-5) - Navy CDRESC: Commander, Electronic Sec. CDREUDAC: Commander, European Comma.
CDRFORSCOM: Commander, Forces Command. CDRG: catastrophic disaster res. CDRL: contract data requirement. CDRM: Cross Domain Resource Man. CDRMTMC: Commander, Military Traff. CD-ROM: compact disc read-only me. CDRS: Container Design Retrieva.
CDRUSAINSCOM: Commander, United States. CDRUSELEMNORAD: Commander, United States. CDS: Centralized Data System (.
CDS: Chief of Defence Staff (C. CDSO: counterdrug support offic. CDSSC: continuity of operations. CDT: Chargeable Down Time; Com. CDTQT: Chemical Defense Task Qua.
CDU: Control and Display Unit. CDU: counterdrug update CDWG: controls and displays wor. CE: civil engineering; comman. CE: Client Executive; Concept. C-E: communications-electronic. CEA: Career Enlisted Aviator.
CEAT: Community Emergency Actio. CEB: CNO Executive Board; Comb. CEB: combat engineer battalion. CEC: Change Entry Certificatio. CEC: civil engineering corps. CECM: Communication Electronic. CECOM: United States Army Commun.
CECR: Change Evaluation Require. CED: Contract Entitlements Dir. CEDREP: communications-electronic. CEE: captured enemy equipment. CEE: Center for Environmental. CEF: civil engineering file; c.
CEFMS: Corps of Engineers Financ. CEG: Civil Engineer Group CEG: common equipment group CEI: Contract End Item CEI: critical employment indic. CEIL: Controlled Equipage Item. CEIN: Contract End Item Number. CEIS: Control Equipage Inventor.
CELV: Complementary Expendable. CEM: combined effects munition. CEMC: communications-electronic.
CEMT: Center for Electronic Mes. CENTAF: United States Central Com.
CENTAG: Central Army Group (NATO). CENTCOM: United States Central Com. CEOI: communications-electronic. CEOP: Communications Electronic. CEP: cable entrance panel; cir. CEP: Concept Exploration Phase.
CEPA: cleanroom engineering pro. CEPME: College for Enlisted Prof. CEPOD: communications-electronic. CEQ: Council of Environmental.
CER: Complete Engine Repair; C. CERCLA: Comprehensive Environment. CERF: Central Emergency Revolvi.
CERL: Construction Engineering. CERPS: Centralized Expenditure/R. CERR/SCC: Complete Engine Repair Re. CERRC: Complete Engine Repair Re.
CERT: Combined Environmental Re. CERT: Computer Emergency Respon. CERTSUB: certain submarine CES: Civil Engineering Squadro. CES: coast earth station CES: Cost Element Structure CESE: civil engineering support.
CESG: communications equipment. CESM: cryptologic electronic wa. CESO: civil engineer support of. CESP: civil engineering support. CESPG: civil engineering support. CEST: Classroom EOD System Trai. CETM: Captive Exercise Training.
CETR: CDRL External Tracking Re. CETS: Civilian Engineering Tech. CETS: Contractor Engineering an.
CETSO: Civil Engineering Technic. CEU: Continuing Education Unit. CEWI: Combat Electronic Warfare. CF: Captive Flight; Concept F. CF: causeway ferry; drift err. CF: Central Facility (EKMS). CFA: Cognizant Field Activity.
CFA: Committee on Food Aid Pol. CFAC: Clear Facilities CFACC: Combined Force Air and Sp. CFACC: Combined Force Air Compon. CFAE: Contractor Furnished Aero.
CFAO: Commander, United States. CFAO: Consolidated Financial Ac. CFAR: Constant False Alarm Rate. CFAS: Commander, United States. CFAY: Commander, United States. CFB: Clear as a Fucking Bell.
CFC: Combined Forces Command. CFC: Customer Fund Code CFCTS: contract flight crew trai. CFDS: Centralized Fault Display.
CFDU: Continues Failure Detecti. CFE: Contractor Furnished Equi. CFET: centrifuge-based flight e. CFI: Card Format Identifier; C. CFII: Certified Flight Instruct. CFIT: Controlled Flight Into Te. CFL: Contingency Planning Faci.
CFLSW: Commander, Fleet Logistic. CFM: Contractor Furnished Mate. CFM: cubic feet per minute CFMS: Core Financial Management. CFO: Chief Financial Officer. CFOA: Chief Financial Officer A. CFP: Cargo Fire Panel; Concept. CFR: Code of Federal Regulatio.
CFR: Crash, Fire and Rescue CFRS: Central Financial Reporti. CFS: Coolant Flush Station; Co. CFSE: Contractor Furnished Supp.
CFSO: counterintelligence force. CFSR: Contract Funds Status Rep. CFSS: Contractor Field Support. CFST: Contaminated Fuel Settlin. CFT: Captive Flight Test; Comp.
CFT: Cockpit Familiarization T. CFWL: Commander, Fighter Wing.
CFWP: Commander, Fleet Air, Wes. CFY: Current Fiscal Year CG: Center of Gravity CG: Chairman?s guidance; Coas. CG: Commanding General; Commu. CGA: Compressed Gas Associatio. CGA: United States Coast Guard.
CGAF: Coast Guard Air Field (Fa. CGAS: Coast Guard Air Station.
CGAUX: Coast Guard Auxiliary CGC: Coast Guard Cutter CGCAP: Coast Guard capabilities. CGD: Coast Guard District CGFMF: Commanding General, Fleet. CGFMFLANT: Commanding General, Fleet. CGFMFPAC: Commanding General, Fleet. CGI: Computer-Generated Imager.
CGI: United States Coast Guard. CGL: Command Guidance Link CGLSMP: Coast Guard logistic supp.
CGLVP: Command Guidance Link Vid. CGM: Computer Graphics Metafil. CGMARBDE: Commanding General, Marin. CGMAW: Commanding General, Marin. CGN: cruiser, guided missile (. CGO: cargo CGOC: Company Grade Officers Co. CGS: Common Ground Station; Co.
CGS: Communications Gateway Sy. CGSC: Command and General Staff. CGSE: Common Ground Support Equ. CGSEL: Common/Consolidated Groun. CH: channel; contingency hosp. CH: Conveyor Helicopter CH: Creech (Air Force Base).
CH-46D/E: Medium lift assault helic. CH-46E: Medium lift assault helic. CH-47: Transportation helicopter. CH-47D/F: Transportation helicopter.
CH-47SD: Transportation helicopter. CH-53D: Medium lift helicopter ('.
CH-53E: Medium lift helicopter ('. CHAFFROC: chaff dispensing rocket.
CHAMPUS: Civilian Health and Medic. CHAN: Channel CHAPS: Cargo Helicopter Airframe. CHAT: Chemically Hardened Air T. CHB: cargo handling battalion. CHCS: Composite Health Care Sys. CHCSS: Chief, Central Security S. CHD: Cargo Handling Detachment.
CHDS: Center for Hemispheric De. CHE: cargo-handling equipment. CHE: conventional high explosi. CHET: customs high endurance tr. CHG: Change CHIL: Consolidated Hazardous It. CHINFO: United States Navy Office. CHIPE: oil particle exceedances.
CHIPL: oil particle count large. CHIPT: oil particle count total. CHK: check; checkout CHMS: copilot helmet sight syst. CHNAVMAT: Chief of Naval Material. CHOP: change of operational con. CHPPM: United States Army Center.
CHRIS: chemical hazard response. CHRMA: Civilian Human Resource M. CHRONO: Chronometer CHSLWP: Commander, Helicopter Ant. CHSTR: characteristics of transp. CHSTREP: characteristics of transp.
CHSWP: Commander, Helicopter Ant. CHT: Collection, Holding and T. CHTWL: Commander, Helicopter Tac. CHTWP: Commander, Helicopter Tac.
CHUM: Chart-Updating Manual CHURCH-EYE: over-the-horizon radar CHWR: Commander, Helicopter Win. CI: Channel Islands CI: civilian internee; counte. CI: Configuration Item; Contr. CI: Counterinformation CI: Cryptographic Interface. CIA: Central Intelligence Agen. CIA: change impact assessment. CIAC: Career Information and Co.
CIAO: Critical Infrastructure A. CIAP: central intelligence arch. CIAS: counterintelligence analy. CIAT: counterintelligence analy.
CIB: combined information bure. CIC: Central Integrated Checko. CIC: combat information center. CIC: Customer Identification C. CICA: Competition in Contractin. CICC: Center Internal Control C.
CICP: Communication Interrupt C. CICPP: central integrated checko. CICS: Customer Information Cont.
CID: Change in Design; Command. CID: combat identification; co. CID: United States Army Crimin. CIDAS: Committee for Interface o. CIDB: common intelligence datab. CIDC: Criminal Investigation Di. CIDR: Classless Inter-Domain Ro.
CIDS: Combat Identification for. CIDS: critical item development. CIEG/CIEL: common information exchan. CIF: CINC Initiative Fund CIF: Clinical Investigative Fa.
CIFS: Close in Fire Support CIG: communications interface. CIGTF: Central Inertial Guidance. CIHO: counterintelligence/human. CII: Computability, Interopera. CII: Configuration Item Index.
CIK: Crypto Ignition Key CIL: Condition Incident Log; C. CIL: critical item list CILO: counterintelligence liais. CILOP: Conversion-In-Lieu of Pro. CIM: Center for Information Ma. CIMIC: civil-military cooperatio. CIMM: Commodity Integrated Mate.
CIN: cargo increment number CIN: Change or Configuration I. CINC: Commander-In-Chief, Presi. CINCACC: Commander-In-Chief, Air C.
CINCAFLANT: Commander-In-Chief, Air F. CINCARLANT: Commander-In-Chief, Army. CINCCENT: Commander-In-Chief, Unite. CINCCFC: Commander-In-Chief, Combi.
CINCEASTLANT: Commander-In-Chief, Easte. CINCEUR: Commander-In-Chief, Europ. CINCHAN: Commander-In-Chief, Chann. CINCLANT: Commander-In-Chief, Atlan. CINCLANTFLT: Commander-In-Chief, Atlan. CINCNET: CINCs?
Network CINCNORAD: Commander-In-Chief, North. CINCPAC: Commander-In-Chief, Pacif. CINCPACAF: Commander-In-Chief, Pacif. CINCPACFLT: Commander-In-Chief, Pacif. CINCS: Commander-In-Chief, Unifi. CINCUNC: Commander-In-Chief, Unite. CINCUSACOM: Commander-In-Chief, Unite.
CINCUSAREUR: Commander-In-Chief, Unite. CINCUSNAVEUR: Commander-In-Chief, Unite. CINFARS: Command Integrated Financ. CIO: Central Imaging Office; C. CIO: Chief Information Officer. CIOCS: Communication Input/Outpu. CIP: Capital Improvement Progr.
CIP: Command Inspection Progra. CIP: communications interface. CIPL: CI Parts List CIPMS: Civilian Intelligence Per. CIPSU: communications interface.
CIR: Change Incorporation Reco. CIR: continuing intelligence r. CIRM: International Radio-Medic. CIRS: Combat Information Retrie.
CIRV: common interswitch rekeyi. Ali Unal Kuran Meali Pdf File. CIRVIS: communications instructio. CIS: Case Integration Services. CIS: common item support; Comm.
CIS: Customer Information Serv. CISIL: Centralized Integrated Sy. CISO: counterintelligence suppo. CISR: Chief of Intelligence, Su. CISSO: Command Information Syste. CIT: Client Interface Team CITIS: Contractor Integrated Tec.
CITPAD: Commercial Information Te. CITR: CDRL Internal Tracking CITS: Combat Information Transp. CITS: Comptroller Information T. CITV: Commander's Independent T. CIU: cockpit/control interface.
CIV: civilian CIVIC: Aircraft Carrier Informat. CIVPAY-MSC: MSC Unified Civilian Mari. CIVPROG: Civilian Career Managemen. CIVR: Configuration Item Verifi.
CIWG: communications interopera. CIWS: Close-In Weapons System (. CJATF: Commander, Joint Amphibio.
CJB: Congressional Justificati. CJCS: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJCSAN: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJCSI: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJCSM: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJCSM: Chairman of the Joint Chi.
CJCSM/I: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJCSSROE: Chairman of the Joint Chi. CJDA: critical joint duty assig.
CJMAO: Central Joint Mortuary Af. CJTF: Combined Joint Task Force. CKL: Compromised Key List CKPT: cockpit CKT: circuit CL: Car Load; Center Line; Ch. CLA: landing craft air cushion. CLADS: Canister-Launched Area De.
CLAMO: Center for Law and Milita. CLAMP: Closed Loop Aeronautical. CLAMS: countermeasures launcher. CLASS: Comprehensive Logistics A.
CLAW: control law computations. CLB: Climb; Combat Leave Balan. CLC: Career Learning Centers. CLC: Command Launch Computer.
CLD: Control Law Demand CLDS: Center Level Disbursing S. CLE: Commodity Logistics Engin. CLEA: civilian law enforcement. C-Level: category level CLF: cantilever lifting frame.
CLF: Commander-In-Chief, Unite. CLGP: cannon-launched guided pr. CLI: Contract Line Item CLIFS: Coordination, Life, Inter.
CLIN: Contract Line Item Number. CLIP: configuration logistic in.
CLIPS: Classification Informatio. CLIPS: communications link inter. CLL: Chief, Legislative Liaiso. CLL: Consolidated Load List CLM: Council of Logistics Mana.
CLNP: Connectionless Network Pr. CLNS: Connectionless Network Se. CLOS: Command to Line Of Sight. CLP: Current Line Pointer CLPSB: CINC Logistic Procurement.
CLR: Contingent Liability Reco. CLS: contractor logistic suppo. CLSA: Cooperative Logistics Sup.
CLSL: Career Lump Sum Leave CLSS: Combat Logistics Support. CLTE: cost and lead time estima. CLU: Command Launch Unit CLVPS: Center Vendor Payment Sys. CLZ: craft landing zone; cushi. CM: Chairman?s memorandum; co.
CM: Corrective Maintenance Cm: mean coverage factor CMA: Central Magazine Area; Ce. CMA: collection management aut. CMAB: Corporate Management Advi. CMAFS: Cheyenne Mountain Air For. CMAH: Commander of a Combatant.
CMAN: configuration management. CMAS: Computer-Based Maintenanc. CMAV: Corporate Management Advi. CMB: Coastal Motor Boat (not N.
CMB: Configuration Management. CMBL: Commercial Bill of Lading. CMC: Central Maintenance Compu. CMC: Commandant of the Marine.
Cmc: midpoint compromise cover. CMCO: Classified Material Contr. CMCPO: Command Master Chief Pett. CMCRL: Consolidated Master Cross.
CMCS: Case Management Control S. CMD: Catalog Management Data. CMD: command; cruise missile d. CMDS: cockpit management displa. CMEP: Class Maintenance Employm.
CMET: Consolidated Master Edit. CMF: Career Management Field. CMI: Certificate Management In. CMI: computer managed instruct. CMIP: Common Management Informa. CMIS: Common Management Informa. CMIS: Configuration Management.
CMM: Capability Maturity Model. CMNT: comment CMO: chief military observer. CMOB: Centrally Managed Operati. CMOC: Cheyenne Mountain Operati. CMOC: civil-military operations. CMOD: Civilian Manpower Obligat.
CMOML: Consumable Maintenance an. CMOS: cargo movement operations.
CMP: CASS MTS Program; Class M. CMP: communications message pr. CMPA: Configuration Management.
CMPF: Commander Maritime Prepos. CMPTR: computer CMPTSC: conventional marine propu. CMR: Consolidated Memo Receipt. CMRI: Combined Maintenance Remo.
CMRS: Calibration/Measurement R. CMS: cockpit management system. CMS: Combat Maintenance System. CMSAF: Chief Master Sergeant of. CMSGT: Chief Master Sergeant (E. CMSP: Communications Mission Su.
CMSS: configuration management. CMT: Change Management Team CMT: Combat Mission Training. CMTC: Combat Maneuver Training. CMTS: comments CMTU: cartridge magnetic tape u. CMU: Communications Management. CMUP: Conventional Munitions Up. CMV: Combat Mobility Vehicle.
CMVWP: Commander Medium Attack T. CMX: crisis management exercis.
CN: Common Name CN: counternarcotic CNA: Center for Naval Analyses. CNA: Computer Network Attack. CNAC: Customs National Aviation. CNAFR: Commander, Naval Air Forc. CNAL: Commander, Naval Air Forc. CNAP: Commander, Naval Air Forc. CNARES: Chief Naval Air Reserves.
CNARF: Commander, Naval Air Rese. CNASP: chairman?s net assessment. CNAT: Chief of Naval Air Traini.
CNATECHTRA: Chief, Naval Air Technica.
In my (huge) company we mostly use two tools for code analysis: • Sonar(Qube) - in the development, tightly integrated with CIs, known and loved my developers. • - required by the processes. No continuous measurements, only a couple of times a year, for instance on major releases. CAST analysis is completely decoupled from the development, done by a separate team (we just send the delivery package to analyse).
I'm on the dev side as you may guess, I (somewhat) know Sonar/PMD, but not CAST. In any case I'm not quite happy with the frequency of the CAST analysis, but It is probably not the process I could influence or change. So I was thinking if it maybe would be possible to implement in Sonar similar rules as in CAST. Surely not all and not everything but at least something that there would be no big surprises from the CAST analysis of releases.
I googled all over, looking for something like 'PMD rules for Sonar/PMD' but could not find anything. My question ist for those who have experience with both Sonar and CAST: Is it possible to implement CAST analysis rules (or a certain approximation thereof) in Sonar? I know both tools, CAST and SonarQube. The answer to your question will be technology dependant: which languages are you using for your developments?
Are you using any framework? Don't tell me just J2EE, because this covers a lot of different languages: Java, JavaScript, JSP, HTML. Not talking about frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, Struts.) and each solution will have different analyzers for these languages with different rules. The main thing between CAST and SonarQube is that both use lexical analyzis to identify violations to programming best practices, but CAST also identify links between components (reason why it's slower). So CAST will have some metrics like fan-in/fan-out and some additional rules (that they name architectural or structural), like avoid direct access from presentation layer to data layer.
Also, it comes with some xml files to analyze framework components. This kind of rules could represent an additional 20%, but again this is very language dependant. And also of the versions of both tools as the number of rules may be different between releases. And no, I think that not all of these 'architectural' rules would be possible to implement with SonarQube. However, they are not all very critical so you don't miss so much. I suppose you company use CAST as some Quality Gate? In that case, I would recommand to work with the guys using CAST in order to identify which CAST rules are critical for them and could trigger a NoGo or KO.
Just post these rules here, and I am sure you will get some good comments about it. Do not hesitate to ask for further precision.
First of all, thank you for the elaborate answer. We're on J2EE with JSF and (in my project particularly) JavaScript, underpinned by JPA/Hibernate on JBoss stack. So, sure, lots of stuff.
We do have QGs but I don't think CAST analysis would bring a KO. I was actually told that CAST was a kind of 'industry standard', with standardized rules and metrics.
So I was naively searching for 'CAST rules for PMD/Sonar'. Hm, I don't feel like diving into CAST interna. Thank you for your hints. – Oct 23 '14 at 11:20.
We use sonarqube in our development envinronment in the company, but in my project the client uses CAST as SQ tool. Almost all CAST rules are covered by sonar rules, for those that are not, we write it using XPATH based on squid java plugin (Sonar 3.8+ if I remember well). With XPATH we covered the 99% of the CAST rules, we write 30 rules more or less. You can find more information about in this link, there are a tool for test de XPATH rules based on AST representation of a class too (linked in the link below). By the way, our project is based on Java, Oracle Web Center Sites, spring, cxf and JPA/hibernate Hope helps, cheers.